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    • Stirling, Lord (né William …
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    • Revolutionary War


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Documents filtered by: Author="Stirling, Lord (né William Alexander)" AND Period="Revolutionary War"
Results 101-110 of 135 sorted by date (ascending)
I have had the honor of receiveing your Excellency’s of the 1st Instant. the very great Change in...
I had the Honor of writing to you Yesterday by Express, I have since received a Letter from Captn...
Letter not found: from Stirling, 9 Jan. 1779. On 14 Jan., GW wrote Stirling : “I have your favr...
I have had the honour of receiveing your Excellency’s letter of the 8th Inst. I had before the...
I had the honor to receive your Excellency’s letter of the 14th Yesterday Morning: I went over to...
I have been so bad of the Rhuematism, that I have not been Able to work for some days. every...
Haveing Carefully perused the two plans for the disipline of the Army which your Excellency was...
I have had the feild Officers of the Militia of the Counties of Somerset and Middlesex with me...
I send your Excellency enclosed two Copies of the proposed Signals, and of the Alarm posts of the...
110Council of War, 10 April 1779 (Washington Papers)
At a Council of War held at Head Quarters Middle Brook April 10th 1779. Present The Commander in...