
  • Author

    • Barnes, John
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    • Jefferson, Thomas
  • Period

    • post-Madison Presidency

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Documents filtered by: Author="Barnes, John" AND Recipient="Jefferson, Thomas" AND Period="post-Madison Presidency"
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I take the liberty of inclosing—the Messenger of this Town, 24 th as it...
I have the pleasure to hand you the several inclosiers—viz Gen l Kosciusko ’s 6 th Nov r Baring...
I am Hon d by your fav r 17 th and Notice the particular dates of your Movem ts the most suitable...
We are here, at the foot of your Mountain , but for the Want of horses—or Carriage dare not...
with referance to M r L. Leschuts 7 watches say 5 Single Capt a $40 is  200 } is 320 { say $2...
since my Return, I have revised your Acco t & thereby corrected an error of mine in your fav r of...
I now inclose you agreable to my letter of the 11 th (for the Use of M r Louis Leschut —...
It is with the deepest regret I have to Announce the Death of our dearly beloved friend and much...
On receipt of your fav r 5 th with inclosiers to the Sect y of the Treasury and Att y Gen l —I...
Gen l Thaddeus Kosciusko . … In ℀ with John Barnes —Agent for Thomas Jefferson Esq r from 26 h...
At the earnest request of M r Tyler with whom I am Acquainted—and who has executed that...
lest you should not have noticed the inclosed, curious dispute at Soleure —respecting the late,...
Your very particular fav r 28 h Ult o Covering—“I know not from whom the inclosed letter to...
I am under great concern indeed on hearing your present indispo si tion hath deprived you of...
Your very Acceptable fav r 11 Ins t as it assurred me, of your nearly perfect recovery—was not...
In conformity to your fav r of the 7 th I inclose Mess rs Gales & Seatons , receipt $6 67/ , it...
Permit me to acknowledge your fav r of the 21 t as it containd 2 Bank Notes for Seven dollars in...
This morning the Hon ble Rufus King of the Senate called on me to make inquirey into the...
I have at length had an interview with the Hon: M r King , though much engaged;—who was pleased...
From the statement of my account with the late General Kosciusko , transmitted the 17 th Oc t...
I have the pleasure to Acknowledge— your Esteemed fav r 14 th — should any explanation—of mine to...
On the late distressing scene of the distroying Element, at Monticello (without the effective...
M r Polettia —Russian Envoy, called on me this day requesting information—respecting the late Gen...
Agreable to your fav r 12 h I called at the Residence of M. Poleteca —and delivered the inclosier...
My friend Doct r Joshua White —a Native of this place whose settled residence for 18 yrs passed...
My Valued friend M r Parr , an English Gent n of Science & fortune , passionately fond of this...
Many thanks, for your very Acceptable fav r of the 19 th . my friend M r Parr , left us, 10 day...
Lest you may not be Apprized—I inclose the within Notice —as probably I may be called upon, for...
Your Esteemed fav r 10 th gave me great pleasure—it Assured me—your restablished health...
Your Esteemed fav r 25 th Ult o with letter and original Certificates of the late Gen l...
Tis long since I had the pleasure either, of addressing, or receiving a Line from you—tho...
With Extreme Concern, I perceive in the Intelligencer of to day—the very unfortunate accident...
The long wished for Occurance, in your Esteemed fav r of the 5 th Ins t with referance to Col o...
Here, acceptable your fav r of the 3 d recd yesterday sunday—⅌er order on M r Thompson when you...
The Safe Arrival of the US. Packet from Milton, of the 4 th was Announcd to me—this morning by...