George Washington Papers
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To George Washington from Major General Samuel Holden Parsons, 18 February 1781

From Major General Samuel Holden Parsons

Camp [Highlands, N.Y.] 18th Feby 1781

Dear General

Lieut. Colo. Huntington of the 3d Connectt Regiment informs me he has a Claim to a prior Rank to Lieut. Colonels Grosvenor & Johnson of the connecticutt Line—Lieut. Colonel Gray also claims a prior Rank to Lieut. Colo. Huntington—these Claims will consequently involve some Questions relative to the Rank of the Majors—And the Rank of some of the Captains has never been settled in the Line.

Lt Colonel Huntington’s Claim is founded on his Right to the Rank of a Lieut. Colonel by lineal Promotion in the Sixteen additional Regiments previous to the Time he obtaind his Commission, on a suppos’d Right of regimental Promotion in those Regiments—Lieut. Colo. Gray claims Rank of Lt Colonel Huntington on a suppos’d Mistake in dating his Commission, that, as he says, being dated some Weeks before Lt Colonel Livingston’s Dismission from Service. I am desird to apply to your Excellency to appoint a Board to decide these Disputes—As to the Captains; the Incorporation of Colo. Webb’s Regt with the Connectt Line seems to require an Examination of their Rank. If your Excellency should be of Opinion that any Examination ought to be had respecting the Matter; I would request that a Board of Officers may be appointed, from the New Hampshire or some other Line not connected in the Dispute, as speedily as the Circumstances of the Army will admit, that all Questions of Rank may be decided before the Campaign opens. I am with great Esteem your Excellency’s Obedt Servt

Saml H. Parsons

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