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I send you a letter of Short’s for perusal, & one of Edgar Patterson asking what is already I presume provided for. One of General Armstrong which I do not well understand because I do not recollect the particular letter which came by Haley. I presume the counsel he refers to is to take possession of the Floridas. This letter of June 15. is written after the cession by Carlos to Bonaparte of...
Th: Jefferson asks the favor of messrs. Gibson & Jefferson to send him by the first boat 1. doz. teacups & 1. doz. saucers of china of midling quality, also 1. doz half pint tumblers and 1. doz. of a still smaller size, say a jill. the barrel form is preferred if to be had. MHi : Coolidge Collection.
Mr. Madison was to set out on Monday last, & is expected here to-day. we have some matters of considerable interest for consultation on which we shall be glad to have your aid.   The death of mr Purviance has vacated an office of value. my knolege of the personal worth of mr Nicholson & of his standing with the nation at large, could leave no doubt in my mind as to the propriety of offering it...
Your letter of the 21st. is duly recieved, inclosing a commission of Lieutt. for John Williams. but the letters of recommendation to which you refer as inclosed, were in fact not inclosed. there was only a letter from Colo. Wharton speaking of recommendations from Colo. Brent. to save time I have signed & now inclose the commission; trusting that you are either satisfied or will be satisfied...
Your favors of May 26. & 28. are both recieved, and their contents duly noted. I this day draw on you in favor of Richard Richardson for 133.33 D to cover which mr Barnes makes you now a remittance of 200. Dol. and on this day week we shall remit you about 900. D. more to cover the purchase of the hams, J. W. Eppes’s draught on you in favor of Bell for 300. D. payable June 16. and some other...
Th: Jefferson presents his salutations to mr Reibelt. he understands from mr Reibelt’s letter of the 16th. inst. that he still has two copies of the Sentimental journey sur petit papier Velin. it is the Petit format size which Th: Jefferson regards rather than the quality of the paper, because he happens to have all the works of Sterne in petit format, except his sentimal journey. if therefore...
Yours of the 3d. came to hand yesterday morning. I shall be happy to hear of the arrival of the groceries &c. in Richmond, as we are much in want of them: so also of the glass when shipped from Philadelphia—a mr Andrews , who lives near the former post office in Washington & works on ornaments for architecture, was to make for me some Doric ornaments, which should be ready before this time. he...
I lay before you a report of the Secretary of state on the case of the Danish brigantine Henrich, taken by a French privateer in 1799. retaken by an armed vessel of the US. carried into a British island, and there adjudged to be neutral, but under allowance of such salvage and costs as absorbed nearly the whole amount of sales of the vessel & cargo. indemnification for these losses occasioned...
The inclosed case of Thos. Norris I first observed in the Aurora, and consider it a duty to have it enquired into,& on obtaining credible testimony, to make it the subject of representations to the British government. as I imagine he must have applied to you with his papers, could you find means to invite him to send me his own affidavit in due form, with as many others as he can procure to...
I arrived here a week ago and shall continue till the middle of May. I shall then return to Washington for two months only, and return here to stay till the last of September. as the most important work you have to do here is to finish the floor of the hall & to paint the floor of the Dome room exactly in the same way, which would not have time to harden during my next short absence, I think...
Your favor dated June 13. came to me at this place only one week ago. it is probable that mr Cummings has deposited for me at Washington the copy of your geographical dictionary which you have been so kind as to send me, for which I pray you to accept my thanks. I anticipate with pleasure the satisfaction I shall recieve from it, and am happy that we are to see at length contradicted the...
You are not unapprised that in order to check the evasions of the embargo laws effected under colour of the coasting trade, we found it necessary to prevent the transportation of flour coastwise, except to the states not making enough for their own consumption, and that to place the supplies of those states under some check, a discretionary power was given to the governors to give licenses to...
The question arising on Mr Simons’ letter of Jan. 10. is Whether sea-letters shall be given to the vessels of citizens neither born nor residing in the US? Sea-letters are the creatures of treaties. no act of the ordinary legislature requires them. the only treaties now existing with us, & calling for them are those with Holland, Spain, Prussia & France. in the two former we have stipulated...
