Thomas Jefferson Papers
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University of Virginia: State of the funds of the UVA as of 1 Jan. 1825, 15 Mar. 1825, 15 March 1825

State of the funds of the University Jan. 1. 1825.
Due on Annuity of 1823 800 
Debt from the Library fund 6,000  Debts due to individuals 6,144.
Annuity 15,000  To be remitted to Italy for capitals, bases, pavemt 3,000.
Bank loan on credit of arrearages of sbscrptns 5,000  Ordinary current expences of the year 3,500.
*Residuum of sperate arrearages (3426) ½ ys year 1,713  Salaries of 5. Professors from Jan. 1 7,500.
Rent of 6. Hotels from Mar. 7 993   of 3. do suppose from Apr. 1. 3,405 
Rent of 25. dormitories ⅛ off 350  Anatomical theatre 4,000 
University rent from 50. Students. ⅛ off 657  Surplus for building and contingencies. 2,164 
29.713  29,713 
Account of the Literary fund.
Donation of 1824. 50,000  Debt to general fund 6,000 
  To finish Library room 6,000 
  Purchase of library 18,000 
  Chemical Laboratory and apparatus
  Astronomical apparatus
  Nat. philos. and Mathematical do
  Anatomical and medical do
  Mineralogical and geological collections
    Conchological collection  
A prospective view. e.g.   of 1826. Eta
Annuity 15,000  Salaries of 8. Professors @ 1500.D 12.000 
Rent of 6. Hotels 1,200  Military instructor 200.
  100. dormitories @ 16.D. 1,600. Librarian 150 
 9. do @ 12.D 108  Secretary of Faculty 50.
University rent from 218. Students @ 15.D 3.270  Annual ordinary current expences 3,500 
Arrearages 6400D good    Surplus for debts repairs, buildings, contingencies 5,278 
21,178. 21,178 

* the other moiety, 1,713D will probably be recd in 1826.

Mar. 15. 25.

Ordinary current expences.
Bursar’s commission on 21,178.D  211.
Proctor’s salary 1,500
Janitor’s wages and provisions  200.
Overseer’s wages and provisions  200.
Hire & maintenance of 10. men & 1. woman  950
a Horse  100.
Taxes on lands and laborers  15.
Contingencies  324


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