
  • Author

    • Jefferson, Thomas
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    • Smith, Robert
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    • Smith, Robert
    • Jefferson, Thomas


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Documents filtered by: Author="Jefferson, Thomas" AND Recipient="Smith, Robert" AND Correspondent="Smith, Robert" AND Correspondent="Jefferson, Thomas"
Results 111-113 of 113 sorted by recipient
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Capt Truxton’s idea of a [gradual] relief of our frigates [presents] advantages. in addition to what he [mentions], the frigate going out [might] always carry supplies; the frigate relieved may always be any particular one which may have got damaged & need repairs. it puts it in our power to shift the officers at our will & without offence. [it] might, on the arrival of the one & before the...
Your favor of the 6th. was recieved yesterday. on the 7th. inst. I had recieved one from Mella Menni declining going in the Franklin for reasons which were evidently not the genuine ones. at the same time I recieved a letter from mr Madison informing me that he had authorised Cathcart to charter a vessel at Boston, & in the mean time had taken advantage of one sailing from Alexandria to Boston...
I have had under consideration the letter of Lieutt. Smith commander of Gun boat No. 1. from Charleston, respecting the capture of the Two friends, a registered ship, at the bar of Charleston. his idea, if that be his idea, of having a 16. gun brig with a regular officer to do the duty of the revenue cutter, is condemned by our own experience. the qualities which make a good officer of the...