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    • Washington, George
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    • Washington Presidency
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    • Washington, George


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Documents filtered by: Recipient="Washington, George" AND Period="Washington Presidency" AND Correspondent="Washington, George"
Results 31-60 of 6,377 sorted by relevance
permit me to Introduce to your particular favr and Respect Our Brother Batis. Dequan, The...
I do myself the honor to enclose to you a copy of an Order of the Council of this State dated the...
Being informed by Giles who arrived this morning that You expected being here as soon as he would...
I have lately understood that Mr Robert Young appointed Surveyor of Nottingham District Patuxent...
après bien des peines et des traverses, c’est en Amérique, c’est auprès de vous, que je viens...
The indians have in the county of Kenawa committed many hostilities; some of which I beg leave to...
The great importance of selecting persons speedily for the offices created by the british treaty,...
I am extremely sorry that I have not been sooner able to obey your Instructions in regard to...
I suppose you will be surprised to receive a letter from a person who you never saw or likely...
A few days ago I was in Gloucester County; whilst there, I rode through a tract of Land a...
Impressed with a high idea of your desire to patronize those Arts which improve & embellish life,...
I have communicated to Judge Phillips the contents of the several letters with which you honor’d...
On my return yesturday from Berkley I found Your two favors of the 28th Ulto & 7th Inst. —when I...
As I suppose that a number of Officers must be appointed to carry the Excise Law into execution,...
The death of Mr Harris having made a vacancy in the Revenue at Marblehead I am informed that Col....
The disappointment which I fear Mr Thompson will undergo grieves me very much as it is on my...
Upon reciving in this Town your proclamation locating a district of ten mile Square it was deemed...
I transmit you enclosed a letter from Don Thomas Stoughton Consul of his Catholic Majesty in this...
Owing to my not having been in Town for some Days past I did not receive your Letter as soon as...
My ill state of Health for upwards of a year past has prevented me in a great degree from paying...
A few days ago, as I promised in my last I shoud do, I took a full view of your Estate in this...
By an act of the last Session—a Copy Of which I enclose You will perceive that a Sum not...
Charleston, S.C., 6 May 1791. Offers himself as a candidate for the command of the United States...
I wrote You the 24th Ulto that I had contrary to my fixed resolution of returning to my Mount...
Being much flattered by the confidence reposed in me by you, while I was employed in your...
Your favour of the 18th Ult. with two Plats of land I receiv’d this day. my Mothers absence on a...
I declined answering your letter of the 13th instant from Spurriers, untill I could have an...
after my Best Complyments to you, I then Beg your Excelence pardon for this liberty, I should be...
Having understood that you have it in contemplation to appropriate the Shares which you own in...
Your letter of the 28th of last month, acknowledging the receipt of my two last letters, I...