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    • Jefferson, Thomas


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Documents filtered by: Recipient="Jefferson, Thomas" AND Correspondent="Jefferson, Thomas"
Results 4381-4410 of 27,020 sorted by editorial placement
I last night received, the Ratification of my last Loan and the inclosed Resolution of Congress of 18 July last, for the Redemption of Prisoners of Algiers. It is probable You have received it before, but as it is, in your Department to execute it, and possible that you may not have received it, I thought it Safest to transmit it to you, as I have now the honour to do, here inclosed. Mr....
When I last had the pleasure of writeing to you, I was at Wm. & Mary attending the different masters of that university; I remained there untill the first of August; since which time I have been here, waiting for money to enable me to return; but have never yet been able to procure it. So soon as I do I shall go down. I mentioned to you in my last, that the want of a Spanish dictionary had...
You promised to come to breakfast with Me the Morning of My departure, and to Accompany me part of the way, did you go? I left Paris with Much regret indeed, I could not bear to take leave any More. I was Confus’d and distracted, you Must have thought me so when you saw me in the Evening; why is it My fortune to find Amiable people where I go, and why am I to be obliged to part with them! T’is...
London, 10 Dec. 1787. On 10 Nov. he received from Jay, the Commissioners of the Treasury, and others, sundry dispatches and letters for TJ; sailed the following day on a vessel bound for Amsterdam; landed at Dover on 9 Dec.; his business will detain him in London for a few days and he is therefore turning the dispatches over to Trumbull; hopes TJ approves; asks him to acknowledge the receipt...
For some time passed it was my intention to pay my respects to your Excellency in Paris, that pleasure I can no longer promise myself, having fixed the 10th. of next month for my departure to America; and not having yet quite adjusted my arrangements for future business. I go direct to Patowmack and hope to be honor’d by your commands; any thing you may wish forwarded either South or North of...
Mrs. Adams’s compliments to Mr. Jefferson and in addition to her former memorandum she requests half a dozen pr. of mens silk stockings. Mr. Trumble will deliver to Mr. Jefferson four Louis and one Guiney. Mr. parker will be so good as to take charge of them, if no opportunity offers before his return. RC ( DLC ). Not recorded in SJL , but certainly received on 19 Dec. when Trumbull arrived...
[ 12 Dec. 1787 . Recorded in SJL Index. Not found.]
[ Amsterdam, 13 Dec. 1787 . Recorded in SJL as received 19 Dec. 1787. Not found. Probably enclosed, with other letters from the same, in TJ to the Commissioners of the Treasury, 30 Dec. 1787 , q.v.]
I have only Time to scribble a Line or two. You have no Doubt received from some of your Friends the new System of Government for our Country. This has been the Subject of great Debate in our Convention for three weeks past and perhaps the true Principles of Government were never upon any Occasion more fully and ably develop’d. Mr. Wilson exerted himself to the astonishment of all Hearers. The...
Since my last respects to you, I have the Honor of receiving your favour of the 17th. Septr., forwarded from New York, by our Friend Mr. Maddison. I thank you for the Political information contained in your letter. As a Citizen of the West, I deprecate all Wars, But as a Citizen of America, I can have no objection to the Powers of Europe going to Logger Heads. The advantages we will reap from...
L’lle d’Oléron, 16 Dec. 1787. Sends a certificate from the Commissioner at L’Orient attesting that he served during the year 1779 under John Paul Jones; family affairs forced him to be absent when the prize money for those serving on the Bonhomme Richard was divided; learns with regret that he was omitted in the division; asks aid in recovering the share due him; would not trouble TJ with this...
Last night I received your Letter of the 12. Mr. Jarvis and Commodore Jones are arrived here from New york both charged with large Dispatches for you. Mr. Jarvis Sent his Packet on by Col. Trumbul who departed from hence for Paris last Thursday. Comr. Jones went off a day or two ago, but both will arrive to you before this Letter. The Papers they carry, with a Renovation of your Commission at...
St. Martin, Ile de Ré, 18 Dec. 1787. Thanks TJ for the information in his letter of 20 Sep., for transmitting his letter to Congress, and for giving him reason to hope that a consul will be appointed for the island. A consul there is essential because of the number of American ships which are forced to come into port by contrary winds. Thomas FitzSimons of Philadelphia, to whom he wrote about...
The Hague, 18 Dec. 1787. Acknowledges TJ’s letter of 9 Dec. and respects his reasons for taking no further steps in the matter of the proposed treaty; hopes his previous letters for America have been sent by this month’s packet and that the enclosed will go by that conveyance also. Has no more belief in the continuance of peace than is generally held elsewhere; considers TJ’s remarks...