My journey to this place was not as free from accident as usual. I was near losing Castor in the Rapidan, by his lying down in the river, where waste deep, & being so embarrassed by the shafts of the carriage & harness that he was nearly drowned before the servants, jumping into the water, could lift his head out & cut him loose from the carriage. this was followed by the loss of my travelling...
Th: Jefferson informs mr Franzoni that he had enquiry made into the subject of his two statues, and he now incloses him the information from the Collector of Baltimore. by this he will percieve that to obtain a more proper appraisement mr Franzoni must appoint one appraiser & the Collector another, who will estimate them on such evidence as mr Franzoni can give of their value. but he will see...
I recieved last night your letter of the 19th. by which I learn you have done 250. f. of the garden. were we to go on, reducing the whole to the same level we have begun with, the labor would be immense. I therefore conclude to do it in 4. levels of 250. f each, and taking such a level for each as that the earth to be dug away shall just fill up the part which is too low. in this way each...
Th: Jefferson presents his affectionate salutations to mr Madison & sends him the inclosed which will explain itself. he hopes to see him & family at Monticello when most convenient to themselves; and observes for his information that the road through Shadwell is put into fine order, the right hand at issuing from the ford on this side to be greatly preferred to the left. the road by Milton is...
I have heretofore communicated to Congress the decrees of the government of France of November 21. 1806. and of Spain of Feb. 19. 1807. with the orders of the British government of January & November 1807. I now transmit a decree of the emperor of France of Dec. 17. 1807. and a Similar decree of the 3d. of January last of his Catholic majesty: with the letter of our Charge des affaires at...
I recieved yesterday your favor of the 6th. and the books forwarded by mr Duane. La Grange’s translations are new to me, and I am so much pleased with that of his Seneca, that I will thank you to forward me also his Lucretius with the Latin text. has the Seneca of La Grange been ever printed with the Latin text? if it has I should be glad if you would order it from France. if not, order me...
Doctr. Bache’s Address is ‘William Bache at Franklin near Charlottesville’ the letter should be put into the Post office before 5. P.M. to-day William White to be Surveyor for the district of East river. approved. Griffin Greene to be collector of the port of Marietta. approved. James Clarke to be Surveyor of customs at Tombstone, district of Edenton N.C. recommended by mr Stone. Selden Jasper...
In an account presented to me by mr Shoemaker are the charges below stated, as to the reasonableness of which I am an entire stranger, and therefore ask the favor of you to inform me what would be the proper charges. I ask this of you the rather because you know exactly the nature of the articles, and because I shall have entire confidence in what you shall think right. Be so good as to lodge...
When you were here to offer me your service for the next year, we separated on the subject of price. I offered you 120. Dollars, & you asked an hundred & fifty for the year’s service. I have concluded to give you your asking of an hundred & fifty dollars, with the allowance of 600. lb of pork, & corn as usual. the emploiment the first year will be as a carpenter with 2 or 3 men under you, for...
The road through Ravensworth is rendered absolutely impassable for a four wheeled carriage by a single change made lately by one of the mr Fitzhughs in his plantation. you must not therefore attempt it, but go on to Fairfax C.H. & there turn off to Songster’s. Bull run is now passed at an excellent ford, and the hills by a great deal of work have been made quite good. the road between Elkrun...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Young and returns him the Vigogna shawl & Map of S. America with his thanks for the opportunity of inspecting them. he had never before seen the cloth of the Vigogna wool or fur in the piece. nothing certainly can be more beautiful. he had, while in Europe seen two or three instances of coats of that manufacture; but he understood it was a royal one...
