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Documents filtered by: Period="Jefferson Presidency"
Results 541-550 of 29,403 sorted by date (ascending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
541 Smith, William Loughton Madison, James To James Madison from William Loughton Smith, 7 April … 1801-04-07 7 April 1801, Lisbon. Conveys news of British blockade of Toulon and discusses different accounts...
542 Saabye, Hans Rudolph Madison, James To James Madison from Hans Rudolph Saabye, 7 April 1801 1801-04-07 I send you enclosed Duplicate of my last letter of 16 Febr. Since which very important events...
543 Dickinson, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Dickinson, 7 April 1801 1801-04-07 Thy Letter of the 6th of last Month I received with all the pleasure that arises from every...
544 Jefferson, George Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from George Jefferson, 7 April 1801 1801-04-07 I am desired by Mr. Hanson to request that you will authorise some one to receive of him six...
545 Unknown Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from “A Married Female”, 7 April … 1801-04-07 a firm confidence in your indulgence for my presumtion in addressing you, will I hope plead my...
546 Yznardi, Joseph, Sr. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Yznardi, Sr., 7 April … 1801-04-07 Muy Señor mio, y de todo mi Respeto A el dia Siguiente qe diriji á V.E mi Ultima pasé á darle...
547 New York State Assembly Resolution of the New York State Assembly, 8 April 1801 1801-04-08 Whereas it appears to this house from two several messages of his Excellency the Governor, and...
548 Cathalan, Stephen Madison, James To James Madison from Stephen Cathalan, Jr., 8 April … 1801-04-08 8 April 1801, Marseilles Forwards two packets of dispatches from U.S. consul at Tunis by the Anna...
549 Wichelhausen, Frederick Jacob Madison, James To James Madison from Frederick Jacob Wichelhausen, 8 … 1801-04-08 8 April 1801, Bremen. Acknowledges receipt of Marshall’s 4 Jan. letter. Danish troops have taken...
550 Cathalan, Stephen Madison, James To James Madison from Stephen Cathalan, 8 April 1801 1801-04-08 I have the honour of Inclosing you two Packetts of Dispatches I have received from the american...