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    • Washington Presidency
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    • Jefferson, Thomas


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Documents filtered by: Period="Washington Presidency" AND Correspondent="Jefferson, Thomas"
Results 3211-3260 of 7,373 sorted by author
I received yesterday your favor of May 22. and receive it with great pleasure as it assures me...
I received from Mr. Beckley the inclosed commission with a request to have it recorded in my...
Your favor of Jan. 15. with Mr. Robinson’s letter came to hand Jan. 30. I immediately put them...
I wrote you two letters in the course of the last twelvemonths to wit May 26. and Sep. 6. 95. and...
Your seal not being finished till this morning I was not able to send it by any of the gentlemen...
I have the honor to inclose you copies of some papers received from General Irwin as guardian to...
 Note of Mr. Barnes’s Dr. & Cr. Dr. Cr. 1795 Apr. 14. Nett proceeds of 2800 } 6. pr. Cents...
I am much obliged by your kind attention to the three pipes of wine brought to Baltimore for me....
As the conditions of our commerce with the French and British Dominions, are important, and a...
I have the honor to acknolege the receipt of your favor of yesterday covering the letter of Mr....
We were detained on the road by the rains so that we did not arrive here till yesterday about two...
The accounts of the souldiers of Virginia and North Carolina having been examined by the proper...
I did not arrive at this place till the last of March, and an illness which came on me soon after...
By a letter just recieved from Prince, the Nurseryman of Long island, I learn he has forwarded 4....
Thomas Jefferson with his respects to the President incloses a draught of the clause for the...
Your letter on the subject of further supplies to the Colony of St. Domingo, has been duly...
In consequence of the last letter you were so kind as to write me, I wrote to Mr. Baker for...
I. The First question is Whether the application of the Executive of France for 3. millions of...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to Dr. [Hutchinson] and sends him the result of the five...
July 29. 1793. At a meeting at the President’s on account of the British letter of marque ship...
The Secretary of State having yesterday received a Note from Mr Strong as Chairman of a Committee...
Notes of a conversation with Mr. Hammond June 3. 1792 Having received Mr. Hammond’s letter of...
I have to acknolege the receipt of yours of May 16. with the information always pleasing of your...
By an act of Congress passed on the last day of their session it was made the duty of the...
The day after my arrivel here the equinoctial gales commenced and have prevailed now for nine...
I did not answer your favor of Jan. 18. immediately on the reciept of it because I had written...
I have duly recieved your favor of April 30. together with the volume of laws accompanying it:...
I recieved in due time your favor of April 13. together with Dr. Lind’s book, which I now return...
Th: Jefferson with his respects to the President sends him a letter from Mr Short. Also a...
The Secretary of State, to whom was referred by the House of Representatives, the representation...
The Superscription of the inclosed letter in German not being understood, it was by mistake...
The inclosed papers will inform you of some checks the French have lately received. They are...
I am to acknolege the reciept of your favors of Jan. 23 Feb. 15. Apr. 8. and May 24. with the...
All are well here and at Edgehill. The most remarkeable fact in our neighborhood is the marriage...
Your favor of Apr. 30. has been duly recieved. My separation from my books and papers of account,...
Your favour of the 2d. of January was received the 4th. instant. The dispositions expressed by...
Our mutual friend Colo. Bell was to pay me a sum of about 200. dollars and I think he said it...
The Secretary of state, to whom has been referred by the President of the United States, the...
I inclose you the original Memoir of Monsr. Morel with the translation of it made by the clerk...
The necessity of establishing a communication from Richmond into the upper parts of Virginia...
The interruption of the communication by post between Charlottesville and Richmond, by the...
I have just now received your favor of [15 Feb. 1793. A?] law is passed on the subject of patents...
I am still to thank you for the grains of dry rice, the copy of the corn report, and the Number...
Philadelphia, July 13, 1792. “Permit me to request the favor of you to cause a warrant to be...
Mr. Lindsay Coleman called on me yesterday on the transaction which has been the subject of our...
for which sum of £97–14–6¾ with interest from the 19th. of April 1783. I now inclose you an order...
Th: Jefferson having had the honor at different times heretofore of giving to the President...
I have just received a Northern hare , and have got from the market a common one. It may be worth...
I received a few days ago your favor of the 4th. instant . Having had occasion, while in my late...
I return you the report on the mint which I have read over with a great deal of satisfaction. I...