Your favor of Dec. 30. was recieved on the 12th. of Jan. and I now inclose you a draught of the bank of the US. of this place on that at Norfolk for D 69.50 c the amount of the cask of Lisbon Malmesey forwarded for me by you to Messrs. Gibson & Jefferson of Richmond. Accept my salutations & assurances of respect DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
I recieved last night your favor of the 12th. I can say with truth that I do not remember ever to have recieved such a paper as is the subject of your letter. I might ascertain this by a recurrence to my files; but it is unnecessary for another reason. it is so important to the public service that I should be the center of information as to whatever concerns them, that in order to induce it to...
Tomorrow I shall remit for you to mr Bacon 100. D. in recovering the passage of the S.E. offices, (which I believe is now covered with shingles on laths) the shingles are to be taken carefully off, leaving the laths, then nail on them a coat of perpendicular sheeting, and shingle on that. I wish this to be done immediately. I present you my salutations. MHi : Coolidge Collection.
I become with pleasure a subscriber to your paper, the Political barometer . you will oblige me by information of the most convenient place where I can pay the subscription. this would be the most so; but I could have it done in Philadelphia. accept my wishes for it’s success and my respects. PrC ( DLC ); at foot of text: “Messrs. Mitchell & Buel”; endorsed by TJ in ink on verso. TJ received...
I inclose you a charge by mr Hanson against Capt Smith & Lieutenants Davis & Dobbins of the militia, as having become members of an organized company, calling themselves the Tar-company, avowing their object to be the tarring & feathering citizens of some description. altho in ordinary cases the animadversions of the law may be properly relied on to prevent what is unlawful, yet with those...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Pelham and his thanks for the system of the notation of sounds which he has been so kind as to send him, and which he will certainly peruse with pleasure at the first leisure moment. strongly sensible of the importance of a reformation in the notation of the sounds of the English language, he yet despairs of it but in a small and slow way. Voltaire...
I believe the fact is that no measures have been taken by the states indebted to the US. to discharge the balances due under the act of June 23. 1797. or, at any rate, that we have no notice of any such measures. will you be so good as to state this or any other fact on the subject in a form to be communicated to the H. of R. in compliance with their resoln of yesterday. Dec. 24. 05. NHi :...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Sampson and his thanks for the volume of his memoirs which he was so kind as to send him and which he shall read with pleasure the first moments of leisure. it adds a monument the more of what a country loses, when it loses it’s self-government. he thanks mr Samson also for the letter from mr Hamilton Rowan, for whose character he entertains a high...
In a letter from Dupont de Nemours to me is the following passage. ‘Houdon a laissé en Amerique un trés beau buste de Benjamin Franklin, lequel est actuellement chez moi. ce buste en marbre vaut cent louis de notre monnaie, environ 480. D. rien n’est plus convenable a la nation que de la placer dans votre Capitole &c. et Houdon, a qui la Virginie doit encore mille ecus sur la statue de...
I have this day remitted to messrs. Gibson & Jefferson of Richmond 66⅔ Dollars for you, for which I now inclose you an order. Accept my best wishes & respects PrC ( MHi ); at foot of sheet: “Mr. Charles Smith”; endorsed by TJ in ink on verso. Recorded in SJL with notation “66.67.” Enclosure: Order on Gibson & Jefferson to pay Smith $66⅔ for value received (same; pressed on same sheet as letter...
I now inclose you 260. D. to be paid as follows John Perry 100. Colo. Nicholas Lewis 103. 89 Wurtenbaker for Wm. Stewart 10.  taking in my note Terril on acct. of James Walker 47. 98 261. 87 inform mr Peyton that I have paid for him to the Postmaster General 28. D 53 c. the true balance of his account after correcting the error of addition. my best wishes attend you. Privately owned.
Th: Jefferson incloses to mr Barnes an order on the bank of the US. here for 900. Dollars, of which he prays him to place 400. to the credit of his account with mr Barnes & to pay 500. D. into the bank of Columbia to the credit of his note paiable the 16th. inst. which will be to be renewed for 1000. D. CSmH : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
I recieved last night yours of the 10th. the idea of your going so early as by the vessel which sails on Sunday has been given up. consequently it will not be till the next which will go in 6. weeks, unless an earlier passage were to occur by some other vessel, which as it might excite less notice would be more desirable. we have ceased to annex Secretaries of legation to our foreign missions,...
