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Documents filtered by: Recipient="Jefferson, Thomas" AND Period="Jefferson Presidency"
Results 101-150 of 10,581 sorted by recipient
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
101 Lewis, Meriwether Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Meriwether Lewis, 3 April 1801 1801-04-03 I arrived at this place on the 1st. inst., a few hours only after your departure, Mr. Rapin...
102 Nicholas, Wilson Cary Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Wilson Cary Nicholas, 24 … 1805-12-24 It is with great regret that I intrude upon you at a moment when I know you are very much en...
103 Veitch, Peter Jefferson, Thomas Petition of Peter Veitch, with Jefferson’s Order, 17 … 1803-03-17 The Petition of Peter Veitch of Alexandria County Humbly Sheweth that during the year 1801, he...
104 Gallatin, Albert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Albert Gallatin, 2 November … 1807-11-02 The two vacant offices are Surveyor of the port of Pittsburgh    Do   do   of Cincinnati The...
105 Rodney, Caesar A. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Caesar A. Rodney, 7 January … 1803-01-07 I have received your favor of the 31. ulto. & thank you most sincerely for your attention &...
106 Cabell, William H. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William H. Cabell, 15 July … 1807-07-15 I do myself the pleasure to enclose for your perusal, a copy of a letter this morning received...
107 Shippen, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Shippen, 17 April 1805 1805-04-17 I have known Major Penrose a long time—believe him to be a good republican—a man of considerable...
108 Du Pont, Eleuthère Irenée Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Eleuthère Irenée Du Pont, 3 … 1806-06-03 Je suis chargé par mon Pere de vous faire parvenir la lettre ci incluse, veuillez me permettre de...
109 Barnwell, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Barnwell, 20 March … 1804-03-20 Your very liberal offer of Executive Patronage to our Philosophical Society encourages me again...
110 Munroe, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas Munroe, 9 November 1802 1802-11-09 I have perused and considered the inclosed representation of James M. Lingan, the original...
111 Lenthall, John Jefferson, Thomas Report from John Lenthall, 7 May 1803 1803-05-07 Amount of the Rough stone work to the South wing of The Capitol from April 30th to May 7th 1803...
112 Jones & Howell Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Jones & Howell, 1 December … 1807-12-01 Inclosed we Send You bill of Lading or rather Invoice (bill of Lading to Gibson & Jefferson) for...
113 Breckinridge, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Breckinridge and Others … 1803-02-10 The States of Kentucky, Georgia, & Tennissee, having been for some time impressed with a belief,...
114 Gallatin, Albert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Albert Gallatin, 9 October … 1805-10-09 Observations on foreign gold Congress omitted last year to renew the temporary laws by which, so...
115 Patterson, Robert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Robert Patterson, 18 April … 1804-04-18 Understanding from the Secretary at War to Dr. Hunter of this expedition is fitting out for the...
116 Stoddert, Benjamin Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Benjamin Stoddert, [11 March … 1801-03-11 The Ship Ganges Captain Mullowny, of 24 Guns, sailed the 26th Jany. 1801 for Batavia , to cruise...
117 Dearborn, Henry Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Henry Dearborn, 5 March 1806 1806-03-05 It is not necessary to nominate district paymasters to the Senate,—nor to nominate Cadets. as you...
118 Hankart, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Hankart, 18 June 1803 1803-06-18 I take the liberty of addressing a few lines to you in consequence of the conversation that...
119 Reibelt, J. Phillipe Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from J. Phillipe Reibelt, 12 … 1805-11-12 Mr. Guestier, le principal Negociant francais en çette Ville, m’a engagè de Vous ecrire, qu’il...
120 Reibelt, Philippe Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Philippe Reibelt, 17 January … 1805-01-17 J’ai l’honneur, de Vous prevenir, que, ayant rencontrè dans mon Depot des Tabelles Statistiques...
121 Ellicott, Andrew Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Andrew Ellicott, 10 October … 1801-10-10 I have enclosed the observations made by Mr. Patterson and myself on the lunar eclipse of...
122 Granger, Gideon Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Gideon Granger, 15 January … 1807-01-15 I do myself the honor herewith to deliver a List of the Proposals received at this office for...
123 Morel, D. L. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from D. L. Morel, 12 September 1806 1806-09-12 To extend the approbation of the good and wise, I always Considered as the most delicious reward,...
124 Smith, Robert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Robert Smith, 30 May 1804 1804-05-30 I have the honor to request your Signature to the enclosed Warrant as Midshipman for Mr. Gamble ....
