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Documents filtered by: Period="Confederation Period" AND Project="Hamilton Papers"
Results 81-110 of 830 sorted by editorial placement
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
81 Forman, Ezekiel Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Ezekiel Forman, 4 July 1784 1784-07-04 Philadelphia, July 4, 1784. Asks for information concerning an act of the New York legislature...
82 Chaloner, John Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from John Chaloner, 14 July 1784 1784-07-14 Inclosed you have Mr Peter Whiteside’s draft on Messrs. James Buckannan & Co. for One thousand...
83 Hamilton, Alexander Varick, Richard From Alexander Hamilton to Richard Varick, 23 July 1784 1784-07-23 [ New York ] July 23, 1784 . “Mr. Laurance & myself who have been retained by Mr. R. Smith being...
84 Church, John B. Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from John B. Church, 24 July 1784 1784-07-24 I wrote you last from France by M de la Fayette two Days since Coll Clarkson arrived and brought...
85 Hamilton, Alexander Hamilton, Elizabeth From Alexander Hamilton to Elizabeth Hamilton, [28–31 … 1784-07-28 I arrived here My beloved Betsey the fifth day after we set out, the three first days with every...
86 Knox, Hugh Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Hugh Knox, 28 July 1784 1784-07-28 After a long long Chasm in Our Epistolary Intercourse, I received your favour of the 17th. of May...
87 Seton, Hugh Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Hugh Seton, 1 August 1784 1784-08-01 [ England, August 1, 1784. On February 2, 1785, Seton wrote to Hamilton : “I only trouble you...
88 Fleury, Marquis de Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Marquis de Fleury, [4 August … 1784-08-04 Colonel fleury’s Complimens, to his former friend Colonel hamilton; he has written several...
89 Hamilton, Alexander Forman, Ezekiel From Alexander Hamilton to Ezekiel Forman, 4 August … 1784-08-04 [ New York, August 4, 1784. On October 18, 1784, Forman wrote to Hamilton : “I am favored with...
90 Hamilton, Alexander Webb, Samuel Blachley From Alexander Hamilton to Samuel Blachley Webb, [7 … 1784-08-07 Mr. Hamilton requests the pleasure of General Webbes Company at dinner on Monday at four oClock....
91 Hamilton, Alexander Chaloner, John From Alexander Hamilton to John Chaloner, [14 August … 1784-08-14 I received in due time your letter of 14 of July. The bills sent by you which have been paid and...
92 Chaloner, John Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from John Chaloner, 27 August … 1784-08-27 Your letter of the 14th Inst was deliverd to me late last evening, incloseing Messrs Traceys...
93 Hamilton, Alexander Webb, Samuel Blachley From Alexander Hamilton to Samuel Blachley Webb, [30 … 1784-08-30 Col Hamilton will do himself the pleasure to dine with General Web tomorrow AL , Yale University...
94 Trumbull, John Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from John Trumbull, 4 September … 1784-09-04 Hartford, September 4, 1784. “On receiving your letter I was sorry to find, that you had not...
95 Hamilton, Alexander Forman, Ezekiel From Alexander Hamilton to Ezekiel Forman, 20 September … 1784-09-20 [ New York, September 20, 1784. On October 18, 1784, Forman wrote to Hamilton : “I am favored...
96 Church, John B. Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from John B. Church, 25 September … 1784-09-25 It is an age since I had the Pleasure of Receiving a line from you altho’ several Vessells have...
97 Pickering, Timothy Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Timothy Pickering, 30 … 1784-09-30 Philadelphia, September 30, 1784. Encloses legal papers to be used by Hamilton in “execution of...
98 Hamilton, Alexander Webb, Samuel Blachley From Alexander Hamilton to Samuel Blachley Webb … 1784-09-01 Colo Hamilton presents his compliments to Genl Webb requests the favor of his company to dinner...
99 Lafayette, Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du … Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Marquis de Lafayette, 8 … 1784-10-08 With all the warmth of my long and tender friendship I Congratulate You Upon the Birth of Your...
100 Hamilton, Alexander Petition of the President, Directors, and Stockholders … 1784-10-08 New York, October 8, 1784. On this date the President, Directors, and Stockholders of the Bank of...
101 Steuben, Baron von Duane, James Baron von Steuben to James Duane, [11 October 1784] 1784-10-11 The flattering token of their regard with which the Mayor Recorder & Alderman of the metropolis...
102 Forman, Ezekiel Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Ezekiel Forman, 18 October … 1784-10-18 Philadelphia, October 18, 1784. “I am favored with your letter of the 20th past and … one written...
103 Lafayette, Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du … Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Marquis de Lafayette, 22 … 1784-10-22 Every step I move there Comes upon me a Happy Necessity to Change my plans. The Reception I met...
104 Hamilton, Alexander Chaloner, John From Alexander Hamilton to John Chaloner, [11 November … 1784-11-11 Mrs. Renselaaer has requested me to write to you concerning a negro, Ben, formerly belonging to...
105 Hamilton, Alexander Miranda, Francisco de From Alexander Hamilton to Francisco de Miranda, [23 … 1784-11-23 Note of Mr. hamilton General Washington. General Du Portail..! Major general Green.—! General...
106 Chaloner, John Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from John Chaloner, 25 November … 1784-11-25 Inclosed you have bill of Lading for two boxes remaining in my care for Mr Church. I suppose...
107 Hamilton, Alexander Jay, John From Alexander Hamilton to John Jay, [7 December 1784] 1784-12-07 The Baron De Steuben has informed me that he is about to set out for Trenton, where he expects to...
108 Hamilton, Alexander Rensselaer, Stephen Van From Alexander Hamilton to Stephen Van Rensselaer, 9 … 1784-12-09 [ New York, December 9, 1784–1788. “My public engagements have not only left me bare of Cash but...
109 Hamilton, Alexander Benson, Egbert From Alexander Hamilton to Egbert Benson, 10 December … 1784-12-10 New York, December 10, 1784. “When you were in town you mentioned to me some cause which you...
110 Steuben, Baron von Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Baron von Steuben, 14 … 1784-12-14 Mon Ami! J’ai remis Votre lettre a Mr: J. Je le trouve disposé a Seconder mes demandes, Lesquels...