
  • Recipient

    • Pickering, Timothy
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    • Revolutionary War


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Documents filtered by: Recipient="Pickering, Timothy" AND Period="Revolutionary War"
Results 101-110 of 148 sorted by relevance
In order to answer the Questions stated in your Memorandum to me respecting Tents, His Excellency thinks it necessary that it should be ascertained whether there are now a sufficient number of Tents in the several State Lines (including the Tents with their Detachments) to cover the Troops of those Lines, if they should be collected & augmented nearly to the Establishment? If this should be...
York & Gloucester being fixed upon as places of Cantonment for the French Troops, it is necessary for that & other reasons, that the British Hospitals should be removed as soon as possible; and it being impracticable to do this to Fredericksburg wholly by Land, you will use every means in your power to send the sick & wounded to that place by Water. All the Troops from Pennsylvania to the...
The Commander in Chief having determined to seize the first moment, after the Troops have taken their new position, to employ a number of them in cutting Wood for the Garrison of West Point—And as the summer is now far advanced, he wishes this necessary business may be accomplished as early as possible: to effect this he requests you to have the Axes immediately fitted with Helves & conveyed...
I am favoured with yours of the 9th & 14th instants. Upon the Receipt of the first I had no hopes of seeing you in the department which I wished, but by the latter I am pleased to find, that upon a full reconsideration of the matter, you had determined to accept of the office of Adjutant General, provided it had not been disposed of. I am obliged to you for the free manner in which you unbosom...
In consequence of intelligence just received from the Northward, that General Haldimand would not enter into any negociations with the Baron Steuben for delivering up the Western Posts, I find it proper to put a stop to all operations which are carrying on for the purpose of transporting Garrisons & Stores to them, this Fall; You will be pleased therefore to give directions for suspending all...
His Excellency observes that there is nothing mentioned in your Report, respectg the practice of the Soldiers strolling into the Country under pretence of Marketing—this Circumstance he says he particularly noted to you—& wishes to be informed whether it was a subject of Consideration with the Officers Yesterday, & what were their Sentiments respecting the Means of preventing the practice. I...
There is a french Officer returning Express from Boston to Philadelphia, who wants Horses to carry him to Chester, (where his own remain) if they can be furnished by the public, it is much the General’s wish they may be—if you have it not in your power, His Excellency desires you will hire tem for the Gentleman, who (if necessary) will pay the Money on his arrival at Chester. I am Sir Your...
If you are not detained in Philaby unavoidable Means, and for valuable purposes, is it much my Wish that you should repair to this place as soon as it can be done conveniently. I am in total Ignorance of your powers and prospects of carrying the Army into the field—and indeed of many other Matters essential for me to know. The hourly Expectation I have had of seeing you with the Army, has...
I inclose for your inspection, Original Letters from Major General Heath & Brigadier General Clinton, describing in the most forcible terms, the terrible prospect before them, and the inevitable disasters that must ensue, unless provisions are furnished (and that instantly) for the Troops and Garrisons in their respective Departments—when you have read these Letters you will be pleased to...
I expect Mrs Washington now is, or soon will be, on her way to this place; I therefore put a letter to her, under cover to you; to be delivered on her arrival at Philadelphia. I perswade myself that no assistance which may be in your power to afford, either for her own, or the benefit of her Horses, will be wanting while she is in the City, or to expedite her journey to this place after she...