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Documents filtered by: Period="Adams Presidency" AND Period="Adams Presidency"
Results 31-60 of 13,564 sorted by date (descending)
I was this day honoured with the receipt of your letter of the 26th. ulto. and immediately sent...
Ordered, that the Letter received from the President, elect, of the United States be referred to...
Knowing the Pleasure which evry improvement in the Arts and Sciences afford you, and especially...
Although I do not feel myself Authorisd to interfere, in the Smallest degree, with any thing,...
In the course of the last year it was found that some desining men in New England had conceived...
The papers accompanying were given me for communication to you, they originated in the following...
I now send you My dear Sir, the seperate communication promised you; It would have been sent...
Your favor of Feby. 1st. has come safe to hand, and I acknoledge myself highly gratified with the...
Being sensible that Jabez Fitch Marshal of Vermont has no title to the good opinion of any honest...
To your flattering Communication , an immediate answer was unavoidably prevented. I shall feel...
As an old friend I cannot resist the impulse of my heart, in expressing to you its exultation on...
You are hereby requested to convey a certain Square, parcel or lot of Ground in the City of...
Letter not found. Ca. February 1801. Mentioned in Callender to JM, 27 Apr. 1801 ( PJM-SS William...
Colo. Charles Semmes, of Alexandria. This gentleman I have never seen, to my knowledge. General...
I nominate The Hon Thomas Johnson Esqr of Frederick in Maryland to be Chief Judge James Marshall...
Your favor of the 1st. instant was to have been acknowledged a week ago, but the irregularity of...
It is publickly asserted here, as an event highly probable, that the Office of Surveyor of this...
Rien n’a pu retarder mon empressement de répondré à la confiance dont vous m’honorez. Aussitot...
Your favor of the 1st. instant was to have been acknowledged a week ago, but the irregularity of...
To give the usual opportunity of appointing a President pro tempore , I now propose to retire...
I have to acknowledge the receipt of your friendly letter Addressed to me dated monticello...
The President asks Leave to insert William instead of Edward Tilghman in the nomination. DNA : RG...
I take the liberty to mention Mr James M Lingan, a very respectable Inhabitant of George Town –...
I transmit you a report of the Secretary of State, with sundry documents, relative to the subject...
I transmit to you, in conformity with your request of the I7th instant, two reports, one from the...
The order of the House of Representatives of the 24th of this month, requesting an account of the...
Being on a visit to this place I avail myself of the post wh. goes to morrow yr. way to...
So inseparable, are the feelings of my mind, from a deep concern, in the welfare and happiness of...
J’apprends á l’instant d’une maniere á peû prés certaine que vous etes élû président des Etats...
On the occasion of the prospect that a Mausoleum or monument will be erected in commemoration of...