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    • 1785-11-24


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Documents filtered by: Period="Confederation Period" AND Date="1785-11-24"
Results 1-10 of 16 sorted by editorial placement
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No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
1 Adams, John Quincy 24th. 1785-11-24 Thanksgiving day in the State of New Hampshire. Mr. and Mrs. Shaw spent it in the upper Parish:...
2 Adams, Abigail Jefferson, Thomas Abigail Adams to Thomas Jefferson, 24 November 1785 1785-11-24 I hope if the Marquiss de la Fayette is returned to Paris he may be able to give us some account...
3 Adams, John Jay, John From John Adams to John Jay, 24 November 1785 1785-11-24 I was Yesterday honoured, with your Letter of the 14 th. of October, accompanied with the...
4 Adams, John Jay, John From John Adams to John Jay, 24 November 1785 1785-11-24 I Should have added in my Letter of this day, that Shelbourne professes to be steady to the...
5 Barclay, Thomas Adams, John To John Adams from Thomas Barclay, 24 November 1785 1785-11-24 I wrote you Yesterday advising My Bill on you to M Grand N o. 6 for Two Hundred pounds Sterling—...
6 Tufts, Cotton Adams, John To John Adams from Cotton Tufts, 24 November 1785 1785-11-24 I have repeatedly forgot to mention to You That in Sep r. 1783. D r. Holyoke then President of...
7 Hamilton, Alexander Church, John B. From Alexander Hamilton to John B. Church, 24 November … 1785-11-24 [ New York, November 24, 1785. On April 5, 1786, Church wrote to Hamilton : “I am in your Debt...
8 Washington, George [Diary entry: 24 November 1785] 1785-11-24 Thursday 24th. Thermometer at 48 in the Morng. 56 at Noon and 55 at Night. Clear, Warm &...
9 Washington, George Brown, William From George Washington to William Brown, 24 November … 1785-11-24 I am really ashamed, at this late hour to have the receipt of your favor of the 7th of Octor, to...
10 Jay, John Report on the Capture of the Sloop Chester, 24 November … 1785-11-24 The Secretary of the United States for the Department of foreign affairs to whom was referred a...