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    • Washington, George
    • Jefferson, Thomas


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Documents filtered by: Author="Washington, George" AND Correspondent="Washington, George" AND Correspondent="Jefferson, Thomas"
Results 21-70 of 469 sorted by editorial placement
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I have the pleasure to transmit Your Excellency a Letter from Major Genl de Riedesel which only...
I had the honor to receive by last nights Post Your Excellencys favor of the 10th Ulto—I am not...
I have the pleasure to inform Your Excellency confidentially that a French Fleet may in the...
I have been honored with two of your Excellency’s favors both of the 11th inclosing an extract of...
I had the honor a few days ago, to receive Your Excellency’s Letter of the 2d Instant—and at the...
Since I had the honor of writing to Your Excellency on the 18th I have received a Letter form...
I have been honoured with Your Excellency’s favor of the 22 of July and with its inclosure. With...
I had not the honor till Th[r]ee days ago to receive Your Excellency’s Letters of the 4th Ulto &...
I was yesterday honored with your Excellency’s favor of the 9th ulto enclosing a return of 40...
I am exceedingly obliged by your Excellency’s favor of the 3d. It has indeed relieved me from...
On sunday Evening I had the honor to receive Your Excellency’s Letters of the 23d and 26th of...
I have been honored with your Excellencys favors of the 22d 25th and 26th ulto. We have already...
I have been duly honored with Your Excellency’s severals Letters of the 3d 10th and 19th Novembr...
Your Excellency’s favor of the 13th reached me this day. I have ever been of opinion, that the...
Since I had last the honor of addressing Your Excellency, the Embarkation which had been some...
I am much obliged to your Excellency for your letter of the 10th of January, giving me an account...
I do myself the honor to communicate, to your Excellency, a circumstance which I hope will be...
The last Post brought me the enclosed letter, under cover from the Marquis de la Fayette. If you...
The Baron de Steuben informs me, that he is about to make a final settlement with Congress; and...
Your letter of the 15th came to my hands the 2 2d—at the moment the Governor & some other company...
It was not in my power to answer your favor of the 15th by the last post for the reason then...
If with frankness, and the fullest latitude of a friend, you will give me your opinion of the...
It was not until I had arrived at Annapolis, on my way home, that I heard of Colo. Humphrys’s...
I had the pleasure to find by the public Gazettes that your passage to France had been short, and...
I have had the honor to receive your favors of the 10th & 17th of July which were committed to...
The letters you did me the favor to write to me on the 4th & 7th of Jany have been duly received....
It has so happened, that the letter which you did me the honor of writing to me the 14th of...
Yesterday put an end to the business of the Fœderal Convention. Inclosed is a copy of the...
I have received your favor of the 15th of August, and am sorry that it is not in my power to give...
I was very much gratified by the receipt of your letter, dated the 3d of May. You have my best...
Having found that there is a vessel on the point of sailing from Alexandria for Havre de Grace I...
In the selection of characters to fill the important offices of Government in the United States I...
You will perceive by the enclosed letter (which was left for you at the Office of Foreign Affairs...
Information from our Bankers in Holland that they had money in hand sufft to answer the demands...
I had the pleasure to receive duly your letter dated the 15th of Decr last; but I thought proper...
The enclosed Letters & documents from Mr Gouvr Morris are sent for the perusal of the Secretary...
The President of the United States transmits to the Secretary of State, to report thereon, a...
Enclosed is the report (I mentioned to you on our Passage to Rhode-Island) of the Officer who was...
The P. requests that Mr J. would give the letter & statement herewith sent from the S. of War a...
Herewith you will receive the Powers & Instructions with which Gouvr Morris Esqr. is invested and...
The enclosed Notes are sufficiently descriptive to comprehend the two objects fully; but it is...
The P. begs to see Mr Jefferson before he proceeds further in the Proclamation. From a more...
63Commission, 22 January 1791 (Washington Papers)
Know Ye, That reposing special Trust and Confidence in the Integrity, Skill, and Diligence of...
Nothing in the enclosed letter superceding the necessity of Mr Ellicots proceeding to the work in...
The messages to the two Houses, as altered are quite agreeable to. Whether, as it is equally...
The P. would thank Mr Jefferson for placing all, or such of the enclosed Papers (after he has...
The P. has given the enclosed letters an attentive reading & consideration, and has found nothing...
Letter not found: to Thomas Jefferson, 10 Mar. 1791. In his Summary Journal of Public Letters (...
Enclosed is the last letter I have received from Messrs Deakins & Stoddart. What step had I best...
The P. has just recd the enclosed. He prays Mr Jefferson to write by tomorrows Post to Majr...