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    • Washington, George
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    • Lee, Henry Jr.
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    • Revolutionary War
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    • Lee, Henry Jr.

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Documents filtered by: Author="Washington, George" AND Recipient="Lee, Henry Jr." AND Period="Revolutionary War" AND Correspondent="Lee, Henry Jr."
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Letter not found: to Capt. Henry Lee, Jr., c.31 Oct. 1777. Lee’s letter to GW of 31 Oct. is docketed in part “Ansd.”
Letter not found: to Capt. Henry Lee, Jr., 8 Nov. 1777. Lee’s letter to GW of 8 Nov. is docketed in part “ansd 8.”
Altho I have given you my thanks in the general Orders of this day for the late instance of your gallant behaviour I cannot resist the Inclination I feel to repeat them again in this manner. I needed no fresh proof of your merit, to bear you in remembrance—I waited only for the proper time and season to shew it—these I hope are not far off. I shall also think of & will reward the merit of...
You are immediately to proceed, with a party of Horse to Dover and the Head of Elk, and in conjunction with the commissaries there, exert your utmost endeavours, to hasten to this Army all the flesh-prov[is]ions, deposited in the Magazines, at those places. In order to this, you are empowerd to impress th[r]oughout the Country any number of Waggons you may stand in need of. I have also written...
I have received your Letter of the 19th inst. informing me of the measures which you have taken for supplying our wants, and the prospects which you have of success—Your application to the Assessors of the several hundreds, was extremely judicious, and I have no doubt that by your activity and prudent management you will avail yourself of all the resources of the Country without giving...
I have your favors of the 21st and 22d from Dover and am much obliged for the Steps you have took and are taking for procuring Supplies for the Army. All the Cattle that are tolerably fit for slaughter must be immediately consumed on account of our present necessity, and therefore should be drove towards Camp as fast as they can be collected. I do not think that Kent in Maryland or any part of...
By your favor of yesterday I am made acquainted with the feelings of your mind on the subject of my proposal communicated to you by Col. Hamilton; the undisguised manner in which you express yourself cannot but strengthen my good opinion of you—as the offer on my part was purely the result of a high Sense of your merit, and as I would by no means divert you from a Career in which you promise...
I do myself the pleasure to inclose you a letter from the president of Congress, advising you of the promotion of yourself, Lieut. Lindsay and Cornet Peyton, I shall be glad to see you as soon as possible, that we may fix upon the other Officers for your Corps, and devise ways and means of procuring the additional Men, Horses, Arms and Accoutrements If Capt: Lindsay has not rejoined you it...
I have been duly favoured with your letter of the 14th Inst. respecting Capt. Lindsays resignation. Altho’ I give up with regret an officer of Captn Lindsays approved military worth, yet I cannot but acquiesce in his desire to resign; being persuaded, that without his private concerns were of the most pressing nature and demanded his personal attention he would not think of retiring—You will...
Letter not found: to Henry Lee, Jr., 21 Nov. 1778. Lee wrote to GW on 23 Nov. : “I have the honor of your Excellency’s letr of the 21st instt.” See also GW to George Augustine Washington, this date.