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    • Hamilton, Alexander
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    • Confederation Period


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Documents filtered by: Author="Hamilton, Alexander" AND Period="Confederation Period"
Results 61-90 of 580 sorted by editorial placement
New York, January 7, 1785. “I am mortified in being obliged to acknowlege to you my neglect of...
Mr. Hamiltons Compliments to the Recorder and to Doctor Bailey —is very sorry that he can’t have...
[ New York, February 2, 1785. On the back of a letter that Chaloner wrote to Hamilton on January...
New York, February 4, 1785. On this date Hamilton attended an organization meeting of the Society...
New York, February 21, 1785. “I have delayed answering the letter you lately wrote me in...
New York, March 8, 1785. Approves an “Account of the Repairs of the Buildings of Columbia College...
I am requested by Mr. Oudinarde to transmit you the Inclosed Account. I observed to him that it...
[ March 16, 1785. Pearsall wrote to Hamilton : “I have thy Letter of this date.” Letter not found. ]
[ Chester, New York, March 17, 1785. Hamilton wrote to Elizabeth Hamilton : “I have just written...
I have just written to you My beloved by the person who will probably be the bearer of this. Col...
[ New York, April 1, 1785. On April 7, 1785, Hamilton wrote to Jeremiah Wadsworth : “In mine to...
New York, April 7, 1785. Wishes to obtain evidence to assist Alexander Macauley in a dispute...
The Subscriber having observed his name included in some of the lists of persons proposed for the...
[ New York, April 6, 1785. On April 19, 1785, Laurens wrote to Hamilton : “I was yesterday...
In mine to you of the first instant I informed you that the house of Samuel and Moses Myers of...
Mr. W. Livingston mentioned to me lately in New York, that you would wish to have measures...
I wrote you from Albany informing you that the Chancellor had given you till the first of June to...
New York, June 9, 1785. Cannot represent them in their land dispute with Robert Lettis Hooper and...
The above is a copy of a paper transmitted me this day by Mr. Duane. You will perceive much is...
Before I left Town for Albany some time since, I requested Mr. Duer to mention to you, that I...
[ New York, June 17, 1785. On the back of a letter that Forman wrote to Hamilton on May 31, 1785,...
I have received your letter of the 31st of May last, which, and one other, are the only letters I...
Received of William Floyd Esquire Fifty seven pound and ten shillings being the amount of a note...
[ New York ] July 28, 1785 . Asks Varick to suggest names for a commission to examine witnesses...
You have been much better to me My Dear friend since you left America, than I have deserved, for...
[ New York ] August 5, 1785 . “… some time since … Hannah Brewer or rather her assignee John J....
I certify that I was privy to the Petitioners being employed by the Commander in Chief in the...
The New-York Journal, or Weekly Register , October 20, 1785. For a discussion of H’s possible...
New York, October 22, 1785. Requests information concerning several cases in which Hamilton was...
I have intended for some time to write to you on the subject of the bank of North America; but my...