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Documents filtered by: Recipient="Strahan, William" AND Period="Colonial"
Results 31-60 of 90 sorted by relevance
ALS : Free Library of Philadelphia This serves only to cover a Bill of Exchange drawn by B. Mecom on you, upon a Supposition that you have receiv’d Bills he sent you from Antigua for about £120 more than the Ballance of your Account. If those Bills are not come to hand or not paid, you need not be at the Trouble of Protesting this Bill; but let it lie in your Hands till you hear farther from...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library; also duplicate: Boston Public Library I have had no Line from [you] since that dated June 1745, which, with your equal Silence to our Friends Hall and Read, made me apprehend that Death had depriv’d me of the Pleasure I promis’d myself in our growing Friendship: But Lieut. Grung writing in February last that you and your Family were well, convinces me...
MS not found; reprinted from Bigelow, Works (Federal Edition, 1904), XII , 253. This serves to cover the enclosed and recommend the affair to your care. I have assured the gentlemen concerned that you will serve them as well and cheap as any bookseller in London. They are men of ability, and will be constant customers. We are all well, and join in the most cordial salutations to you, Mrs....
ALS : Rosenbach Foundation; duplicate: Huntington Library I wrote you a Line or two yesterday, enclosing B. Mecom’s 2d Bill for £100 Sterling drawn on you upon Presumption that you had received some Bills he had sent you, amounting to about £120 more than the Ballance of his Account. He has settled honourably with me, and bought the old Printing House he had at Antigua, which he has sent to...
ALS : Boston Public Library I wrote to you lately per Mesnard, and sent a Bill for £50 Sterling, with a List of Books to be purchased for our Library; a Copy of which I shall send per another Ship that sails in a few Days. This is chiefly to recommend to you Mr. Matthias Harris, a Gentleman of Maryland, and a Friend of mine. As he will be entirely a Stranger in London, your Acquaintance and...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; also duplicates: New York Public Library and Pierpont Morgan Library This is only to enclose a third Bill, for £15.0.0 Sterling the first and second of which went from this Port directly and from Annapolis: And to desire you to send me two setts of Popple’s Mapps of N. America one bound the other in Sheets, they are for our Assembly; they also want the...
ALS : Yale University Library This just serves to cover a Bill of Exchange for £8 8 s. o d. Sterling, and to let you know we are all well. It goes via New York, our River being full of Ice. I shall write you largely per our next Vessel, particularly about Mr. Read’s Affair. I wrote to you per our two last Vessels. The Post just going, cannot add but that I am Dear Sir, Your obliged Friend and...
ALS and duplicate: Yale University Library I inclose you a Bill of Philip Gibbes jr. drawn on Messrs. Lascelles and Maxwell, Merchants in London, for £50 Sterling. Also a Bill of John Hutchings on Mr. James Buchanan Merchant London for £50 Sterling which I hope will be readily paid. Twelve Pounds in these Bills is what I received of Mr. Dove for Mr. Young; the remaining £88, please to carry to...
ALS : Columbia University Library Mr. Read has communicated to me part of a Letter from you, recommending a young Man whom you would be glad to see in better Business than that of a Journeyman Printer. I have already three Printing-Houses in three different Colonies, and purpose to set up a fourth if I can meet with a proper Person to manage it, having all Materials ready for that purpose. If...
ALS : Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery I write in pain with an Arm lately dislocated, so can only acknowledge the Receipt of your Favours of May 3. and 10. And thank you for the Intelligence they contain concerning your publick Affairs. I am now 400 Miles from home, but hope to be there again in about 3 Weeks. The Indian War upon our Western Settlements, was undoubtedly stirr’d up...
ALS : Yale University Library My Daughter receiv’d her Books all in good Order, and thanks you for your kind Care in sending them. Enclos’d is a second Bill for £20 Sterling. The first went per Mesnard. There is a little Book on the Game of Chess, by Philip Stamma, printed for J. Brindley, 1745. If to be had, please to send it me; with the Remaining Vols. of Viner as fast as they are...
ALS : Huntington Library The above is a Copy of my last I have now before me your Favour of Sept. 11 I shall not fail on every Occasion to recommend you to my Friends on the Book Account I wish I could give you any Hopes of soon receiving your Debt of J. Read Mr. Hall, no doubt, writes you more fully concerning him. It gives me great Pleasure to hear so good an Account of our Son Billy In...
ALS : New York Public Library; also duplicate: Yale University Library The above is a Copy of mine per Reeve. Two Ships are since arrived in New York, but I hear nothing yet of the Things expected, tho’ possibly they may be come. I enclose Mrs. Steevens second Bill for £20 Sterling. Please to send the following Books, viz. 2 Familiar Letters by Charles Halifax 12mo Baldwin 2 Nelson on the...
ALS : Rosenbach Foundation The above is a Copy of mine per Capt. Martyn. I have only to desire you to add the following Books. 6 French Testaments. 12 Boyer’s Grammars, 12 Cord[ier]. Colloqu[es]. French. 3 Cambray’s Fables. 3 Telemaque, 2 Travels of Cyrus, French. 2 Boyer’s Dictionaries 8vo. 1 New German and Eng. Dictionary and Grammar by Professor A. of Leipsig. Yours &c. Addressed: To  Mr...
MS not found; reprinted from Bigelow, Works , X , 252–3. I wrote to you very fully per Arthur concerning your affair with Mr. Read, and shall have nothing to add on that subject till I hear further from you. I acquainted you that he had given his bond for the balance due to you, and that I do not look on the debt as desperate. Enclosed I send you several second bills, having sent the firsts...
