George Washington Papers
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[Diary entry: 19 January 1788]

Saturday 19th. Thermometer at 32 in the Morning—36 at Noon and 34 at Night. Raining at times, & mizling all day, with the Wind at So. Et.

I remained at home all day. From Muddy hole there was brought 21 Bushls. of Pease whereof 9 only were sound & good. The others were hurt by the frost & rotten.

A Mr. Copley (a considerable Manufacturer of Cloth) from Leeds in Yorkshire came here in the evening introduced by letter from Doctr. McHenry of Baltimore.

Burrow Copley of Hunslet Parish, borough of Leeds, Eng., was among the first cloth makers in the Leeds area to use water-powered machinery to card and slub wool (CRUMP description begins W. B. Crump, ed. The Leeds Woollen Industry, 1780–1820. Leeds, England, 1931. description ends , 32:11–12).

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