
  • Author

    • Adams, John
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    • Franklin, Benjamin
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    • Revolutionary War

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Documents filtered by: Author="Adams, John" AND Recipient="Franklin, Benjamin" AND Period="Revolutionary War"
Results 51-60 of 145 sorted by recipient
It seems to me necessary, that each of Us may understand our affairs, and be able to render a clear and Satisfactory account to our Constituents, that We should settle two or three Questions that at present are undecided. It should be understood by each of Us, what Articles of Expence, are to be paid by Us both, jointly and what are to be discharged by each Separately. I will venture to give...
Yesterday were presented to me two other Bills of Exchange on Mr. Laurens drawn 6th. July 1780, Numbers 40 and 41 for 550 Guilders each, which I wait your Excellency’s orders to accept. I have never been informed of the exact amount of the Bills drawn on Mr. Laurens on that day; but there are by the Numbers which have appeared probably many not yet arrived. I have the honor to make your...
I have been informed, that the State of Maryland, have named Mr. Charmichael, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Williams, Mr. Lloyd and Mr. Jennings, as proper Persons, out of whom they have desired, your Excellency to choose one, in order to draw out of the English Funds a Sum of Money, they have there, for which the Agent is to have two and an half per Cent. Mr. Charmichael, is otherwise employed, Mr....
Your Favour of October 5. is just now brought to me, and I beg your Excellency to accept of my Thanks for your Congratulations on my Recovery, which is however, as yet but imperfect. I am much Surprized to find, So many appearances, which seem to shew that certain neutral Powers of whose Sagacity and great Spirit, the World had formed an high opinion are amused and imposed upon by very...
I am desired to inclose, the within Copies to your Excellency: although I doubt not you have received the original, and although I know not what may be in your Power to do, for the Relief of Messrs. Curson and Governeur. Their pretended offence, is Sending warlike Stores to America altho the London Papers Say, it was corresponding with me. I never received a Line from either of those...
Last Evening, was brought to me, the Proposals of the owners of the Ships, in the following Words. “To take from the owners of the Vessells the Liberty and the Aurora, at the Rate they shall be found to amount, not only of purchase Money, but also of all other Expences made thereon till the day of taking over the Said Vessells. Further to pay the half of the Freight Money, that are agreed, and...
AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; copy: Library of Congress; transcripts: National Archives, Massachusetts Historical Society Yesterday noon, Mr William Vaughan of London, came to my House, with Mr Laurens, the son of the President, and brought me a Line from the latter, and told me, that the President was at Harlem, and desired to See me.— I went out to Haarlem and found, my old...
LS : University of Pennsylvania Library; AL (draft): Masachusetts Historical Society By the last Post, Letters have been recieved in this Town from Mr. Gillon and from a Passenger, Mr. Le Roy, by which and a note upon one of them by Mr. Lagoanere it appears that the South Carolina sailed from Corunna on the seventeenth of October, and that Captain Jackson and Mr. Trumbull are gone in an...
I had Yesterday the Honour of yours of the third of this Month. C. Landais had So much diffidence in some of his Crew, that he could not think of carrying home any of the most culpable of the Conspirators, especially as he was so weak handed. The naval Code of the united States, has great Occasion for Amendments in many Particulars, without which there will be little Discipline subordination,...
LS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Massachusetts Historical Society I have the honor to inclose a Copy of the letter of the Comte De Vergennes, to me, of the 21st. of this Month, and a Copy of my Answer to his Excellency of the 22d. This Correspondence is upon a subject, that has lain much out of the way of my particular pursuits, and therefore I may be inaccurate in some things, but...