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Letter not found. 27 August 1800. Acknowledged in Monroe to JM, 9 Sept. 1800 . Informs Monroe that JM has hired Richard McGee as overseer for Monroe’s Albemarle County farm.
I wrote you two days since by my servant who was to put the letter in the post office at charlottesville. This will be presented by Mr. Ervin a young man of merit from Boston. I saw him in Paris, but on some ground wh. I forget refused him my passport, in consequence whereof we did not become acquaint⟨ed. He pub⟩lished my book in Engld., of which he sent me a copy. Last winter he was...
Mr. Erwin proposing to set out in the morning without my again seeing him, I think proper to add to the few lines with which he is already charged, that our interview closed without any allusion to the secondary object of the election. If I had not expected, as intimated by you, that he would bring on the subject, it would no doubt have dropt from me. As it is possible he may draw some...
If this should get to Richmond before you leave it, it will afford you the pleasure of knowing that Mrs. Monroe continues in the good health in which you left her, and that your little son has mended more rapidly than could have been expected. His appetite, his increased strength, and his good humour, are all proofs of his improved situation. You will yourself we hope be a witness of it in the...
Being on a visit to this place I avail myself of the post wh. goes to morrow yr. way to congratulate you on the issue of the presidential election. The want of arrangment in the commenc’ment, subjected the result to much incertainty & embarrassment, but happily it is at an end, and it is probable the circumstances attending the crisis may prove useful. I left Richmond on tuesday & sit out in...
We have now been near six weeks settled in our new domicil, where we do not abandon the hope of welcoming you and your amiable family, notwithstanding the damp thrown on it by your last letter. The Season of year, tho’ frequently an obstacle, frequently also presents favorable spells, of which we have had already a fine specimen, & seem to be promised more. Mrs. Monroe’s health might be aided...
I was yesterday at Monticello when Mr. Jefferson informed me he proposed sitting out on the next (this) morning on a visit to you, to remain a day & return. Considering yr. present publick engagment, the business before the legislature & the part you will necessarily take in it, with his publick station, I was immediately impressed with an idea the trip had better be declined & so observed. He...
My family were arrived before me. Thomas reached yr. house yesterday without my horse, and the old gentleman was so kind as lend his to assist in bringing Mrs. M. home. Our child has a fever, did not sleep last night nor on the road. I fear he will not rest to night. We shall have the Dr. with him tomorrow, & his gums lancd as we hope that is the only cause of his present indisposition. My...
The state of the Electoral poll as published affords such strong presumptive evidence of the result, that altho’ no official notice may arrive, I shall set out in due time for Richmond. Mrs. Madison will avail herself of the occasion to make a short visit to Mrs. Monroe. In order to guard agst. casualties of the weather, & for the advantage of being rather early on the ground, we shall...
Since my return I have devoted all the leasure time I have had in preparing my narrative for Mr. Bache but yet it is not finished. I suppose I have yet abt. a 3d. to do, which I hope to complete this week. The whole when completed will make a pamphlet of between thirty & forty pages. It has cost me much trouble on acct. of the necessity of observing great accuracy in facts, dates, &ca. Of the...
I shod. have written you on friday but had nothing to communicate, nor indeed have I at present, unless the equal & unanimous vote of So. Carolina for Mr. Jefferson & Burr be so. It is understood that No. C. voted as we always heard she wod. that is 8. for J. & B. 4. for A. & P.; of Georgia, Tenessee & Kentuckey we know nothing, nor do we of the Eastern States. I think it probable the vote for...
Several of your friends here wish us to possess the document of Dr. Edwards procured by Mr. Dawson. Send it by the next post if you please with any observations you wish to make. L. Smith is appointed our Speaker by a majority of 80 odd vs. 50 odd—& Wirt Clerk by one of 90 odd vs 40 odd. Communicate this to Mr. J. & tell him I have recd. his letter by Mr. R. but cannot answer it now—it being ½...
