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Documents filtered by: Period="Washington Presidency"
Results 41-50 of 27,431 sorted by date (descending)
Let me entreat you to attend early this morning to a fit character as a Comsr to attend the proposed Treaty with the Indians, by Mr Morris; and on this head, and on the message proper to accompany the nomination, I wish you would advise with Colo. Pickering; who has had more to do in Indian Affairs than any other Officer now in the Government, and perhaps may more readily think of a proper...
Having maturely considered the bill, to alter and amend an Act intitled an Act to ascertain and fix the military establishment of the United States, which was presented to me on the 22d day of this month I now return it to the house of Representatives, in which it originated, with my objections. First. If the bill passes into a law, the two companies of light dragoons will be from that moment...
I have been fav[ore] d . with yours of the 14 ult. and also with the one which accompanied the Set of your Geography, for which be pleased to accept my Thanks.— It gives me Pleasure to learn that you will endeavour at least to prepare for a History of the American Revolution. To obtain competent and exact Information on the Subject, is not the least arduous part of the Task— it will require...
Letter not found. 28 February 1797. Acknowledged in Chew to JM, 31 Mar. 1797 (DLC). Encloses a letter to Chew from James Madison, Sr. Also discusses disposal of Chew’s Kentucky lands.
I have got so far, my dear Martha, on my way to Philadelphia which place I shall not reach till the day after tomorrow. I have lost one day at Georgetown by the failure of the stages, and three days by having suffered myself to be persuaded at Baltimore to cross the bay and come by this route as quicker and pleasanter. After being forced back on the bay by bad weather in a first attempt to...
It Can be of little Consequence to you my dear Madam wither Your late adventure with me amounts to 8000 dollars or only 8 /— Yet it is my duty to let you know how it stands and to take your commands either to vest You again as an adventurer in the next Class—or remit to your order the sum of 8/4— as I think it always best to rise in our subject instead of sinking from great to small things—my...
In my letter of this morning I Introduced the most difficult article of the proposed National code, that I might at once meet the most powerfull objections—And as you approve of the plan at the first glance I will proceed—I am convinced that the irresistible force of truth must ultimately cause an adoption of every general principle—first, by the subscription of those States who will benefit...
Mr Tilghman authorizes me to tell you that our Law respecting endorsements is exactly the same as the Law of England & that 20 ⅌ Ct is the Amot of Damages on protested Bills drawn here upon Europe. Mr. Nicholson is returned to this City & I think the holders of his bill should Apply to him for payment. I think he would make some arrangement with them so as to secure the payment and allow...
The emissaries of France when driven from every other expedient for extenuating her depredations have a last refuge in the example of Great Britain. The Treatment which we receive from France (say they) is not worse than that which was received from Great Britain. If this apology were founded in fact it would still be a miserable subterfuge. For what excuse is it to France, or what consolation...
50[Diary entry: 27 February 1797] (Washington Papers)
27. Wind at So. Et. & lowering but no fall, Mer: 36. Went to the theatre in the Evening. Playing at the New Theatre were a comedy, The Way to Get Married; a farce, Animal Magnetism; and “a new Pantomime Ballet Dance ... called Dermot & Kathleen,” composed by Mrs. Byrne, a member of the theater company ( Gaz. of the U.S. [Philadelphia], 27 Feb. 1797; SCHARF [1] J. Thomas Scharf and Thompson...