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    • Le Roy, Jean-Baptiste


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Documents filtered by: Author="Franklin, Benjamin" AND Correspondent="Le Roy, Jean-Baptiste"
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ALS : American Philosophical Society; draft dated January 31, 1768, also in American Philosophical Society. Whenever I reflect, as I often do, on the kind Reception I met with at Paris, and the Civilities heap’d upon me there by that People, the politest sure of all Mankind, I dwell with particular Pleasure on the Remembrance of my Acquaintance with you, which I esteem as one of the happiest...
ALS : Bibliothèque Nationale I received your Favour by M. L’Abbé Taglieri, and am oblig’d to you for the Acquaintance of so agreable and intelligent a Man. I have introduc’d him, as you desir’d, to Sir John Pringle, who is much pleas’d with him, and desires me to present his best Respects whenever I write to you. I shall not fail to use my Endeavours to procure for your Friend some of the...
ALS : Pierpont Morgan Library I received your obliging Favour of Nov. 15. I presented your Compliments to Sir John Pringle, who was glad with me to hear of your Welfare, and desired me to offer his best Respects whenever I wrote to you. The Farmers Letters were written by one Mr. Dickinson of Philadelphia, and not by me as you seem to suppose. I only caus’d them to be reprinted here with that...
ALS (draft): American Philosophical Society Soon after my Arrival in London, [I sent you] by Mr. Lettsom, a Quaker Physician, one of the [ torn ] Achromatic Glasses Compleat; which I hope you received safe. By your good Brother I send you three of the Glasses we talk’d of, and which you will find describ’d in one of my Printed Letters. Our Astronomers knew nothing before our Return of the...
ALS : Yale University Library I always think it too much to put you to the Expence of Postage for any Letters of mine; and one so seldom meets with private Hands that one can trouble with a Letter, that our Correspondence must suffer long Interruptions. Your last Favour was dated July 4. recommending to me, and to Sir John Pringle, your Friend the Baron Darcy; to whom we should have gladly...
ALS : American Philosophical Society It is long since I have had the Pleasure of hearing from you. I hope your Health continues, and that your valuable Life will be long preserved. This will be presented to you by Mr. Smith, a young American Gentleman, of liberal Education and excellent Character, who is desirous of seeing your fine Country, the first in Europe, before he returns to his own....
AL (draft ): American Philosophical Society I received your Favour of March 5 per M. Dazoux, and shall be glad of any Opportunity of doing him Service. It gave me great Pleasure to learn by him, that you are well and happily married, on which I give you Joy. ’Tis after all the most natural State of Man. Mr. West our President concerning whom you make Enquiry, is esteemed as a good Antiquarian,...
ALS (draft): American Philosophical Society You punish my delay of writing to you very properly by not writing to me. It is long since I have had the Pleasure of hearing from you: But it is my fault: and I must for my own sake write to you oftener tho’ I have little to say, or you will quite forget me. I thank you for your Advice to send an English Copy of my Writings to the Academy, and shall...
ALS (draft): American Philosophical Society However glad I am of the Occasion, I forbore indulging my self in the Pleasure of congratulating by the first Post my dear double Confrere, on his Election into our Royal Society; because Mr. Walsh undertook to give you the Information, which would make a Second Expence unnecessary, and I saw I should soon have this opportunity by the favour of M....
Extracts and paraphrase: Sothebys & Co. sale catalogue, April 8–9, 1974, p. 93 <London, December 5, 1774: Introduces Mr. Bennet, “one of your Confreres of the Royal Society, a Gentleman of the most amiable Character, and my particular Friend,” who wishes to see the Académie royale des sciences. Adds that the Royal Society “met on Wednesday last, and rechose our Friend Sir John Pringle to be...
AL (draft): American Philosophical Society M. Franklin requests M. Le Roy to tell him the Name of the present Governor of Dominique, who is the Husband of one of the Ladies where we din’d at Epinay.— Also the Name of the Gentleman at whose house we din’d, M. F. having forgot it— This note may well be linked to Christopher Baldwin’s letter of Dec. 18. Right after the conquest of Dominica by the...
ALS (draft): Académie royale des sciences, Paris Started between 1015 and 1028 in Romanesque style, the magnificent cathedral of Strasbourg underwent many transformations over the centuries. Around 1320, the intersection of nave and transept was marked by a Gothic construction resembling a bishop’s miter, hence called the Mitre . By 1365 the twin towers of the façade had been erected, and were...
AL (draft): American Philosophical Society Je vous envoye mon illustre et ancien cher Ami les nouvelles que j’ai reçues, non seulement de la Bataille entre le General Greene & le General Cornwallis, mais aussi celui entre les Amiraux des Touches & Arbuthnot. Les deux Actions paroissent avoir ceci de semblable, que ni l’un ni l’autre Parti avoit beaucoup a se vanter de la Victoire. Quand vous...
Copy: American Philosophical Society Enclosed I send you a Letter and sundry Papers I lately recd from Mr. Eckhardt of Utrecht, a most ingenious Mechanician whom I first knew in London. You will see what he desires, and what Answer I have made him. If you can do him any Service, I need not pray you to do it, because you have a Pleasure in assisting Genius: Show if you please what he says of...