Thomas Jefferson Papers

Enclosure: Thomas Jefferson’s Account with Thomas Appleton, [ca. 27 September 1816]


Account with Thomas Appleton

Leghorn 28 May [ca. 27 Sept.] 18161

Thomas Jefferson—Dr    from Frulani
To a barrel of Carmigniano Wine 45 } 73. 6.8
To 57 bottles for the Same at 4. crazie  19
To a Case  4.13.4
To Corks, bottling, Straw, Cord, & packing  4.13.4
 Sent by the Scho fanny Capt. Selby for N. York—
from ombrosi
To a barrel of florence Wine 28. } 56. 6.8
To 57 bottles for the Same @ 4 crazie  19
 To a Case  4.13.4
 To Corks, bottling Straw, Cord & packing  4.13.4
The above is artimino Wine—No 1
To a barrel of chianti Wine 40.
To 57 bottles for the Same @ 4 crazie  19
 To a Case  4.13.4
 To Corks, bottling Straw & packg & Cord  4.13.4 68. 6.8
The two last2 barrels above mention’d are Shipp’d on board the Von Hollen, Ralph Porter master & Shipp’dto the Care of Collector for Balto—& Sail’d 3. August—
To 2 Cases Contg 87. Bottles of Ama wine 77
Bottles, Cork, Cases, & bottling &c  37. 3.4 114. 3.4
312. 3.4
Porterage of 5 Cases, in the 3 Shipments on board 4.10  
Cr 316.13.4
By 50. dollars as Credited on the last page @ 6⅓ each  } 316.13.4

FC (MBPLi: Appleton Account Book); entirely in Appleton’s hand.

For the transactions described in this account, see the covering letter and Appleton to TJ, 15, 30 May, 30 July 1816. The account is expressed in lire (). crazie were silver coins used in Tuscany (Patrick Kelly, The Universal Cambist and Commercial Instructor; being a full and accurate treatise on the Exchanges, Monies, Weights, and Measures, of all Trading Nations and their Colonies [London, 1821], 1:130, 199–201). The collector of Baltimore was James H. McCulloch.

1Dateline taken from top of page of account book, with “28” repeated at head of account; editorially redated based on internal evidence.

2Word interlined.

Index Entries

  • Appleton, Thomas; account with TJ search
  • Appleton, Thomas; and wine for TJ search
  • Artimino (Artiminiano), Italy; wine from search
  • Carmignano, Italy; wine from search
  • Casanuova di Ama, Italy; wine from search
  • Chianti (wine) search
  • corks; for wine bottles search
  • Fanny (schooner) search
  • Frulani, Leonard; and wine for TJ search
  • household articles; corks search
  • Italy; wine from search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; account with T. Appleton search
  • McCulloch, James Hugh (father of James H. McCulloh); and wine for TJ search
  • Ombrosi, Jacopo (Giacomo); and wine for TJ search
  • Porter, Ralph (ship captain) search
  • rope search
  • Selby, John (ship captain) search
  • straw search
  • Von (Van)Hollen (ship) search
  • wine; Artimino (Artiminiano) search
  • wine; Carmignano search
  • wine; Casanuova di Ama search
  • wine; Chianti search
  • wine; Italian search
  • wine; sent to TJ search