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Documents filtered by: Period="Jefferson Presidency"
Results 801-830 of 29,403 sorted by relevance
State of acct. between Genl. Hamilton and John McComb Junr. amt. of Contract for finishing the...
§ To Elisha Dyer. 13 June 1806, Department of State. “I have received your letter of the 4th....
10 August 1801, Amsterdam. Hastens to forward the enclosed from Murray, since it conveys...
To attempt an apology for the Liberty I t[ake] in addressing you, or to say what gave birth in my...
I have the honor to enclose the copy of a letter from the Collector of Philadelphia respecting...
I had the honor of writing to you on the 6th. instant, and am truly mortified to inform you that...
I think there should certainly be an enquiry into the conduct of Taylor of Ocracock, the charges...
I have little to add to my private letter of the 15th. by the B. Packet, a copy of which is...
4 December 1802, Philadelphia. States that “considerable doubts” have arisen regarding admission...
I recieved late last night your favor of the day before & now re-inclose you the Subpoena. as I...
20 May 1803, Paris . Conceives the business of American claims against the French government and...
Your letter of the 5th. instant came to my hands yesterday afternoon, and the mail will depart in...
Understanding that Mr. Richard White, now Teacher of the Western Academy, is an applicant for the...
In what manner should the records applied for be transmitted. May Govr. Claiborne be directed by...
Il aurait été un moment bien interessant pour moi que celui de Vous être présenté...
My business not permitting me to be a very punctual correspondent, I did not, at the time,...
The inclosed letter from the Mayor of N. York shews that coercion alone will rid us of the...
2 October 1801, Collector’s Office, New York. Ragusan captain [Jercovich], “finding since I...
I do myself the honor to enclose you Warrants for Mr J Downes & Mr. L. Alexis , which will...
My late letters will have communicated almost every thing that deserves notice at this time. The...
I have the honor of proposing for your approbation, Thomas H Holland of North Carolina to be...
At the instance of several respectable Merchants of this City, I take the liberty of covering a...
The Physiognotrace invented by Mr. Hawkins is made strong, because subject to be handled by all...
5 February 1803, Washington. Understands that the inflammatory articles that have been published...
Your letter of yesterday is before me the duties on the wine which were sent on some time ago...
10 July 1803, Bristol . Since his last letter of 10 Mar. has received JM’s circular of 9 Apr. ,...
The last mail brought me yours inclosing the letters to you from P. Edwards & Mr. Gallatin, which...
Le Citoyen Pichon a l’honneur de présenter Ses respects à Mr. Madison et de lui envoyer l’extrait...
My Letter of the 12th Instant, acknowledged the receipt of your agreeable favours of the 17th &...
The laborious, tho’ pleasing task of mounting the Mammoth Skeleton being done, gives me leisure...