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No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
41 Washington, George Duane, James From George Washington to James Duane, 7 September 1783 1783-09-07 I have carefully perused the Papers which you put into my hands relating to Indian Affairs. My...
42 Prevost, August Washington, George To George Washington from August Prevost, 7 September … 1783-09-07 This instant the bearer Captain Swiney informs me that he is setting out for Philada. I never was...
43 Adams, John President of Congress From John Adams to the President of Congress, 8 … 1783-09-08 Yesterday morning, M r. Jay informed me, that D r. Franklin had recieved, & soon afterwards the D...
44 Adams, John President of Congress From John Adams to the President of Congress, 8 … 1783-09-08 As the Resolution of Congress of the first of May, has determined it to be my Duty to remain in...
45 Adams, John Gerry, Elbridge From John Adams to Elbridge Gerry, 8 September 1783 1783-09-08 Yesterday morning, D r. Franklin produced a Resolution of Congress, that A. F. & J. should be...
46 Duane, James Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from James Duane, 8 September … 1783-09-08 [ Princeton, New Jersey, September 8, 1783. On September 26, 1783 , Hamilton wrote to Duane: “I...
47 Bache, Richard Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Richard Bache, 8 September … 1783-09-08 ALS : American Philosophical Society The inclosed Packet directed for yourself I received a few...
48 Jackson, Charles Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Charles Jackson, 8 September … 1783-09-08 AL : American Philosophical Society The unfortunate Chas. Jackson whom his kind Friend Dr....
49 Neufville, Jean de, & fils Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Neufville & Cie., 8 September … 1783-09-08 L : American Philosophical Society His Excellency John Jay Esqr. having given us his address at...
50 Washington, George Covenhoven, Nicholas From George Washington to Nicholas Covenhoven, 8 … 1783-09-08 Through Dr Witherspoon I have received your Memorial with the enclosed Certificates; but so much...
51 Lafayette, Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du … Washington, George To George Washington from … 1783-09-08 Your wished for and Most Heartly wellcome favours Have not this long while Reached me, and I most...
52 Lepinay, Sivetau de Washington, George To George Washington from Sivetau de Lepinay, 8 … 1783-09-08 I with pleasure took charge of sundry papers committed to my care by a Magistrate whose Name and...
53 Washington, George United States Congress From George Washington to United States Congress, 8 … 1783-09-08 Upon a careful examination of the Report delivered to Congress the 17th of June, by the Committee...
54 Washington, George Witherspoon, John From George Washington to John Witherspoon, 8 September … 1783-09-08 I enclose to your care a Letter to Mr Cowvenhoven in answer to his Memorial & request, and his...
55 Virginia Delegates Harrison, Benjamin Virginia Delegates to Benjamin Harrison, 8 September … 1783-09-08 RC (Virginia State Library). In the hand of John Francis Mercer, except for the signatures of...
56 Madison, James Madison, James, Sr. From James Madison to James Madison, Sr., 8 September … 1783-09-08 RC ( LC : Madison Papers). Docketed by James Madison, Sr., “Sep 8 1783.” Cover missing. Mr. Jones...
57 Madison, James Pendleton, Edmund From James Madison to Edmund Pendleton, 8 September … 1783-09-08 RC (Manuscript Division, the New York Public Library: Astor, Lenox, and Tilden Foundations)....
58 Madison, James Randolph, Edmund From James Madison to Edmund Randolph, 8 September 1783 1783-09-08 RC ( LC : Madison Papers). In JM’s hand but lacks complimentary close and signature. Cover...
59 Adams, John Quincy 9. 1783-09-09 Diné à Passi. C. Ital: Jeannot et Colin, l’heureuse Erreur et les Vendangeurs. Florian, Jeannot...
60 Bache, Richard Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Richard Bache, 9 September … 1783-09-09 ALS : American Philosophical Society I did myself this pleasure yesterday; and late last Evening,...
61 Bache, Sarah Franklin Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Sarah Bache, 9 September 1783 1783-09-09 ALS : American Philosophical Society Your Friends the Vaughan Family are now under our roof, the...
62 Bariatinskii, Ivan Sergeevich Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Bariatinskii, 9 September … 1783-09-09 L : American Philosophical Society Le Prince Bariatinskoy a l’honneur de remercier Monsieur...
63 Boudinot, Elias, Jr. Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Elias Boudinot, 9 September … 1783-09-09 AL (draft): Princeton University Library; copy: National Archives Being by Accident at this City...
64 Pierres, Philippe-Denis Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Pierres, 9 September 1783 1783-09-09 ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai l’honneur de vous envoyer la Copie du Traité, la...
65 Morris, Robert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Robert Morris, 9 September … 1783-09-09 I have received your Letter of the fifteenth of last Month and shall very gladly comply with your...