MS not found; reprinted from The Atlantic Monthly , lxi (1888), 29. I wrote to you in the Winter via New York, for a few Books, and sent a 2d Bill of £30 Barbados Currency. The first is enclos’d. I hope it came to Hand Time enough for you to meet with the Gentleman and get the Money. He is Capt. of a Ship, and was to be found in the New England Coffee House, but probably may be gone before you...
ALS : Boston Public Library; also duplicate: New York Public Library I have your Favour of Jany. 30 and thank you for the Civility shown on my Recommendation to Mr. Harris. What you mention concerning the Books, was not at all amiss. Neither the 2d Vol. of Bower’s History of the Popes, nor Delaresse’s Art of Painting, nor Crito, are to be found in Mr. Hall’s Trunks. I have settled a Nephew of...
AD : American Philosophical Society We do not normally print accounts in extenso, but this one reveals enough about Franklin’s literary activities over an eighteen-month period to justify an exception. Decr. Sheet of Rules, 2 Reams PL 2 2 Two Reams of Writing Medium [?] Paper for Do. PL 2 8 Petit Code de la Raison Humaine, 4sheets, No 500, @ 14 s. PL 2 16 Four Reams of Paper for Do. PL
ALS : Pierpont Morgan Library I send you the Notes you desired of me. When you have dress’d them they’ll be fit to appear in Company. I send also a little Article of News for your Paper, which I wish may be inserted this Evening if you see no Objection. I mean to set the Dispute in a ridiculous Light if I could. The Act of Parliament requires the Colony to find for the Troops, Barracks,...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library I begin to think it long since I had the Pleasure of hearing from you. Enclos’d is one of our last Gazettes, in which you will see that our Dissensions are broke out again; more violently than ever. Such a Necklace of Resolves! and all Nemine contradicente, I believe you have seldom seen. If you can find Room for them and our Messages in the Chronicle,...
ALS : Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston; duplicate: Yale University Library Being here, I take this Opportunity per the Packet Boat, to write you a Line, acknowledging the Receipt of your Favour of March 13. and of the Brevier Fount, which is come to Hand in good Order, and pleases Mr. Hall and me very much. I am much indebted to you for your Care in that matter, as well as many others....
ALS : New York Public Library The above is a Copy of mine per Reeves. This is only to request you would send me here, the Quarto Abridgement of the Philosophical Transactions, except the first five Volumes which I have. Send me also Fielding’s Proposals for employing the Poor. In haste, I am Yours ut supra All well. Mr. Hall out of town. The 5 Vols of Transactions I have, are abridg’d by...
ALS : New York Public Library (Berg) Finding a Vessel here about to sail to London, I take the Opportunity to enclose you a second Bill, the first of which I sent via Maryland. I left Mr. Hall and all Friends well at Philada last Week, and hope to see them again in a few Days. I have not Time to add but that I am Sir Your very humble Servant Addressed: To  Mr Wm Strahan  Printer in  Wine...
ALS : New York Public Library (Berg) The above is a Copy of what I wrote you per Mesnard who sailed about 10 Days ago from this Port. This goes per Capt. Hargrave, who is soon to sail from Maryland. Enclos’d I send you a Bill for £15.7.1, which I hope will be readily paid. Enclos’d is also a Letter to Mr. Collinson, containing an Order for Books for the Library, which when you deliver you will...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have been at Blair Drummond on a Visit to my Friend Lord Kaims, thence I went to Glasgow, thence to the Carron Works, viewing the Canal by the Way. Extream bad Weather detain’d me in several Places some Days longer than I intended: But on Tuesday I purpose setting out on my Return, and hope for the Pleasure of seeing you by the Tuesday following. I thank...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library The above is a Copy of my last (via Corke). This encloses Bills for Twenty Pounds Thirteen Shillings Sterling, for which when receiv’d please to give my Account Credit, and send me by the first Ship a Fount of about 300 lb. weight of good new English Letter, which I shall want to compleat a little Printing house for our common Friend Mr. Hall. I send...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I wrote to you per Capt. Evans, and enclos’d you Bills for £20.13.0 Sterlg. of which I now send you the Seconds. I sent you also a Box containing 300 Books I had printed, and by this Ship I send you 200 Copies of our late Indian Treaty which I hope will come to hand and sell with you. I will take Books of you in Exchange for as much of them as you can [get]...
MS not found; reprinted from John Bigelow, ed., The Complete Works of Benjamin Franklin (New York and London, 1887–88), III , 208–9. As Dr. Hawkesworth calls you, I send you inclosed a line to my good friend Dr. Kelley; which you will do me the favour to deliver with the parcel directed to him. As it is vacation time I doubt whether any other acquaintance of mine may be in Oxford, or at least...
ALS : Chicago Historical Society I have wrote to you by several Opportunities to acknowledge the Receipt of yours per Mr. Hall with the Things you sent me. I have also remitted you Bills for £20.13.0. Sterl. of which you have the fourths enclos’d. I desired you to send me a Fount of about 300 wt. English and the best Newspapers and Pamphlets constantly. I hope some of my Letters have come to...
ALS : Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute, Utica, N.Y. (1955) This is only to cover a Bill of Exchange for Eleven Pounds 2 s. 2½ d. Sterl. drawn on Richd. Atkinson of Colthouse by Wm. Satterthwaite, and to inform you that we are all well, as I hope this will find you and yours. I am Your most humble Servant This via New York. Copy with first Bill and Letter of Advice via Boston by the Mermaid...