Thomas Jefferson Papers
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Thomas Jefferson to Littleton W. Tazewell, 23 March 1811

To Littleton W. Tazewell

Monticello Mar. 23. 11.

Dear Sir

When I recieved your letter of Dec. 29. my Memoir on the case of the batture was out of my hands, and not recieved by me till within a short time past. I have now made out from that a statement of the facts of the case, and have left 3. blank columns on every page, one to the right & two to the left of the text, for you gentlemen to insert any alterations, or instructions as to the evidence to be obtained which you may think proper. this is now inclosed to Messrs Hay & Wirt, to recieve their observations, and I have requested them to forward it to you for the same purpose. when you shall have entered your instructions in it, be so good as to return it to me, and I shall forward the identical paper to N.O. to the person who will be engaged to collect the evidence. I have also inclosed to mr Hay & Wirt, pamphlets, Exhibits, & papers for information according to a list of which I inclose you a copy; except that the 8vo & 4to volumes No 2. therein mentd1 are now inclosed to you for your own use, and Boqueta’s plan of the city & environs, noting the situation of Gravier’s plantation. you will percieve by this list what authenticated documents we possess & are forwarded to Messrs Hay & Wirt.

My next task shall be to examine what books of authority are quoted & possessed by me, of which I will send you a note, that you may look out in time for any you may think necessary & not possessed by me. my collection2 shall be sent to Richmond in due time. it will be very voluminous. Accept the assurances of my great esteem & respect.

Th: Jefferson

P.S. I have desired Messrs H. & W. after reading Moreau’s able Memoir, to detach it from the pamphlets with which it is connected, & return it to me to be forwarded to you for your perusal.

RC (NjMoHP: Lloyd W. Smith Collection); between signature and postscript: “L. W. Tazewell esq.”; endorsed by Tazewell. PoC (DLC); postscript added separately to RC and PoC; endorsed by TJ. Enclosures: (1) TJ’s List of Batture-Related Papers and Pamphlets sent to Counsel, 23 Mar. 1811, printed at TJ to George Hay and William Wirt, 23 Mar. 1811.(2) John L. Boqueta de Woiseri, A Plan of New Orleans & its Environs (New Orleans, 1803).

1Preceding two words interlined.

2Reworked from “mine.”

Index Entries

  • A Plan of New Orleans & its Environs (Boqueta de Wosieri) search
  • Batture Sainte Marie, controversy over; communications between TJ and his counsel concerning search
  • Boqueta de Wosieri, John L.; A Plan of New Orleans & its Environs search
  • Gravier, Jean (John); and batture controversy search
  • Hay, George; and TJ’s Statement of Facts in the Batture Case search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Writings; List of Batture-Related Papers and Pamphlets sent to Counsel search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Writings; Statement of Facts in the Batture Case search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Writings; statement on the batture case search
  • maps; of New Orleans search
  • Moreau Lislet, Louis; “Mémoire au soutien des droits des Etats-unis à la Batture du faubourg Ste Marie,” search
  • New Orleans; maps of search
  • Tazewell, Littleton Waller; and TJ’s Statement of Facts in the Batture Case search
  • Tazewell, Littleton Waller; letters to search
  • Wirt, William; and TJ’s Statement of Facts in the Batture Case search
  • “Mémoire au soutien des droits des Etats-unis à la Batture du faubourg Ste Marie” (Moreau Lislet); TJ sends to counsel search