66 Adams, John Quincy 10. 1783-09-10 Diné à Auteuil. Eclipse totale de la Lune.
67 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 10 September 1783 1783-09-10 We have received from Congress a Resolution by which We are to be impowered to negotiate a Treaty...
68 Adams, John Cranch, Richard John Adams to Richard Cranch, 10 September 1783 1783-09-10 I have received with very great Pleasure, your favours of June 26 and July 18. If my Townsmen of...
69 Adams, John Tufts, Cotton John Adams to Cotton Tufts, 10 September 1783 1783-09-10 I thank you for your Favours of June 26 and July 5 and for your obliging Congratulations, on the...
70 Adams, John Quincy Adams, Abigail John Quincy Adams to Abigail Adams, 10 September 1783 1783-09-10 As you have ordered me in a Letter which I have Lately receiv’d to give you my own Observations...
71 Adams, John Adams, Samuel From John Adams to Samuel Adams, 10 September 1783 1783-09-10 We were very happy to have the definitive Treaty signed, altho’ We could obtain no Improvement...
72 Adams, John President of Congress From John Adams to the President of Congress, 10 … 1783-09-10 As I am to remain in Europe for sometime longer, I beg Leave to take a cursory view of what...
73 Adams, John Cooper, Samuel From John Adams to Samuel Cooper, 10 September 1783 1783-09-10 I congratulate you upon the Ratification of the Provisional & the Signature of the definitive...
74 Adams, John Dumas, C. W. F. From John Adams to C. W. F. Dumas, 10 September 1783 1783-09-10 It has ever been my intention to come in Person to the Hague, and take Leave of their High...
75 Adams, John Gerry, Elbridge From John Adams to Elbridge Gerry, 10 September 1783 1783-09-10 As to the Trade with the West Indies, I do not think we can hope to revive it upon more favorable...
76 Adams, John Gordon, William From John Adams to William Gordon, 10 September 1783 1783-09-10 I have rec d yours of 28 June & thank you for the information it contains— In all domestick...
77 Adams, John Warren, James From John Adams to James Warren, 10 September 1783 1783-09-10 I received with great Pleasure yours of 24. June. The Approbation of my Countrymen is a great...
78 Adams, John Warren, Mercy Otis From John Adams to Mercy Otis Warren, 10 September 1783 1783-09-10 It is but a very few days, Since I received your Letter of the 4. of May, which affored me, as...
79 American Peace Commissioners President of Congress The American Peace Commissioners to the President of … 1783-09-10 On the third Instant, Definitive Treaties were concluded, between all the late belligerent...
80 Franklin, Benjamin Adams, John To John Adams from Benjamin Franklin, 10 September 1783 1783-09-10 I have received a Letter from a very respectable Person in America, containing the following...
81 American Peace Commissioners Boudinot, Elias, Jr. The American Peace Commissioners to Elias Boudinot, 10 … 1783-09-10 LS and press copy of LS : National Archives; copies: Library of Congress, Massachusetts...
82 Franklin, Benjamin Adams, John From Benjamin Franklin to John Adams, 10 September 1783 1783-09-10 LS : Massachusetts Historical Society I have received a Letter from a very respectable Person in...
83 Rousseaux, Jean Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Jean Rousseaux, 10 September … 1783-09-10 ALS : American Philosophical Society Je metois fait l’honneur de vous Ecrire de dunkerque au...
84 Washington, George Howe, Robert From George Washington to Robert Howe, 10 September … 1783-09-10 As there is but one Regiment at Philadelphia to March to West Point, and the Troops when they get...
85 Knox, Henry Washington, George To George Washington from Henry Knox, 10 September 1783 1783-09-10 I have the honor to enclose the weekly return of the troops. On the 7th instant the remainder of...
86 Morris, Robert Washington, George To George Washington from Robert Morris, 10 September … 1783-09-10 I have received your Excellency’s Letter of the thirty first of last Month enclosing a Copy of...
87 Washington, George Paine, Thomas From George Washington to Thomas Paine, 10 September … 1783-09-10 It is sometime since I was favored with your Letter of the 22d of July—not however by the...
88 American Peace Commissioners Boudinot, Elias American Peace Commissioners to the President of … 1783-09-10 On the third Instant, Definitive Treaties ^ were concluded, ^ between all the late belligerent...
89 Franklin, Benjamin Jay, John To John Jay from Benjamin Franklin, 10 September 1783 1783-09-10 I have received a Letter from a very respectable Person in America, containing the following...
90 Adams, John Quincy 11. 1783-09-11 C. Ital: Blaise et Babet et Isabelle et Gertrude. This was the third time JQA had seen this...