Yours of the 9th. inst: never arrived till sunday last. I cannot account for your having heard nothing of the letter of Mr. M. & the copy of yours to Mr. D. According to your request when you inclosed them, they were returned by the ensuing mail, addressed to you & to be left at Milton, where they must have arrived on thursday morning, the day on which I presumed you would set off for Richd....
You will have this from Mr. Reuben Chuning, who wishes to consult with you on the subject of your Housebuilding. He is one of the Workmen whom I recommended to you, and will I am persuaded justify all I have said in his favor. He has not yet put the last hand to my work, but will probably be ready as soon as you are for commencing yours. I have met with some mortifying delays in finishing off...
An unhappy event has occurr’d which has overwhelmed us with grief. At ten last night our beloved babe departed this life after several days sickness, wh. attended the cuting his eye teeth in the last stage, when we flatter’d ourselves the danger had passed. I cannot give you an idea of the effect this event has produc’d on my family, or of my own affliction in being a partner and spectator of...
We are very thankful for the articles yr.self & Mrs. M. were so good as send us. They are really rarities and of importance in our present situation. We shod. however be very sorry if you reduc’d yr. own stock so as to feel the want of them. We send you two mattresses—one of hair & another of wool. 4. dozen of the better kind of diaper napkins & 2. of infr., very useful for common purposes. 4....
I ought to have answerd yr. last favor sooner, relative to an advance made me sometime last year at Fredbg., but many interesting concerns have prevented it. That advance was I presume made to Mr. Jones, as I recollect writing by him to request abt. that sum to be applied to my use there. I think too you advanc’d him the cash as he paid the debt wh. I owed on his arrival at Fredbg., tho I...
I have just taken a transient view of my affrs. here for a day or two, & set out back to Richmd. to day. It wod. give me great pleasure cod. I extend my trip to yr. house but that is impossible, and altho’ I had this excursion in view for a fortnight past yet I cod. not ask you to meet me; as I expected that pleasure when Mr. Jeffn. arrived. I wish to be back to see some of the southern...
Yours of the 7th. has this moment only reached me. Having but a little time got back from a Visit to Hanover, & being in the vortex of Housebuilding in its most hurried stage, I have not been able yet to read thro’ the arrears of Newspapers accumulated during my absence. A glance at the paper you allude gave me a sort of enigmatical impression, favoring however the idea rather of a masked...
I now inclose a letter left here by Mr. Alston. It will communicate all that I could repeat from one to me from Col. Burr and Mr. Gelston. The latter is uneasy lest the Southern States should not be true to their duty. I hope he will be sensible that there was no occasion for it. It seems important that all proper measures should emanate from Richmond for guarding against a division of the...
I recd. your favor of the 15th. from Albemarle a few days ago. I shall not be surprized at an experiment in this State at this moment, of its republican sensibility, by putting in force the sedition act; and entirely approve your idea of the policy by which the measure ought to be turned agst. its authors. Nothing seems necessary now to rectify the pub: opinion & reform the administration, but...
I recd: a letter by the last mail from Mr. Yard, in which he tells me he has shipped 22 or 23 dozen of wine for me, and speaks of the like quantity for you. I presume he has Shipped that also, and has given you notice of it. He wishes the delay to be ascribed to his anxiety to prevent a premature consumption of so choice a deposit, which he says in two or 3 years will not be exceeded by any...
Mr. Alexr. Stuart brother of Archd. has desired me to make known to you his pretentions to a seat in our council with a view to yr. friendly aid in obtaining it. It is impossible to refuse saying of him what I think, especially as my acquaintance with him is of ten years, commencing with his study of the law & continuing since. He is a sensible young man, sound in morality & political...
… The conduct of the people on this occasion was exemplary, and does them the highest honour. They seemed aware the crisis demanded of them a proof of their respect for law and order, and resolved to show they were equal to it. I am satisfied a different conduct was expected from them, for everything that could was done to provoke it. It only remains that this business be closed on the part of...
I lately made a flying visit to albemarle with my family in hope the change of air and scene might be useful, but cannot say that much benefit has been derived from it. Mrs. M.’s health is in a very delicate state, but hope it will soon improve. Majr. Butler passed to the so. lately resolved to aid the republican cause all in his power. From the north we have nothing new except the publication...
