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Documents filtered by: Author="Commissioners for the District of Columbia" AND Recipient="Washington, George" AND Period="Washington Presidency"
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Letter not found : to the Commissioners for the District of Columbia, 30 Dec. 1796 . The...
Letter not found : from the Commissioners for the District of Columbia, 30 Nov. 1796 . GW wrote...
After seeing things settled here as we thought the 10th of this Month, we left this place the...
We forgot the other day to apply to you for your permission to make sales of the publick property...
We had the honor of your favor of the 5th Inst. some Days since covering several Letters from Mrs...
We have just received a Letter from Mr Law, of which a Copy is inclosed at his Request, as you...
Your favor of the 24th Ulto with the inclosure came to hand —We take the liberty of enclosing our...
Colo. Hooe and Majr Ross’s report, which they have inclosed you will inform you of the result of...
As we have not yet received your order for the Sales and the Time is near at hand, we think it...
We beg leave to refer you to Mr Blodget on the subject of the National University to which in...
We enclose a copy of a Letter from Messrs Morris & Nicholson respecting the completion of their...
We had the pleasure of your favor by Mr Lear Covering Mr Morriss Letter of the 21t instant...
We have to acknowledge the receipt of your several dispatches to us by the last Post —We regret...
Our affairs with Messrs Morris & Nicholson bearing something like an appearance of drawing to a...
Your favor of the 20th would have been sooner attended to, but the mails have lately come in,...
Since closing our letter of this date we have had conversation with Mr Blodget on the Subject of...
Yesterday the Commissrs Contracted with Mr Hoben for his services by the year at 300 Guineas, his...
We enclose you a Copy of a Section of our Act of the Assembly of Maryland, passed at the last...
Several Incidents have occurred since Yesterday Evening—We had a conversation with Mr Roberdeau,...
We were duly favored with your letter of the 7th Inst. That the inaccuracy of our Clerk and our...
After closing our Letter of the 5th we wrote Majr Ellicott—a copy is sent, to which we soon...
We had the honor of your two Letters, first and eighth Inst., covering a letter from the...
The board, pursuant to your request, have had under consideration the propriety of permitting the...
We had the honor of your favor of the 15th Instant—Your Ideas respecting the capitol are those...
We had the honor of receiving yours of the 17th Inst. by last mail —The ideas expressed in your...
Esteeming it necessary to have your written order for Sales in the City we have enclosed a Draft,...
Having many reasons for wishing an interview with you at this meeting we cannot but express our...
We have your favor of the 26th Ulto, covering the opinion of the Attorney General —It is by no...
Since our first Letter of this date, we have thought it prudent to write to Mr Wolcott & to...
We are honored with your Letter of 27th Ulto, and on friday, agreeably to your expectations, we...
Since our last to you, Mr Walker has been with us, and has often mentioned the subject treated of...
The enclosed Papers give the best state we are able of Danl Carroll’s House —the times of the...
We had the honor of your favor of the 11th Instant, with the Inclosure & shall now proceed to...
A variety of considerations have induced us to think, that many and great benefits might result...
We enclose you a list of the Squares actually devided, of those certified ready for division, and...
We have this day, the honor of your Letter of the 22nd of this month, which was detained on the...
Since our last to you, we have been obliged to abandon all hopes of seeing Mr Morris here; in...
We had your favor of the 26th Inst. inclosing your approbation of the proposed alterations in the...
The Board have had under Consideration for some days past the Subject of regulating the building...
The State of our funds will not admit of delay in disposing of some part of the Stock borrowed of...
We do ourselves the honor of inclosing, a Letter received from Mr Covachichi, one of the partners...
You will receive inclosed a copy of an Agreement we have entered into with Messrs Morris and...
Our Principal surveyor Mr Freeman has applied to us to recommend him to an Appointment for laying...
We have come to an agreement with Mr Greenleaf by which he will be accomodated, and the public...
Your Instructions to Messrs Beall & Gantt to convey to us all the Lands in the City of...
We have before had occasion to inform you, that we had contracted with Mr Fendall, for the...
We take the Liberty to inclose you a Letter for Messrs Richard Harrison and George Taylor Jr,...
we have now before us your Letters of the 13th & 29th of last month, the surveyor will be...
We inclose you a copy of the return of the 29th of July, from the surveyors office, which will...
Your Letter of the 20th of January relates to one of the most engaging subjects with which the...