
  • Author

    • Putnam, Israel
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    • Revolutionary War


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Documents filtered by: Author="Putnam, Israel" AND Period="Revolutionary War"
Results 31-40 of 123 sorted by date (descending)
Mr Putnam has this moment return’d—he saw Lord stirling at Judge Coes, who inform’d him that he...
I am this moment favor’d with your Excellencys Letter of this day. General Woodford has cross’d...
Inclosed is the Examination of some Deserters who have Just come in. The intellegence they bring...
By sergeant Robinson of Col: Bailer’s Regt of Lt Dragoons, I am this moment inform’d, that this...
By the latest accounts from the other side of the River, the Enemy, have been reinforcing...
Larst night I recived a Leator from Collo. Spencor informing me that the Enimy had Landed at the...
as his Excelancy ginrol Washenton requsted that Each ginrol ofesor shuld transmit to him his...
Letter not found: from Maj. Gen. Israel Putnam, 18 April 1778. On 29 April, GW wrote Putnam , “I...
General Huntington deliver’d me your Letter of the 16th Inst. I am at this place; and will Attend...
Your Favours of the 15th & 25th of Janry which I am now to acknowledge, came to hand nearly the...