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RC ( LC : Madison Papers). Cover missing. In the right margin of the second page, Jefferson wrote...
My journey from Annapolis was so much retarded by rains and their effect on the water courses...
RC ( LC : Madison Papers). Cover addressed to “James Madison junr. esq. Orange. to the care of mr...
I inclose for you under cover to Mr. Madison a copy of Homer. I am anxious to hear from you, to...
I wrote you by the post this day fortnight, since which I have received two letters from you. I...
Your determination to avail yourself of the fine weather proved I fear a very unfortunate one. I...
[ Annapolis, 11 Dec. 1783 . Entry in SJL reads: “Jas. Maury. What ports [posts?] would...
[ Annapolis, 11 Dec. 1783 . Entry in SJL reads: “P. Mazzei. Account of my transactions for...
Availing myself of the place in P’s letter where a postscript should be, I take the liberty of...
[ Annapolis, 12 Dec. 1783 . Entry in SJL reads: “Governor. Definitive treaty—British proclamation...
[ Annapolis, 12 Dec. 1783 . Entry in SJL reads: “Jos. Jones. No Congr. Definitive treaty. Western...
I take particular notis of that part of your letter that relates to my intended reunion with my...
I received your favor of the 8th inst. with great satisfaction as it anticipated a proposition I...
I had the honour of writing to your Excellency on the 12th. instant on the subject of the...
[ Annapolis, 18 Dec. 1783 . Entry in SJL reads: “Sp. H. Del. European intelligence.—extract from...
[ Annapolis, 19 Dec. 1783 . Entry in SJL reads: “Mrs. Carr. My request of W. S. [William Short]...
[ Annapolis, 19 Dec. 1783 . Entry in SJL reads: “Sp. Sen. European intelligence—extract from...
I send you an act of our assembly by which you will see their willingness to join the other...
[ Annapolis, 19 Dec. 1783 . Entry in SJL reads: “W. Short. 1st. hope desperate—2d doubtful—to...
I send you the sketch, which I have been obliged to obliterate and blot after making what I...
I have your favor by the Post this week and have the satisfaction to inform you the Assembly have...
Your letters of Novbr. 10th. and Decbr. 11th came both together a few days ago and reliev’d us...
I hoped before this to have received letters from you regularly and weekly by the post, and also...
[ Annapolis, 22 Dec. 1783 . Entry in SJL reads: “Mrs. Trist—dissuading immediate departure....
[ Annapolis, 23 Dec. 1783 . Entry in SJL reads: “J. Ambler to set apart my dividends and give me...
[ Annapolis, 23 Dec. 1783 . Entry in SJL reads: “F. Hopkinson—letter to...
The present week affords us nothing new for communication unless it be the affecting scene of...
[ Annapolis, 24 Dec. 1783 . Entry in SJL reads: “J. Madison of the college—to observe thermometer...
[ Annapolis, 26 Dec. 1783 . Entry in SJL reads: “C. Carter. General’s audience—European...
I am much obliged to you for your favor of the 17th. It contains many interesting particulars and...
[ Annapolis, 26 Dec. 1783 . Entry in SJL reads: “H. Skipw. Genl’s audience—European news—danger...
Resolved that however earnestly and anxiously Congress wish to proceed to the ratification of the...
[ Annapolis, 27 Dec. 1783 . Entry in SJL reads: “Mrs. Eppes. She to write every 1st. Sund. and...
[ Annapolis, 28 Dec. 1783 . Entry in SJL reads: “Dr. Currie. Crawford’s theory—his ivory book not...
[ Annapolis, 28 Dec. 1783 . Entry in SJL reads: “Mr. Hawkins. Vocabulary—Buffon’s character of...
[ Annapolis, 29 Dec. 1783 . Entry in SJL reads: “Capt Hutchins. Vocabulary for any Indian...
The Committee to whom was referred the motion of Mr. Gherry for procuring access to the papers of...
I have the satisfaction to inform you the Senate contrary to my expectation passed the act...
[ Annapolis, 29 Dec. 1783 . Entry in SJL reads: “Bernard Moore vocabulary and queries for the...
[ Annapolis, 29 Dec. 1783 . Entry in SJL under this date, immediately following entry for...
[ Annapolis, 30 Dec. 1783 . Entry in SJL reads: “E. Rand. European news. Dutch commotions—but 7....
[ Annapolis, 31 Dec. 1783 . Entry in SJL reads: “Edwd. Fox. On Gilmer’s accounts. Not found.]
Letters from Holland from the middle to the last of September inform us that the citizens of the...
Just before I left Albemarle a proposition was started for establishing there a grammar school....
Prender of possession, and assumption of boundary, by the Jus gentium of America, gives a right...
The parties being willing to fix in a permanent and equitable manner the rules to be observed in...
Before the late revolution, the eight states, from Delaware to New-Hampshire inclusive, exported...
88Memorandum Books, 1784 (Jefferson Papers)
Jan. 1. Paid Mrs. Gheeseland to this day for myself £13–2–6. Note this is a guinea a week or 5/ a...
MS ( DLC : TJ Papers, 234: 41926); entirely in TJ’s hand, with deletions and interlineations that...
RC ( LC : Madison Papers). Cover missing. Docketed by JM, “Thos. Jefferson Jan 1 1784.” Beneath...