James Madison Papers
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To James Madison from Benjamin Fry, 2 February 1802 (Abstract)

§ From Benjamin Fry

2 February 1802, Newport. Encloses documents concerning his brig Favorite, “which was captured by a French Privateer, carried into Guadaloup & condemned in December 1800 after the Treaty was Signed and agreable to the fourth article of said Treaty will be paid for by the French Government.” Would have sent papers sooner but Capt. Benjamin Seabury, master of the Favorite when captured, was away on a sea voyage. Encloses his account for brig and cargo, estimated value of brig from two local merchants and two shipmasters, and customhouse certificate of cargo. Also includes copy of ship’s register, Captain Seabury’s protest, and copy of condemnation, which was taken from one brought from Guadeloupe by Captain Brevoor of Philadelphia who purchased the brig. Wishes to be informed if procedure for obtaining restitution for ships taken into Guadeloupe differs from that for those taken into France. Is “entirely Ignorant how to proceed in this Business” and relies on JM’s goodness for information.

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