George Washington Papers
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To George Washington from John Posey, 28 January 1769

From John Posey

Maryland January the 28: 1769


If you can conveniently lett my son hanson have few Bricks, to mend two ovens, it wou’d infinitely, oblidge me, besides Paying.

If my daughter Amelea wants any kind cloaths, that is agreable to Mrs Washington Please to lett her have—I will thankfully Pay1—I thought been at home this month, but am afraid it will be the last next. I am Dear Sir, Your obt Humble Servt

Jno. Posey

ALS, DLC:GW. There are a number of arithmetic calculations in GW’s hand on the back of the letter.

1Amelia (or Milly) Posey, whose mother, Martha Price Posey, had died and whose father was soon to remarry, was living at Mount Vernon where she remained after Martha Parke Custis’s death in 1773 until nearly the end of the Revolutionary War.

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