Thomas Jefferson Papers
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Thomas Jefferson to Jerman Baker and Archibald Thweatt, 1 January 1817

To Jerman Baker and Archibald Thweatt

Monticello Jan. 1. 1817.

Dear Sir

I lately addressed a letter to mr Thweatt, intended equally for you in a case of my own: I now address this to you equally intended for mr Thweatt, in the case of another. it is to sollicit your attention to the petition of Visco Philip S. Barziza one of the coheirs of Colo Ludwell owner of the Green spring estate. the mother of the petitioner was sole daughter of mr & mrs Paradise, the latter a daughter of Colo Ludwell born in Virginia, the former a naturalized citizen. miss Paradise married Count Barziza of Venice, & this petitioner is one of their two sons & heirs, who pray to be remitted to their maternal estate, which I hope will be done, for certainly [the ri]ghts of man do not depend on the geography of his birth. [. . .]ing your attention to the case either of myself or others I a[m] as incapable of asking you to do any more than what you think right as you would be to grant it. I only request that attention which in cases not immediately under your auspices you might not bestow. Accept my affectionate & respectful salutations for mr Thweatt as well as yourself.

Th: Jefferson

PoC (MHi); on verso of reused address cover of James Monroe to TJ, 22 Oct. 1816; mutilated at seal; at foot of text: “Mr Baker”; endorsed by TJ as a letter to Baker.

The two sons & heirs were Count Giovanni (John L.) Barziza and his brother, Philip I. Barziza.

Index Entries

  • Baker, Jerman (1776–1828); and petition of P. I. Barziza search
  • Baker, Jerman (1776–1828); letters to search
  • Barziza, Antonio, Count; family of search
  • Barziza, Giovanni (John L.), Count; and L. L. Paradise estate search
  • Barziza, Lucy Paradise, Countess (Antonio Barziza’s wife; John and Lucy L. Paradise’s daughter); family of search
  • Barziza, Philip Ignatius; and L. L. Paradise estate search
  • Ludwell, Philip; estate of search
  • Paradise, John; family of search
  • Paradise, Lucy Ludwell (John Paradise’s wife); estate of search
  • Paradise, Lucy Ludwell (John Paradise’s wife); family of search
  • Thweatt, Archibald; and petition of P. I. Barziza search
  • Thweatt, Archibald; letters to search