
  • Correspondent

    • Lee, Arthur
    • Franklin, Benjamin


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Documents filtered by: Correspondent="Lee, Arthur" AND Correspondent="Franklin, Benjamin"
Results 981-990 of 1,412 sorted by date (descending)
ALS : University of Virginia Library I have received your Favour of the 3d Instant. I have concluded as the shortest and cheapest way to send a Boat out with a French Officer from this place, who has my particular orders relative to his Business. I find that the person you direct me to consult with is returned to [ blank in MS ] I shall therefore write you from thence in a day or two, to which...
AD : Harvard University Library In Company with some American Gentlemen, it was dropped in conversation that it was surprising the Commissioners at Paris Knowing the deplorable situation of the American prisoners confined in the several prisons in England, that they had not sent them any relief; this induced me to wait no longer for an answer from Lord North, to run all risks and to set off...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I calld at Passi yesterday in expectation of meeting you together, that I might have an explanation of the affair with Mr. Stevenson, in which the whole blame is left to rest most undeservedly on me. I have been informd, that a Letter was written on this subject by Mr. Stevenson to the Commissioners, which has been answerd by you Gentlemen without any...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I beg leave to refer you to my letter of the 2d. instant, and altho’ I am not yet in the situation you prescribed for me to transact your Bussiness here, I am nevertheless induced, as well from the season of the year, as the reports of Captains Thompson and Green, to inform you; that the Ship Durass of near Eight hundred Tons Burthen, which is here for...
ALS : University of Virginia Library I am just returned from Painbeuf where I have been with Capt. Nicholson to quiet a Discord between the french and americain Sailors, which we have in a great measure effected; and I hope the Steps agreed on between the Commissary at Pain beuf, the Commander of a french Vessell of War, and ourselves, will soon put an end to it. We have offered free Liberty...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief, The Hague Je crois toujours bien faire, de vous communiquer les intelligences, authentiques comme les ci-jointes, que les circonstances me permettent de me procurer. Je me prescris pareillement, de suivre toujours, quant aux adresses de mes Lettres, et des enveloppes, les premiers ordres que j’ai reçus de Mr. Deane lors...
AL : American Philosophical Society Chalut de Verin prie Messieurs Franklin, Monsieur Dean et Le Chevalier Lée de lui faire l’honneur de venir diner [mardi 6] janvier Jour des Roix. Addressed: A Monsieur / Monsieur Benjamin Franklin / A Passy The farmer general: above, XXIV , 348 n. The “Jour des Roix” or Epiphany, Jan. 6, must have been in 1778: a year earlier BF was not in Passy, and a year...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Your favors of the 2d. 8th: and 10 June last have been recd. and Copies transmitted to the Committee. The subject of them certainly merits their Attention, and I hope your Advice will be litterally complied with. As I have not now the Honor of a Seat in Congress, having been called to an office which will confine me in this State, any Information I can...
(I) AL , (II) L , (III) AL : Harvard University Library We print the letters together because they are an entity: the first elicited the second, the second the third, all on the same day. The first was to the commissioners; the second was from, and the third to, Franklin and Deane alone. This was the second quarrel between Lee and his colleagues over who should carry copies of the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Since I wrote you last I went on a Cruze and fell in with the Brig Gracieux Mr. Augustin Letournois from London Bound to Spain with A Cargoe of Dry Goods the most of the Bills of Lading Consignd to Order. On my Asking the Capt. if he new that his Cargoe was British property or not he made Answer. I seen where he Loaded and that I had a Good prize. On this...