John Jay Papers
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From John Jay to Thomas Jefferson, 14 July 1786

To Thomas Jefferson

NYork 14 July 1786

Dr Sir

Since my last to You of 16 Ult: I have been honored with your Letters of 23d & a joint one from You & Mr Adams of 25 April—1

Considering the Importance of our Commerce with Portugal, It glad to gives me Pleasure to learn that a Treaty with that Kingdom was nearly concluded—2 Until our Affairs shall be more perfectly arranged We shall treat under Disadvantages, and therefore I am not surprised that our Negociations with Britain & Barbary are unpromising.3 To be respectable abroad it is necessary to be so at at Home, & that will not be the Case until our public Faith acquires more Confidence, & our Governmt. more Strength.

When or how these great Objects will be attained can scarcely be conjectured. An uneasiness prevails thro the Country & may produce eventually the desired Reformations, and it may also produce untoward Events—Time alone can give Inform decide this & many other Doubts—for Nations like Individuals are more frequently guided by Circumstances, than Circumstances by them.

I am not charged to communicate to you any Instructions, tho I have Reason to think that some will be ready by the Time the next Packet will sail—nor have we ^I^ any ^very^ interesting Intelligence to transmit—The British Government at New Brunswick have lately given uneasiness to Massachusetts by extending their Jurisdiction farther than the Treaty will warrant; and from the Present State of our Indian Affairs, there is Reason to apprehend Trouble with them. They appear dissatisfied with their late Cessions to us, and it is not certain improbable that they will give Interruption to our Surveyors. How far these People may be instigated by our Neighbours is not decided—but after the asperity observable in the British Nation towards us, renders it creates Suspicions that they wish to see our Difficulties of every kind as encrease and accumulate—4 Indeed I fear that man other European Nations do not regard us entirely without Jealouly^sy^—There are some little Circumstances which look as if the Dutch regret our having found the Way to China,5 and that will probably ^doubtless^ be more or less the Case with every Nation with whose commercial Views we may in any Manner interfere. I am happy in reflecting that there can be so ^but little^ clashing of Interests in between us and France, and therefore that she will probably continue disposed to wish us well and do us good—Especially if we honestly fulfil our pecuniary Engagements with her.—These Engagements however give me much concern—Every Principle and Consideration of Honor Justice & Interest call upon us for good Faith and Punctuality, and yet we are unhappily so Circumstanced that the Monies necessary for the Purpose are not provided, nor in such a Way of being provided as they ought to be—This is owing not to any Thing wrong in Congress, but to thier not possessing that power of Coercion without which no Government can possibly attain the most salutary and constitualtional objects. Excuses and Palliations, and applications for more Time make bad Remittances; and our Allies will afford no Inducements to our Allies ^or others^ to afford us similar aids on future Occasions.

I herewith send a Packet for you from Mr Hopkinson, & the public papers—6 The latter will inform you of the Death of General Greene—This is a serious ^loss^ to his Country as well as his Family, and is universally and justly lamented With great Esteem & Regard I have the honor to be Dr Sr your most obt & hble Servt

The Hon: T. Jefferson Esqr Minr &c:

Dft, NNC (EJ: 5856); LbkC, DNA: Foreign Letters description begins Foreign Letters of the Continental Congress and Department of State, 1785–1790, RG 59, item 121, National Archives (M61). Accessed on description ends , 195–97 (EJ: 2465).

1JJ to TJ, 16 June, PTJ, description begins Julian T. Boyd, Charles T. Cullen et al., eds., The Papers of Thomas Jefferson (41 vols. to date; Princeton, N.J., 1950–) description ends 9: 650–51; TJ to JJ, two letters of 23 Apr., PTJ, description begins Julian T. Boyd, Charles T. Cullen et al., eds., The Papers of Thomas Jefferson (41 vols. to date; Princeton, N.J., 1950–) description ends 9: 402–4; JA and TJ to JJ, 25 Apr. 1786, PTJ, description begins Julian T. Boyd, Charles T. Cullen et al., eds., The Papers of Thomas Jefferson (41 vols. to date; Princeton, N.J., 1950–) description ends 9: 406–7.

2See “Portuguese-American Diplomacy” (editorial note), above.

3See “Anglo-American Diplomacy” (editorial note), above; and “The Barbary States: A Problem with No Ready Solution” (editorial note), above.

5See “Americans Engage in the China Trade” (editorial note), above.

6The packet from Francis Hopkinson was probably the second volume of the Transactions of the American Philosophical Society. See Hopkinson to TJ, 28 June 1786, PTJ, description begins Julian T. Boyd, Charles T. Cullen et al., eds., The Papers of Thomas Jefferson (41 vols. to date; Princeton, N.J., 1950–) description ends 10: 77.

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