George Washington Papers
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To George Washington from Colonel Vienne, 5 October 1778

From Colonel Vienne

Boston The 5th october 1778


I shall be very much oblig’d if your Excellency will be So good as to Send me a forlorn [furlough] for one year according to your Excellency’s promise to me, with a Certificate of my behaviour in the time I have been under your Command. I will Still be much oblig’d to your Excellency if you will be pleas’d to Send me these two pieces as quick as your Excellency’s time will permit it, because I wait now for nothing else to Sail immediately for france.1 I beg your Excellency to Consider upon my Situation as well as to have due Regard for it. I have The honour to be with a most profound respect Sir of your Excellency’s most obedient & most humble Servant

Colonel mqs Devienne

I Shall be very much oblig’d if your Excellency will Send the answer under Genl Hancock Cover or direction.

ALS, PHi: Gratz Collection; Sprague transcript, DLC:GW. The postscript to the ALS and its addressed cover, both of which are in Vienne’s writing, are with the Sprague transcript in DLC:GW.

1GW had sent Vienne such a certificate on 29 Sept. in response to Vienne’s previous request of 15 Sept. (see Vienne to GW, 15 Sept., and GW to Vienne, 29 Sept., and note 2 to that document). GW enclosed a duplicate of the certificate in his letter to Vienne of 16 October.

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