[ London, 18 Dec. 1787. Recorded in SJL as received 24 Dec. 1787. Not found.]
[ 18 Dec. 1787. Recorded in SJL Index without further identification. Not found.]
Le Havre, 18 Dec. 1787. Not having a reply to his letters of 18 and 19 Nov., fears that the observations in his letter of 18 Nov. were not approved; if such is the case, he wishes to be informed. Observes, nevertheless, that if the duties on yellow beeswax imported from America into France were lessened, its importation would be greatly increased; the present duty is 5.₶ 10s. per 100 “neat.”...
Le Havre, 18 Dec. 1787. Transmits “copies of vouchers belonging to Willie Thomas Master of the Scooner of Polly and Sally of Salem.” Capt. Thomas has appealed for help; his ship was chartered by the agent of the company which has the exclusive privilege of the Senegal trade with France to carry a cargo from thence to Le Havre. Under these circumstances he anticipated no difficulty and...
Marseilles, 19 Dec. 1787. Thanks TJ for the useful information in his letter of 2 Dec.; will report what settlement he makes for the whale oil which he expects in the near future. Has received letters from Philadelphia which inform him that the price of tobacco there is high because of scarcity; that his friends were able to procure only 132 hhds. of tobacco for his ship which sailed for...
I am just arrived here from England. I left New York the 11th. Novr. and have brought public dispatches and a number of private Letters for you. I would have waited on you immediately instead of writing, but I have several strong reasons for desiring that no person should know of my being here till I have seen you and been favored with your advice on the steps I ought to pursue. I have a...
[ Paris, 20 Dec. 1787. Recorded in SJL as received 20 Dec. 1787. Not found.]
[ 20 Dec. 1787. Recorded in SJL Index. Not found; this letter is probably an answer to TJ to Langdon, 18 Sep. 1787 , q.v.]
The packet has been detained here since the date of the letter which you will receive along with this, by some preparations suggested by an apprehension of war. The delay is very unfavorable to the trees on board for you. Mr. De la Forest the Consul here called on me a few days ago and told me he had information that the farmers general and Mr. Morris having found their contract mutually...
J’ai reçu, avec la Lettre que vous m’aves fait l’honneur de m’écrire, copie de celle par laqu’elle le Capitaine Hussey déclare que les huiles de Baleine importées par le Vaisseau le Renard sont de produit de la pêche américaine: cette déclaration ne remplit pas entierement le voeu des réglemens en cette matière; il faudrait le temoignage du Consul de France: mais puisque vous voules bien le...
Une Des plus Nobles fonctions d’un historien est de pouvoir transmettre a La posterité Les noms des Grands hommes qui ont Bien merité De Leur patrie. J’aurai souvent occasion De parler Dans Mon ouvrage Des heros qui ont Coôperés a La révolution Des etats de L’amerique septentrionale, c’est a ce titre que j’ai l’honneur de Demander a votre Excellence, La permission De lui dédier un procès...
It hurts me to intrude on you, with nothing new or interesting, but what you must receive from those who shed ink more importantly than I possibly can, but your earnest friendship must be my apology. Your kind opinion which coincided with several here I flattered myself would settle the point clearly as to Marrow-bone but behold these adepts in the law have abandoned their former opinion, and...
[ Paris, 24 Dec. 1787 . Recorded in SJL as received 24 Dec. 1787. Not found.]
I am very glad to Learn by the Letters your Excellency hath favord me with the 22nd. Instant that an arrest in the behalf of the Commerce of the US is soon to take place; and that you have not slept away the informations I have taken the freedom to send to your Excellency. Give me leave to say that we are not of the Same opinion about Capt. Thomas’s Circumstance. Your Excellency is beseech’d...
En Reponse a l’honneur de la votre du 17 du Courant par laquelle vous me marque de vous achetté troit feuillette de vin blan de la goute d’or, je suis eté chez Mr. Bachey qui en a Encorre trois feuillette, mais il ne veut vendre que deux dans ce moment icy et il veut en avoir Cent livres de la feuillette et pas a moins; et je suis esté Chez Mr. Latour, il n’a plus de Montrachet de 84 mais il...
We are honored with Your Excellency’s most esteemed favor of 13 Inst. to our N.V.S. who is highly flattered to have served you by his particular Exertions in securing the regular payment of your current demands for the Legation of the U.S. Exclusive of our personal Respect for Your Excellency, which will always urge us to do all in our power to oblige you, We are so firmly persuaded of our...