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To Thomas Jefferson from Robert Patterson, 18 April 1804

From Robert Patterson

18th. Apr. 1804


Understanding [. . .] from the Secretary at War to Dr. Hunter of this [. . .] expedition is fitting out for the purpose of exp[. . .] [. . .] of the rivers &c of Louisiana, I hope it will not be [. . .] as officious in me to recommend to your notice [a ge]ntleman, who I am persuaded would do no dishonour to any appointment which you might think proper to give him, either in this or in any other similar undertaking.

The gentleman I allude to is Dr. Jonathan Moore, a son of the late Col. Da[vid] Moore, a distinguished patriot of of N. Jersey—Dr. Moore is [an un]married man, of about 30 years of age, of unblemished character, a skillful surgeon and physician, and has been in that capacity two voyages to the E Indies.—He is well acquainted with the use of such instruments, and with such astronomical calculations, as are necessary to determine the latitude & longitude of places by celestial observation; which he constantly practised while at sea. He has been sundry times employed by a [charitable] institution in this city (The Widows fund) in exploring, making [. . .], & giving descriptions of their lands in some of the back counties of this State, which service he executed in a very able and satisfactory manner—

Since his last return from the E. Indies, he has not engaged in the regular [practice] [. . .] but is now settling the estate of lately [. . .].

On mentioning, [. . .], the subject of this present application, I received [. . .] which I take the liberty of enclosing; from which you [. . .] that his services are at your command.—

Relying on your goodness to excuse this freedom, I remain, with the most perfect esteem, your obedient servant—

Rt Patterson

RC (DNA: RG 59, LAR); damaged; endorsed by TJ as received 27 Apr. and “[Moore Jon]athan to explore Louisa.” and so recorded in SJL. Enclosure: Jonathan Moore to Patterson, 14 Apr., replying to Patterson’s letter of 6 Apr. and declaring that the exploration of Louisiana has been “a favourite object with me”; if Patterson is willing to recommend him to the president, Moore would be “pleased with the Appointment” (same).

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