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    • Wolcott, Oliver Jr.
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    • Wolcott, Oliver, Jr.


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Documents filtered by: Recipient="Wolcott, Oliver Jr." AND Correspondent="Wolcott, Oliver, Jr."
Results 31-60 of 231 sorted by recipient
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
31 Adams, John Wolcott, Oliver, Jr. From John Adams to Oliver Wolcott, Jr., 29 August 1798 1798-08-29 I received last night your favor of the 22d. Inclosed is the commission to Mr. Woolsey Burton...
32 Adams, John Wolcott, Oliver, Jr. From John Adams to Oliver Wolcott, Jr., 27 August 1800 1800-08-27 Inclosed is a letter from Mr. John C. Jones of Boston, recommending Capt Joseph Coffin Boyd, to...
33 Adams, John Wolcott, Oliver, Jr. From John Adams to Oliver Wolcott, Jr., 29 July 1799 1799-07-29 I return the blank commission signed which you did me the honor to inclose in your letter of the...
34 Adams, John Wolcott, Oliver, Jr. From John Adams to Oliver Wolcott, Jr., 26 April 1799 1799-04-26 I return the two blank Commissions, signed and am satisfied with the recommendations of Robert...
35 Hamilton, Alexander Wolcott, Oliver, Jr. From Alexander Hamilton to Oliver Wolcott, Junior, [6 … 1798-08-06 You are probably apprised that in announcing to the General Officers their appointments, they are...
36 Adams, John Wolcott, Oliver, Jr. From John Adams to Oliver Wolcott, Jr., 20 July 1799 1799-07-20 I return the commission signed, which you sent me in your letter of the 18th. I have left it in...
37 Hamilton, Alexander Wolcott, Oliver, Jr. From Alexander Hamilton to Oliver Wolcott, Junior, [21 … 1796-12-21 I did not understand by your letter of the 17th. of November whether you meant or not to...
38 Hamilton, Alexander Wolcott, Oliver, Jr. From Alexander Hamilton to Oliver Wolcott, Junior, 30 … 1795-06-30 Doctor Livingston sometime since left with me a bundle of vouchers relating to the questions...
39 Jefferson, Thomas Wolcott, Oliver, Jr. From Thomas Jefferson to Oliver Wolcott, Jr., 27 … 1801-12-27 Th: Jefferson requests the favor of Mr. Wolcott’s company to dinner the day after tomorrow at...
40 Adams, John Wolcott, Oliver, Jr. From John Adams to Oliver Wolcott, Jr., 11 October 1800 1800-10-11 The inclosed recommendation of Capt. Samuel Robinson to be keeper of the lighthouse on Wigwam...
41 Hamilton, Alexander Wolcott, Oliver, Jr. From Alexander Hamilton to Oliver Wolcott, Junior, 13 … 1799-03-13 It is natural for people where their interest is concerned to die hard. Mr. Juhel, the bearer of...
42 Washington, George Wolcott, Oliver Jr. From George Washington to Oliver Wolcott, Jr., 22 … 1798-01-22 Your letter of the 12th instant enclosing one from Mr Ross, and the Treasurers draught on Colo....
43 Adams, John Wolcott, Oliver, Jr. From John Adams to Oliver Wolcott, Jr., 4 September … 1797-09-04 I recd. your favour of Augt. 20th. in due Season. I congratulate you, most sincerely, on the...
44 Adams, John Wolcott, Oliver, Jr. From John Adams to Oliver Wolcott, Jr., 30 August 1798 1798-08-30 Please to write to Gen. Lincoln authorizing him to furnish me money out of the appropriation for...
45 Adams, John Wolcott, Oliver, Jr. From John Adams to Oliver Wolcott, Jr., 22 July 1799 1799-07-22 Inclosed is a letter or petition from the Indian proprietors of Gay head, recommending Mr....
46 Adams, John Wolcott, Oliver, Jr. From John Adams to Oliver Wolcott, Jr., 28 September … 1800-09-28 I have carefully read all the applications & recommendations for the office of collector of...
47 Hamilton, Alexander Wolcott, Oliver, Jr. From Alexander Hamilton to Oliver Wolcott, Junior … 1796-03-07 Inclosed are two letters which I will thank you to hand on. I have just seen Livingston’s Motion...
48 Hamilton, Alexander Wolcott, Oliver, Jr. From Alexander Hamilton to Oliver Wolcott, Junior, 8 … 1794-10-08 [ Carlisle, Pennsylvania, October 8, 1794. On October 11, 1794, Wolcott wrote to Hamilton : “I...
49 Hamilton, Alexander Wolcott, Oliver, Jr. From Alexander Hamilton to Oliver Wolcott, Junior, [5 … 1796-08-05 The Bank of New York is willing to make the loan of 324 000 Dollars to you (I mean the exact sum...
50 Hamilton, Alexander Wolcott, Oliver, Jr. From Alexander Hamilton to Oliver Wolcott, Junior, 26 … 1795-06-26 I have direct information in confidence, that the Minister of France by a letter received...
51 Adams, John Wolcott, Oliver, Jr. From John Adams to Oliver Wolcott, Jr., 15 May 1800 1800-05-15 The President requests the several heads of Departments, to take the most prudent and economical...
52 Adams, John Wolcott, Oliver, Jr. From John Adams to Oliver Wolcott, Jr., 15 August 1800 1800-08-15 I received but last night your favor of the 4th. The papers containing applications &...
53 Hamilton, Alexander Wolcott, Oliver, Jr. From Alexander Hamilton to Oliver Wolcott, Junior, 19 … 1800-08-19 [ New York, August 19, 1800. On September 3, 1800, Wolcott wrote to Hamilton : “I am favoured...
54 Adams, John Wolcott, Oliver, Jr. From John Adams to Oliver Wolcott, Jr., 3 August 1800 1800-08-03 The inclosed letter from Will Channing or Will Chowning I cannot determine which by the hand...
55 Hamilton, Alexander Wolcott, Oliver, Jr. From Alexander Hamilton to Oliver Wolcott, Junior, [20 … 1797-11-20 Give me leave to remind you of your promise to send me the documents and information which...
56 Hamilton, Alexander Wolcott, Oliver, Jr. From Alexander Hamilton to Oliver Wolcott, Junior, 20 … 1796-04-20 I have received your letter of the 18th. instant. The money paid me for you shall be placed to...
57 Hamilton, Alexander Wolcott, Oliver, Jr. From Alexander Hamilton to Oliver Wolcott, Junior, 6 … 1797-06-06 You some time ago put a question to me, which through hurry, I never answered— viz whether there...
58 Washington, George Wolcott, Oliver Jr. From George Washington to Oliver Wolcott, Jr., 29 May … 1797-05-29 I have received your letter of the 18th instant with its enclosures, and thank you for both. The...
59 Hamilton, Alexander Wolcott, Oliver, Jr. From Alexander Hamilton to Oliver Wolcott, Junior, [8 … 1797-06-08 I have received your two letters of the 6th & 7. The last announces to me no more than I feared....
60 Adams, John Wolcott, Oliver, Jr. From John Adams to Oliver Wolcott, Jr., 22 July 1800 1800-07-22 Inclosed is a Petition of Samuel Spring, for a Pardon, of the Crime of forging and passing...