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No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
1 Babcock, Henry Washington, George To George Washington from Henry Babcock, 26 March 1781 1781-03-26 I hope your Excellency is arrived safe at your Head Quarters in Windsor—Last Wednesday a British...
2 Bache, Benjamin Franklin Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Benjamin Franklin Bache, 26 … 1781-03-26 ALS : American Philosophical Society Je vous ecris cette lettre pour vous dire combien je m’amuse...
3 Barron, Richard Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Richard Barron, 26 March 1781 1781-03-26 This morning Came to our Bay 15 or Sixteen Sail more vessells which make thirty some odd which I...
4 Claiborne, Richard Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Richard Claiborne, 26 March … 1781-03-26 I do myself the honor to inclose to your Excellency an extract of a letter from Colonel...
5 Continental Congress Motion on Stodder, Kerr, and North, [26 March] 1781 1781-03-26 Printed text ( JCC Worthington Chauncey Ford et al ., eds., Journals of the Continental Congress,...
6 Davies, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Davies, 26 March 1781 1781-03-26 I beg leave to represent to your Excellency the absolute necessity of appointing one of the...
7 Davies, William Davies, William [From Thomas Jefferson to William Davies, with Reply … 1781-03-26 [ Richmond, 26 Mch. 1781 . Minute in War Office Journal (Vi) under this date: “A letter from the...
8 Dayton, Elias Washington, George To George Washington from Elias Dayton, 26 March 1781 1781-03-26 In my former letter I acquainted your excellency with the difficulty which attended the sending...
9 Febiger, Christian Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Christian Febiger, 26 March … 1781-03-26 When Colo. Benjn. Harrison was at this place he inform’d me that he had obtain’d an Order for 5...
10 Franklin, Benjamin Hancock, John From Benjamin Franklin to John Hancock, 26 March 1781 1781-03-26 AL (draft): Library of Congress I am requested by some Friends of much Consideration in this...
11 Hand, Edward Washington, George To George Washington from Edward Hand, 26 March 1781 1781-03-26 It appears that when an Invalid Corps was formed it was intended to answer a Twofold...
12 Harrison, Robert Hanson Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Robert Hanson Harrison, 26 … 1781-03-26 I came here, My Dear Hamilton, on Friday night to bid adieu to the General, to you and to My...
13 Heath, William Washington, George To George Washington from William Heath, 26 March 1781 1781-03-26 I am honored with your’s of this date. I ordered the gun-boat fitted some ten or twelve days...
14 Heath, William Washington, George To George Washington from William Heath, 26 March 1781 1781-03-26 As justice is undoubtedly a duty we owe to ourselves as well as our country, and to which I think...
15 Huntington, Samuel Washington, George To George Washington from Samuel Huntington, 26 March … 1781-03-26 Congress have been pleased to refer to your Excellency the enclosed Letter of the 21st Instant...
16 Huntington, Samuel Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Samuel Huntington, 26 March … 1781-03-26 Philadelphia, 26 Mch. 1781 . Enclosing resolve of Congress of 24 Mch. and acknowledging TJ’s...
17 Jay, John Laurens, John From John Jay to John Laurens, 26[–28] March 1781 1781-03-26 The Arrival of the Alliance has relieved your Friends from the anxieties occasioned by the...
18 Jefferson, Thomas Virginia Delegates Thomas Jefferson to Virginia Delegates, 26 March 1781 1781-03-26 FC (Virginia State Library). Written by a clerk. I beg leave to ask your Sollicitations with...
19 Jefferson, Thomas Certain County Magistrates From Thomas Jefferson to Certain County Magistrates, 26 … 1781-03-26 Mr. John Brown who is principally entrusted with the execution of the provision law was some time...
20 Jefferson, Thomas County Lieutenants From Thomas Jefferson to the County Lieutenants, 26 … 1781-03-26 I INCLOSE you by express, three acts of the last session of Assembly for ascertaining the number...
21 Jefferson, Thomas Huntington, Samuel From Thomas Jefferson to Samuel Huntington, 26 March … 1781-03-26 The appointment of Commissioner to the War Office of this State having lately become vacant, the...
22 Jefferson, Thomas Turberville, George Lee From Thomas Jefferson to George Lee Turberville, 26 … 1781-03-26 In order that you may know fully how far and in what instances the Executive thought the measures...
23 Jefferson, Thomas Commissioners of the Tax From Thomas Jefferson to the Commissioners of the Tax … 1781-03-26 The law requiring that the tobacco notes received by you in payment of the two per cent. tax,...
24 Jefferson, Thomas Certain County Magistrates From Thomas Jefferson to Certain Other County … 1781-03-26 Mr. John Brown &c (as in the preceding letter to the word waggons). He has accordingly appointed...
25 Jefferson, Thomas Proclamation of Embargo, 26 March 1781 1781-03-26 [ Richmond ] 26 March 1781 . A reissue of the Proclamation of 30 Nov. 1779, q.v., extending the...
26 Jefferson, Thomas Virginia Delegates From Thomas Jefferson to the Virginia Delegates in … 1781-03-26 I beg Leave to ask your Sollicitations with Congress for Permission to Colo. William Davies of...
27 Senf, John Christian Jefferson, Thomas From John Christian Senf, with Jefferson’s Instructions … 1781-03-26 By our present Situation Your Excellency will find it highly Necessary, that all kind of...
28 MacMahon, John Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from John MacMahon and the … 1781-03-26 AL : American Philosophical Society L’Excellent docteur Mac-mahon et Le chr. de Keralio...
29 Lafayette, Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du … Washington, George To George Washington from … 1781-03-26 By Intelligences just Received I Hear that the British fleet Have Returned to Lyn Haven Bay, and...
30 Lafayette, Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du … Washington, George To George Washington from … 1781-03-26 As I Hope My letters of the 23d and 25th Have Been Safely transmitted and this will Be...
31 McCoy, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John McCoy, 26 March 1781 1781-03-26 To permit me to Adress you on a Subject which I do with the utmost Reluctancey Considring what a...
32 Neave, Richard, & Son Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Richard Neave and Son, 26 … 1781-03-26 ALS : American Philosophical Society It is with the greatest Reluctance that we trouble your...
33 Neufville, Jean de, & Fils (business) Adams, John To John Adams from Jean de Neufville & Fils, 26 March … 1781-03-26 May it please yoúr Excellency that we thank her for the most kind reception I had the honoúr to...
34 Pendleton, Edmund Madison, James To James Madison from Edmund Pendleton, 26 March 1781 1781-03-26 Tr ( LC : Force Transcripts). Docketed, “Edmund Pendleton to James Madison.” Another copy is...
35 Peters, Richard Washington, George To George Washington from Richard Peters, 26 March 1781 1781-03-26 The Board have the Honour to transmit for your Excellency’s Information the inclosed Instructions...
36 Steuben, Friedrich Wilhelm Ludolf Gerhard … Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Steuben, 26 March 1781 1781-03-26 I am this moment informed of the return of the English Fleet into Lynhaven Bay in the night of...
37 Washington, George Armstrong, John From George Washington to John Armstrong, 26 March 1781 1781-03-26 Your favor of the 8th from Carlisle came to me safe, as did the letter alluded to in it; which I...
38 Washington, George Heath, William From George Washington to William Heath, 26 March 1781 1781-03-26 I recollect there was a Gun Boat employed on the River, which was withdrawn at the setting in of...