Thomas Jefferson Papers
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From Thomas Jefferson to John Breckinridge, 4 July 1800

To John Breckinridge

Monticello July 4. 1800

Dear Sir

This will be handed you by mr Monroe, a relation of our governour who proposes to pay a visit to Kentuckey to look out for a settlement. he is a lawyer of reputation, a very honest man and good republican. having no acquaintance in your state I take the liberty of recommending him to your attentions and counsel, which the worth of his character will entirely justify. we have no particular news but what you also have from the newspapers. mr Monroe will be able to give you the state of the public mind with us. I am with great esteem Dr. Sir

Your friend & servt

Th: Jefferson

RC (PWacD: Feinstone Collection, on deposit PPAmP); addressed: “John Breckenridge esq. Kentuckey by mr Monroe”; endorsed by Breckinridge. PrC (MHi); endorsed by TJ in ink on verso.

John Monroe, a resident of Staunton and member of the republican committee for Augusta County, Virginia, hoped for an appointment as U.S. attorney for Kentucky. Failing to attain that office, he put off his intended relocation and returned to Staunton (CVSP description begins William P. Palmer and others, eds., Calendar of Virginia State Papers … Preserved in the Capitol at Richmond, Richmond, 1875–93, 11 vols. description ends , 9:83; Marshall, Papers, description begins Herbert A. Johnson, Charles T. Cullen, Charles F. Hobson, and others, eds., The Papers of John Marshall, Chapel Hill, 1974–2006, 12 vols. description ends 4:217; Preston, Catalogue, description begins Daniel Preston, A Comprehensive Catalogue of the Correspondence and Papers of James Monroe, Westport, Conn., 2001, 2 vols. description ends 1:73; John Monroe to TJ, 30 Apr. 1801). A letter from James Monroe to TJ, written 3 July and received the same day, is recorded in SJL but has not been found. Also missing, but recorded in SJL, is a letter from TJ to Samuel Brown of 4 July “by mr John Monroe.”

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