I recd. yours of the 6th. inst. by Mr. Erwin, whom I have found to justify the recommendations he brought me. He appears to be intelligent well informed, sound in his principles and agreeable in his manners. He has not as yet touched on the subject to which you allude, & I have not been led to start a conversation on it. At the desire of Mr. Jefferson I return the inclosed letters which you...
I wrote you two days since & sent the letter to Charlottesville. It is only this moment that I recollect I omited to enquire whether you had heard of the overseer you promised to endeavor to engage for me. I shall take no step relying on him till I hear from you. Perhaps he wod. be satisfied with £50. as it is in a healthy country, and the entire command of the plantation in his hands. But you...
I recd. your favor by the last mail and return the inclosures without repeating the remarks made to you heretofore. I have noted a trifling variation or two in the letter to G. S. which may perhaps the better guard it agst. misconstructions of any sort. The person contemp⟨lated⟩ for your Overseer has not yet come up nor been heard from. His brother however has written to him, and it is...
I have recd yours of the 15th. and according to its request inclose back the pamphlet to Mr. Jefferson. I have looked over attentively the parts of it which regard you. It does not seem to me to present any ground on which you could resume the controversy with Col. H. with an appearance either of obligation or propriety. All the points deserving attention which grew out of the course of the...
I tax you with H.’s pamphlet, requesting that you will return it by the post to Mr. Jeffn. You will be so good as tell me frankly yr. opinion of the footing upon wh. my correspondence with that Scondrel stands, and whether it becomes me to pursue him further. Mr. Dawson will be at yr. court I think on the 25. wh. I presume is yr. ct. day. If I can I will meet him at yr. house. My narrative...
If you can conveniently I will thank you to furnish to Mr. Jones for me abt. £45. wh. I am to pay at Fredbg. under an engagment wh. cannot be delayed. I have adjusted my affr. with Pickett by the payment of ⅔ ds. the amt. and otherwise securing him in the balance in three months, so that I am freed from that difficulty. This was done by the sale of my military land. I shall probably be down,...
I have yr. favor of the 27. (last) in wh. you inform me of yr. engagment with Mr. Macgee to overlook my business in albemarle, with wh. I am much gratified. I believe the one on the mountain will remain, but whether he does or not I shall put great confidence in Macgee, and altho’ in case he stays and in consequence Macgee’s attention be confined to the lower place, I shall if you advise raise...
I have recd. your favor of the 16th. It has not removed the inquietude prevailing in this quarter as to the precise issue of the Election. There are reports from different quarters which seem to be positive that a difference of several votes has taken place between the two Repub: Candidates; but I can not trace in them either authenticity or particularity eno. to entitle them to confidence....
You were so kind as intimate some time since you cod. accomodate me with a draft for two or three hundred dolrs. at Phil. At that time I thought I cod. get along without it, but the excessive charges attending the transportation of my furniture, far exceeding the real value inclines me to accept the draft if you can now furnish it with perfect convenience to yrself. I have read the speech &...
I observe in the Aurora a letter signed Junius wh. seems to incite the respectable marshall of France to continue his essays agnst me in a manner best calculated to forward the views of his prompter. I suspect that piece was written, either by the volunteer aid or the inspector genl. I am surprised such a piece shod. have been introduc’d in that paper without a comment. I gave Mr. Dawson the...
Your favor of came safe by the last Mail. I had not forgotten my accession to your assumpsit, tho’ the discharge of it will fall on me at a moment peculiarly mal apropos, and is not I fear alleviated by a hope that the sacrifice will answer the benevolent purpose which led to it. I shall be glad to know the precise time at which the payment will be called for, that I may be prepared for it. If...
I have yours of the 23d. ulto. by Fredbg. We had hear⟨d⟩ of yr. indisposition and inferrd from yr. not mentioning ⟨it⟩ it had been slight, and were happy to learn from Mr. Maco⟨n⟩ that altho’ it was more serious than we supposed, you h⟨ad⟩ recovered entirely yr. health. Every ⟨an⟩ticipati⟨on⟩ of th⟨e⟩ views of the admn. in this State seems to have been verified, or so many facts established as...