I have left Lewis’s large map with a servt. to be carried to your office tomorrow morning. it is the 29. half sheets which contain very accurately his survey of the river & no more. mr King being with me this morning I gave them to him to be reduced to a scale of 20. miles to the inch for engraving. Mr. Pringle has declined the place of Attorney general, it is therefore now in my power to...
I recieved last night yours of the 16th. and sincerely congratulate you on your safe arrival at Richmond against the impudent surmises & hopes of the band of conspirators, who because they are as yet permitted to walk abroad, and even to be in the character of witnesses until such a measure of evidence shall be collected as will place them securely at the bar of justice, attempt to cover their...
I inclose you Clarke’s memoranda. The following articles seem proper for Executive attention. An instrument vesting in the Collector of Natchez the powers of the Administrator, Treasurer & Contador. Instructions to Claiborne to suppress useless offices to remove any existing officers. to appoint others. It would be well these could go by next post. Would it not be well to send in what...
Your letter of Oct. 28. did not get to my hands till Nov. 20. I immediately referred the case to the War office for enquiry. they find that George Purcell, a corporal of Capt Nicoll’s company died Oct. 21. 1808. and that he appears from the accounts of Capt Sterrett late district paymaster to have had pay due him at the time of his death from the 1st. of August preceding, that is to say 2....
I have recieved the specimens of straw-plaiting which you were so kind as to inclose & learn with satisfaction the possibility that you may establish the manufacture in some of the states. but the distribution of powers by our general & state constitutions has placed in the general government no authority to embark in or to encourage any in particular. the state governments can do it; but they...
I transmit for the information of Congress letters recently recieved from our Consuls at Gibraltar and Algiers , presenting the latest view of the state of our affairs with the Barbary powers. The sums due to the government of Algiers are now fully paid up: and, of the gratuity which had been promised to that of Tunis , and was in course of preparation, a small portion only remains still to be...
I return you Dr. Maese’s letter which a pressure of business has occasioned me to keep too long. I think an account of the manufactures of Philadelphia would be really useful, and that the manufactures of other places should be added from time to time as information of them should be recieved. to give a perfect view of the whole would require a report from every county or township of the US....
Sundry letters relative to Hamet Caramalli, in addition to the Documents which accompanied my message of Jan. 13. having been sent to the Senate on their particular request, the same are now transmitted to the House of Representatives also, as the same subject is before them. DNA : RG 233—LRHR—Legislative Records of the House of Representatives.
Your favor of Aug. 29. came to hand on the 3d. but no commission for Chisman is come to hand from mr Wagner. it shall be signed as soon as recieved, as my information relative to him is favorable. I return you all the papers recieved in your last except the list of warrants. with respect to Sproat you will do what you find best. the Circular letter has my entire approbation. I have written by...
Th: Jefferson returns his thanks to the revd mr Miller for the pamphlet he has been so kind as to send him, which he has perused, as he does whatever comes from his pen, with great pleasure. he salutes mr Miller with esteem and respect. NjP : Samuel Miller Papers.
Your favor of Nov. 6. was recieved in due time. a press of business has prevented my answering sooner. I am willing to recieve William Davenport as the assignee of your lease of Shadwell. on considering the parts of the lands of the Hendersons which fall to me, I observe that it would be desireable for me to have all their shares in the three parcels on the river, but most especially in the...
I have always proposed to re-appoint Genl. Gibson to his present office, wherein I hear of no complaint against him. neither his age nor understanding entitle him to any thing beyond that , & equal to his antient military rank. I personally know those who recommend Dr. Baldwin . Kinney is a good man, but as a federalist feels no great interest in our making good appointments. judge Stuart is...
I left at Washington a great coat of which I shall have great need. should this reach you before your departure I will thank you to bring it; and it will be in time if I recieve it when you come to Monticello yourself, as it will be on my return only that it will be wanting. I have written to mr Lemaire to deliver it to you. the drought in this quarter is excessive. it begins about the...