Benjamin Franklin Papers
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From Benjamin Franklin to Sartine, 27 April 1779

To Sartine

Copy: Library of Congress

Passy April 27 1779


I am much obliged to M. deshayes, Commissaire des Classes a Cherbourg, for the Care your Excellency informs me he has taken of the poor Americans that have escaped from England and arrived at that Port. I shall desire him to send me his Account of the Expence he has already been at in relieving them, that I may discharge it; and I shall request him to continue his kind Care towards such as may hereafter come to Cherburg in the same Circumstances.3 I am with great Respect &c.

M. de Sartine

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

3BF wrote Deshayes on the same day, above.

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