Mr. Monroe readily consents to an interview with Colo. Hamilton tomorrow at ten in the morning at his lodgings with Mr. Knox in Wall Street. He will bring whom he pleases. AL , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. For background to this letter, see the introductory note to Oliver Wolcott, Jr., to H, July 3, 1797 ; H to Monroe, July 10, 1797 . Thomas Knox, a New York City merchant, lived at 46...
Your favor of yesterday was duly delivered by your servant; and I herewith inclose the copies you request, of the papers formerly transmitted to me. The originals I shall forwd. to Mr. D. as you suggest. I send also your letter to Van Staphorst & his answer, which I found with the other papers & which may possibly be of use now or hereafter in refreshing your memory or otherwise. The other...
I returned from Richmond yesterday (wednesday) and found my child better than when I left him. The dangerous simptoms of the thrush seem to be past, and the hooping cough has nearly left him, so that extreme debility, is his present chief complaint. Perhaps I do wrong in sending you the enclosed letter, in reference to the veiws of the author, but as I know no harm can come of it, especially...
[ Philadelphia, August 4, 1797. Letter listed in dealer’s catalogue. Letter not found. ] ALS , sold by Stan V. Henkels, Jr., April 21, 1891, Item 393-H.
As I do not send expressly to the post Office on the return of the Mail from Charlottesville your favor of the 10th. did not get to hand in time to be answered on friday last. It is perfectly convenient for me to furnish a draft on Philada. having kept the little fund there as an appropriation to your use. The bill I offered you for 250 dollars was delivered to Mr. Jefferson with a view to go...
Have you ever recd. yr. wine from Mr. Yard. Presuming you have not, I intimated in a letter by Dr. Bache to Mr. Yd., requesting mine to be forwarded to the care of Geo. Jeffn. Richmond, that if yrs. had not already been, I doubted not it wod. be agreeable to you it shod. be by the same route. I hope we shall receive it, since to me it will be a most acceptable accomodation having had none of...
[ Albemarle, Virginia, January 1, 1798. In January, 1798, Hamilton wrote to Monroe and referred to “your letter of the first instant.” Letter not found. ]
I presume you have seen Mr. Adams attention to me in his reply to an address from Lancaster. I send you however a copy in the enclosed gazette. I also send an extract from an oration delivered by Judge Addison of Pensylva. wh. seems to have collected all the calumnies heretofore circulated agnst me. My friends in Phila. think some attention due to the publication of this judge & Mr. Dawson...
Mr. Hamilton requests an interview with Mr. Monroe at any hour tomorrow forenoon which may be convenient to him. Particular reasons will induce him to bring with him a friend to be present at what may pass. Mr. Monroe, if he pleases, may have another. AL , University of Rochester Library. For background to this letter, see the introductory note to Oliver Wolcott, Jr., to H, July 3, 1797 . See...
[ New York, August 8, 1797. Letter listed in dealer’s catalogue. Letter not found. ] ALS , sold by John Heise, Syracuse, New York, 1921, Catalogue S5, Item 9.
I shall see Mr. Strother and others and shall be able without compromitting you in a direct manner to forward Mercers views as well as if you were to write. and I shall be able also to satisfy Mercer of yr. good wishes and endeavors as fully as if you did write. I shall be back in a week. I send yr. books by the bearer. yrs affecy. RC ( DLC ); endorsed by TJ as received on the same date as...
The assembly adjourned on friday last in confidence shod. any plan of usurpation be attempted at the federal town, the Executive wod. convene it without delay; a confidence which was not misplac’d. yr. friend & servt RC ( DLC ); endorsed by TJ as received 31 Jan. and so recorded in SJL .
The calls of my carpenters & the fineness of the weather have induced me to hurry my waggon up for the nails. It will receive the few articles which you have been so good as to offer from the superfluities of your stock; and which circumstances will permit me now to lay in: towit 2 table cloths for a dining room of abt. 18 feet; 2. 3 or 4. as may be convenient, for a more limited scale, 4...