
  • Recipient

    • Randolph, Martha Jefferson
  • Period

    • Adams Presidency
  • Correspondent

    • Jefferson, Thomas


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Documents filtered by: Recipient="Randolph, Martha Jefferson" AND Period="Adams Presidency" AND Correspondent="Jefferson, Thomas"
Results 11-18 of 18 sorted by recipient
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I arrived here in good health on the 7th. day after my departure from home, without any intervening accident and am as well as when I left home. I recieved here the inclosed letter from Mr. Pintard our Consul at Madeira who sais it was given him by one of your old convent acquaintances settled there. I suppose the letter will inform you of more particulars. We yesterday recieved the...
Ellen appeared to be feverish the evening you went away: but visiting her a little before I went to bed, I found her quite clear of fever, & was convinced the quickness of pulse which had alarmed me had proceeded from her having been in uncommon spirits and been constantly running about the house through the day & especially in the afternoon. since that she has had no symptom of fever, and is...
I wrote to mr Randolph on the 30th. of Jan. having just then recieved his of the 19th. it was not till yesterday that I learned from the Post office that our post now departs on Wednesday morning from this place. my letters hitherto have been written for Thursday morning, so that you will have recieved them a week later. tell mr Randolph that the day on which I wrote to him, but after I had...
Having nothing of business to write on to mr Randolph this week I with pleasure take up my pen to express all my love to you, and my wishes once more to find myself in the only scene where, for me, the sweeter affections of life have any exercise. but when I shall be with you seems still uncertain. we have been so long looking forward from 3. weeks to 3. weeks, & always with disappointment,...
It is very long since I wrote to you, because I have been uncertain whether you would not have left Eppington before the arrival of my letters there, & the rather as I found them very long getting there. mr Randolph’s letter of the 12th. informs me you had then returned to Edgehill. in a letter of Mar. 24. which is the last I have recieved from Eppington , mr Eppes informed me Maria was so...
Yours of Jan. 31. is this moment put into my hands, and the departure of the post obliges an answer on the same day. I am much afflicted to learn that your health is not good, and the particular derangement of your stomach. this last is the parent of many ills, and if any degree of abstinence will relieve you from them it ought to be practised. perhaps in time it may be brought to by beginning...
I wrote to mr Randolph on the 2d. inst. acknoleging the receipt of his letter of the 18th. Jan. I had one also at the same time from mr Richardson giving me the details from Monticello. the death of Jupiter obliges me to ask of mr. Randolph or yourself to give orders at the proper time in March for the bottling my cyder. I forgot to bring with me a morsel cut from one of our sheets, as a...
I wrote to Mr. Randolph two or three days ago, but I imagine he will recieve the letter at Richmond on his way up: for we expect he will of course come up this week. He has a more dangerous competitor in Billy Wood than had arisen before. But I hear little about it. I arrived in good health at home this day sennight. The mountain had then been in bloom ten days. I find that the natural...