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Documents filtered by: Period="Revolutionary War"
Results 41431-41460 of 48,368 sorted by editorial placement
I Received your’s of the 17th directed to Col. Sheldon and am happy to here that there is a...
I had the pleasure of receiving a letter from You on the sixth instant with a Packet of letters...
In consequence of a Resolve of Congress I some time since directed an inscription with some...
Enclosed I have the honor of forwarding a Petition directed to your Excellency, with a Letter...
J’ai l’honneur d’informer Votre Excellence que je compte mettre a la voile après demain si le...
41436General Orders, 21 December 1782 (Washington Papers)
For the day tomorrow Major Trescot, Majr Gibbs. For duty tomorrow, the Maryland Detachment. DLC :...
Was my mind only activated by pride or self love, on the moment where I must leave this...
In complyance with your Excellency’s Order of the 26th & the Resolve of Congress of the 19th...
The General wishes you to make to him a return of the Riding Ho r ses of the Army, which draw...
I think it my duty to inform you of a correspondance that is to be opene’d. between a person in...
41441General Orders, 22 December 1782 (Washington Papers)
For the day tomorrow Colonel Cortlandt, Majr Darby. For duty tomorrow the 2d Jersey regiment....
Language however copious is not capable of expressing the unhappiness which I experience in being...
On fryday the 6th inst. I received Your Excellency’s instructions, with the first Jersey Regiment...
I have been honored with your Excellencys Letter of the covering an extract of a letter from Sir...
I beg leave to inform your Excellency that I arrived here in the Packet from England on Tuesday...
I am favored with yours of the 20th. The Money you have recd for Governor Harrison agreably to...
41447General Orders, 23 December 1782 (Washington Papers)
For the day tomorrow Colonel Tupper, Major Graham. For duty tomorrow the first Newyork regiment....
By yesterday’s Post I received advice of the completion of the Bargain I mentioned to you in my...
Altho I cannot help feeling an extreme reluctance at parting with the veteran & faithful Officers...
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Your Excellency’s letters of the 16th and 18th...
As the Enemy will probably soon leave the Southern States, if they have not done it already, we...
After serving my Country ever since the Commencement of Hostillities with Honor and Conduct—I...
I ought long since to have acknowleged the Receipt of your Excellency’s polite Letter of the 1...
Your Excellency’s of the 17th inclosing one to Col. Willet came duely to hand, and the enclosure...
You will proceed as expeditiously as may be, with the Letter now committed to you, addressed to...
41456General Orders, 24 December 1782 (Washington Papers)
For the day tomorrow Lieutenant Col. Hull, Major Morrell. For duty tomorrow the 2d Newyork...
Your favor of the 7th inst. has been duly received—Agreeably to your request I enclose Discharges...
I have been favored with your Excellency’s three several Letters of the 11th & 12th instant:...
Give me leave to assure you of the pleasure I feel of seeing me again in america and under your...
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your Excellency’s Letter of the 18th of this Month...