Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from William H. Cabell, 15 September 1807

Richmond. Sept: 15. 1807.


I have the honor to enclose you Major Newton’s letters from the 4th to the 11th instant inclusive. In all cases of sealed letters coming from the Squadron, addressed to persons residing in Norfolk, I have informed him that he would be authorized to open them, with the consent of the persons to whom they are addressed, and after having examined them, to deliver or withhold them according to the judgment he would have pronounced on them, had they been received unsealed.—Courts martial have been ordered as requested in his letters of the 4th & 5th—In consequence of the unhealth State of Capt: Reades company, and of the difficulty of supplying them with the necessary fresh provisions from Norfolk, I have given Major Newton authority to have all their supplies procured in the neighbourhood where they are stationed, charging him not to exceed, if possible to avoid it, the expense of the former establishment—

I am with the highest respect Sir yr. Ob. St

Wm. H: Cabell

DLC: Papers of Thomas Jefferson.

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