125 Tatham, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Tatham, 7 April 1806 1806-04-07 When you did me the honour to mention, the other day, the doubts you entertained concerning the...
126 Martin, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Martin, 14 July 1805 1805-07-14 Eternity! When Death Brings us thore, who will be on the Safe Side, the Christian; or he that...
127 Brown, Paul Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Paul Brown, 22 June 1807 1807-06-22 Being in very straitened & frequently distressing Circumstances after having been denied & evaded...
128 Gallatin, Albert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Albert Gallatin, 9 September … 1802-09-09 Since I closed my letter of this day, Mr Madison has enclosed to me the within recommendation for...
129 Mitchill, Samuel Latham Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Samuel Latham Mitchill, 12 … 1805-12-12 Some time ago I collected as far as was in my power, the facts relative to the great Hurricane...
130 Dalrimple, Paul Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Paul Dalrimple, 19 February … 1805-02-19 I have to communicate to you, that the hidden misterys are unfolded to me, by my Father who is in...
131 Newton, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas Newton, 18 November … 1801-11-18 I Recieved your favor inclosing $20.75. for the charges of the things from Orleans, I hope they...
132 Laurence, Abraham R. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Abraham R. Laurence, 17 … 1808-10-17 Agreeable to your directions I have this day handed to Mr Gelston the small Package of Spanish...
133 Gallatin, Albert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Albert Gallatin, 19 August … 1805-08-19 David Parmelee, who is recommended, [and] applies for the appointt. of agent, will make an...
134 Blodget, Samuel Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Samuel Blodget, 16 July 1807 1807-07-16 from having been often at Sea. & having once served in the artellary US I have frequently...
135 Oakley, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Oakley, [on or before 24 … 1802-07-17 John Oakley as Justice of the peace for the County of Washington District of Columbia has four...
136 Huerne, Petre Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Petre Huerne, 20 March 1804 1804-03-20 Je Lhonneur de prende La libertee de madresser a vous et vous prier de rende service a une...
137 Claiborne, William C. C. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William C. C. Claiborne, 5 … 1806-12-05  The Bearer Mr. Hopkins was charged with public Despatches (of great importance) to the Secretary...
138 Brent, Daniel Carroll Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Daniel Carroll Brent, 5 … 1806-02-05 The enclosed, I recd. to day from Mr. Scott—on the subject of his letter I can only observe, that...
139 De Lacroix, Irenée Amelot Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Irenée Amelot De Lacroix, 2 … 1807-12-02 If the services of a soldier bred in the camp, and educated in a military school, and who was...
140 Brent, Robert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Robert Brent, 10 October 1805 1805-10-10 I take the liberty of enclosing you a letter from the president of a college in Baltimore I am...
141 Leiper, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas Leiper, 28 August 1807 1807-08-28 Your letter of the 21st I have received and you may rely on it I shall comply with the contents—...
142 Gallatin, Albert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Albert Gallatin, 15 December … 1804-12-15 I enclose the sketch of a letter to the collector of New Orleans. You will be pleased to say...
143 Warren, James Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from James Warren, 5 September 1801 1801-09-05 I did myself the honour to write to you, under date of May 31st. last, and to cover a letter of...
144 Georgia Legislature Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from the Georgia Legislature, 4 … 1801-12-04 The Legislature of Georgia, reposing high confidence in the Executive of the Union, congratulates...
145 Jefferson, George Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from George Jefferson, 11 February … 1804-02-11 I have to acknowledge the receipt of your favor of the 7th. inclosing 75$—The coal you require...
146 Reibelt, J. Phillipe Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from J. Phillipe Reibelt, 27 July … 1806-07-27 Je me mettrais demain en huit, le 4 du Mois prochain—en stage, pour arriver ou le 6 du soir ou le...
147 Briggs, Joseph Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Briggs, 17 August 1804 1804-08-17 I have the honor to enclose to you, by order of His Excellency Governor Claiborne, a list of...
148 Vaughan, Dr. John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Dr. John Vaughan, 10 October … 1801-10-10 The anxieties expressed, in your much valued favour of the 17th. of July, for our political...
149 Barnes, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Barnes, 3 July 1805 1805-07-03 Ever anxious to aid the Presidents wishes, I have hitherto, with great & sincere pleasure,...
150 Kuhn, Peter, Jr. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Peter Kuhn, Jr., 8 June 1807 1807-06-08 By the Schooner Louisiana Capn Mc.Farlane of Philadelphia who sailed from hence on the 16th. of...