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Documents filtered by: Recipient="Madison, James" AND Period="Confederation Period" AND Correspondent="Madison, James"
Results 651-670 of 670 sorted by recipient
I must hope to meet with your forgivness for the great trouble I urged you to when here last week. Nothing would have induced me to Solicit your Address to the People , But an anxiety to remove some false prejudices which I apprehended were predominating in this County against you; I am sensable your mind is delicate on such occasions, But think the Customs of the times fully justifies the...
A neighbour of mine who is a Wheelwright called last sunday to see me; he told me he had been reading for some days past the New-Constitution, and Richard Henry Lee’s letter, and he wished me to answer him some questions. They were the following literally Is Mr. Lee thought to be a great man? Is he not a proud passionate man? Was he one of the Convention? Could it be from Ignorance or design...
I have recieved your letter dated at Philada. & shall forward the in-closure to France in the manner you direct. Since your departure, we have been under great anxiety for the fate of Mr. Hardy. On a party to Haerlem heights about ten days ago, he unfortunately bursted a blood vessel, and from frequent hemorrhages, has been in extreme danger till about three days ago, when matters have taken...
Sometime since I was appointed of the Committee to attend the Pena. Assembly, contrary to my wishes, & not being able to extricate myself (having apologiz’d in the first instance upon Mrs. Monroe’s indisposition which was not admitted in expectation of her better health) am now under the necessity of attending. The question was not as I suppos’d taken upon the whole report of the Committee of...
Altho’ many mails have passed since I wrote to you last, I am not without excuses of a satisfactory nature; which are too long and unimportant to you to hear in detail. Having shaken off the impediments to writing, I shall be hereafter punctual. My letter is now inclosed to you. What the general opinion is, I would not undertake to vouch because I stay much at home, and I find daily reason to...
By Mr. Fitzhugh you will receive my letter of the 1’st inst. He is still here, and gives me an opportunity of again addressing you much sooner than I should have done but for the discovery of a great peice of inattention. In that letter I send you a detail of the cost of your books, and desire you to keep the amount in your hands, as if I had forgot that a part of it was in fact your own, as...
I send you a copy of the confederation between the New England Colonies, together with a few Extracts from the Journals of the Commissioners. As I hope to leave Town on Tuesday for Boston, I pray you to return me these papers Sometime Tomorrow. You are sensible that information from the southern States relative to the proposed Constitution will be of importance to us at Boston while engaged on...
We are all extremely uneasy at your Indisposition—how much to be regretted indeed! And particularly when such important matters are under deliberation—but I hope that kind Heaven has restored you before this day, to be a farther blessing and honor to your Country! We are not very sanguine upon the event of the proposed constitution in Virginia—’tho your kind letters give us some degree of...
By a notification in the Pensylvania Packet, it appears that the Southern Mail was robbed on the 22d. Ult in the State of Delaware. As it was about, at least not far from the time, I wrote you fully in answer to your favor of the 5th. of Novr. I am anxious to know its fate. If it has not reached your hands I will upon intimation thereof transmit a duplicate of my sentiments respecting the...
The french packet has at length arrived—but after a passage so long nothing new and material could be expected. Mr Jefferson writes a very short letter, but not a wored of Intelligence —perhaps the enclosed to you may contain somewhat more satisfactory. He has also sent a letter to your attention for Ben. Lewis near Richmond, and George Clymer of philadelphia—five french pamphlets for mr...
I return’d yesterday on my way to the General Court from Maryland where I had the pleasure of receiving your favor from Richmond. The sequel of proceedings which you enumerated by no means coincided with my opinions, but that does not make them less right. I have enclosed you a statement of my political doctrines, which from what I recollect will hardly meet with your approbation. I have...
Your favor of the 7th. came to hand the evening before last. The resolutions which you say are inserted in the Papers, I have not yet seen. The latter come irregularly, tho’ I am a subscriber to Hays Gazette. Besides the reasons which are assigned in my circular letter to the several State Societies of the Cincinnati, for my non-attendance at the next General meeting to be holden in...
Your favors of the 8th. & 15th. came to hand yesterday. I have this morning revised your former letters to see what commissions it would be best for me to execute here for you. In that of Feb. 17, you desire a recommendation of a fit bookseller in Paris & London. This certainly I can better do from the spot. In the mean time address yourself to me as your bookseller for either place, because...
Prompted by the good of my Country, I hope will sufficiently apologize for my addressing you on some matters of very great importance to our Country. Government at present is certainly in a very confused and unhinged situation, and no doubt calls for the deliberate efforts of a wise Legislature, which I hope is the case at this day. Yet Sir Your knowledge of mankind and things in general must...
I retired to this place to obtain a little rest, but find so great a proportion of the Company came for diversion, that my Views are nearly frustrated. A rainy Day has afforded me an opportunity of giving you the trouble of opening this, the trouble of reading it will depend on yourself after observing the Signature. I have frequently been honored with your conversation from which I conceive I...
In mine of Nov. 11. I acknoleged the receipt of yours of Aug. 20. Sep. 7. and 15. Since that, the one of Oct. 11. by the packet has come to hand as also that of July 3. by Mr. Short who came in the packet, was actually in N. York when you passed through it and had waited there several days in hopes of seeing you. I thank you very much for the relation of the proceedings of assembly. It is the...
We are here, & I beleive every where, all Impatience to know Something of your conventional Deliberations. If you cannot tell us what you are doing, you might at least give us some Information of what you are not doing. This wd. afford a Clue for political Conjecture, and perhaps be sufficient to satisfy present Impatience. I hope you have already discoverd the Means of preserving the American...
Some difficulties having occurred in the settlement of the Accounts of this state with the United States between the agents of the two parties; the Executive have thought it proper to send forward Colonel Davies immediately to the seat of the fœderal government there to represent the particular situation of this business. He is instructed in all cases of difficulty to confer with you. Permit...
Two days before I left Frdksburg I did myself the pleasure of addressing a letter to you, and have not receivd one since my arrival at this place. By directing to the care of Majr. Magill, Winchester, there would be a certainty of my receiving any communications you will honour me with. Yesterday I visited “a flowing spring” abt. thirteen miles from this place, in the state of Pennsylvania and...
I thank you for your letter of the 9th. instant and am glad to learn that you think the chance is in your favour. I hope no disagreeable change may happen. Yet I own I fear something from your indisposition. Our debate here began on the clause respecting the proportion of representation &c. which has taken up two days. Tomorrow I imagine we shall talk about the power over elections. The only...