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    • Stirling, Lord (né William …
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    • Revolutionary War


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Documents filtered by: Author="Stirling, Lord (né William Alexander)" AND Period="Revolutionary War"
Results 51-100 of 135 sorted by date (ascending)
The enclosed I recived yesterday evening and took the liberty of opening them least they might...
On Considering the Several Questions Stated by your Excellency Yesterday to your General Officers...
I receved your orders This Moment and shall set out early in the Morning on the busyness you have...
We are Just arrived here and as it is uncertain where Genl Woodford is, as some tell me he is at...
I wrote you Yesterday afternoon by a Messenger from General Maxwell. I found Genl Woodford with...
I wrote your Excellency two letters from Kakiyate, I came here the day before yesterday, my time...
Two more deserters from the 15th Regt they tell the Same Story of the twelve Regts going to the...
I wrote your Excellency Yesterday Morn’g from Paramis, and Came here in the Afternoon. I find...
About Eight oClock this Morning we were Alarmed with Accounts of the Enemy’s Advanceg, thro’ugh...
I have received your Excellency’s letter of the 4th Instant. I am Surprized you should be so long...
I have received your Excellency’s letter of the 5th. As to the report “of the Brittish fleet of...
I wrote your Excellency Yesterday by Colonel Craig, General Maxwell now sends you the...
I wrote your Excellency yesterday by one of the fixed Expresses returning to Camp from...
I omitted writeing to your Excellency yesterday as I was in hourly expectation of receiveing...
I wrote your Excellency at three oClock this day, I have Since received the enclosed letters and...
I received your Excellency’s letter of the 12th yesterday Evening, I deferred writeing ’till the...
I wrote your Excellency yesterday from Hackensack, the parties of horse which followed the Enemy...
The last letter I wrote your Excellency was from Hackensack the 14th. I have since received your...
I have Just received your Excellency’s letter of the 14th. the important Questions it Suggests...
In order the better to Satisfy my self with regard to the Strenght and number of the Enemy’s...
The foregoing is Copy [of] a letter I wrote your Excellency yesterday Afternoon from Amboy, I...
I wrote your Excellency yesterday that the whole of Second fleet of about 30 Sail as well the...
Inclosed your Excellency will receive what Intelligence I have been able to Collect Since...
Letter not found: from Major General Stirling, 24 Oct. 1778. In his letter to Stirling of 25 Oct....
I should before this time have attempted to Answer your Excellency’s letters of the 14th and 15th...
I have to Acknowledge the receipt of your Excellency’s two letters of the 24th and one of the...
The Sixteen Sail of Ships I mentioned to be at the hook in my letter of Yesterday, were...
I have this Moment seen a Man from Staten Island, he Assures me the Ships have for Several days...
My last went Yesterday afternoon by Colonel Cox. The Ships at the Hook and those at the Narrows...
By the enclosed letters your Excellency will find that the Enemy are in Motion notwithstanding...
I was this Morning favoured with your Excellency’s letter of the 1st. The fleet at the hook was...
A small Touch of the Rheumatism in my right Hand and Shoulder prevents my writing to your...
I this Day have seen a Person from New-York who has had an Opportunity of being in a Variety of...
The last letter I have had the honor to receive from your Excellency is dated the 7th Inst. The...
I wrote your Excellency the Evening before last; and have been impatiently watching the motions...
The fleet which droped down to the Hook on the 12th remained there yesterday Evening; the winds...
The fleet of Transports &c. which for some days past have been at the hook, Came up last Night to...
Besides the 74. & 64. & three Lesser Ships I mentioned to be arrived at New york I have...
Your Excellency’s letter of the 16th I received the Night before last, and immediately sent...
I received your Excellency’s letter of the 19th. with my letter of the 21st, I sent your...
I seize this Oppertunity to enclose your Excellency the last New york paper, Not the least...
I wrote you about an hour ago by an Express going from Congress. I have this Moment received a...
I wrote your Excellency yesterday Evening that the fleet which had been so long between the Hook...
Since Writeing the letter which accompany’s this, I have had an Oppertunity of gaining some...
There is nothing new Since I wrote your Excellency Yesterday Evening; every intelligence I have...
Letter not found: from Stirling, 24 Dec. 1778. On 1 Jan. 1779, GW wrote to Stirling that his...
I received your Excellencys letter and Instructions of the 21st which you may be Assured will...
I had the honor of Writing to your Excellency the 25th. I sent the letter to McHenry to forward....
I wrote you yesterday by a return Express going to Genl Greene—I have Since received the N. York...
My last Dispatches to you were Yesterday Evening. I now inclose you what have come to me since....