James Madison Papers
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From James Madison to Timothy Pickering, 17 October 1825

To Timothy Pickering

Montpellier Ocr 17. 1825


Yours of the 4th. inst: inclosing a continuation of your printed letters on the improvement of our native breed of Neat Cattle has been duly received. The subject well merits the attention bestowed on it; and I shall cheerfully comply with the request to put the past & the ensuing nos. into the hands of a Gentleman to whom I doubt not they will be acceptable, & whose judgment & public spirit will not fail to do justice to them. Very respectfully

James Madison

RC (MHi); draft (DLC). RC addressed and franked by JM; postmarked Orange Court House, 21 Oct.; docketed by Pickering. Minor differences between the copies have not been noted.

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