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    • Jefferson, Thomas


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Documents filtered by: Recipient="Jefferson, George" AND Period="Adams Presidency" AND Correspondent="Jefferson, Thomas"
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No.  95. 131.  1527.  96. 131.  1546. 100. 131.  1569. 101. 131.  1607 177 131.  1425 186. 131.  1615 217
I recieved yesterday your favor of the 16th. my proposition was meant exactly as you supposed, to sell my tobo. for the highest price which shall be given before Oct. 1. on a credit not longer than the purchaser will have for mine. as to it’s being the highest price given on James river or at Richmond , I did not suppose it made a difference. I presume so high a price is given at Richmond as...
Since the date of my last letter I have entered into an engagement which will render it necessary that I should recieve the proceeds of my tobo. on the 1st. of September. the sale must therefore be made on a credit not exceeding that time. I set out from hence in three days. I am Dear Sir Your affectionate friend PrC ( MHi ); at foot of text: “Mr. George Jefferson”; endorsed by TJ in ink on...
I found on my return home an extraordinary failure in my stock of corn & that article so scarce & dear that [it has] been with the greatest difficulty I could find a supply. [it will] call for a sum of 500. D. without giving me time to call in my nail[ery?] […] I believe I can still [value?] on you [for] about 150. D. and if you should have recieved any [more] money from mr Pendleton, the...
I have to acknolege the receipt of your favors of Mar. 26. & Apr. 1. and to thank you for the speedy effect given to my draught in favor of mr Richardson. 4. hhds of my tobo. left this yesterday. there are still 9. to go. they will make between 19 & 20,000. I am not in the least alarmed with the late [decline here?] on the price of tobo. this is not an article which is up one day & down the...
I have to acknolege your several favors of Mar. 18 & 26. and Apr. 1. & 8. the contents of which have been attended to. the corks by mr Richardson are received, & the packages by the little Jim are said to have arrived at Milton last night with some of Dr. Bache’s goods. since my last 4. hhds of my tobo. from this place have gone down. we began to be under great apprehension (and there is...
Since mine of Apr. 18. your’s of Apr. 22. & May 6. have come to hand, as did safely the goods by the Sally, Potter. Johnston took down 7. hhds of my tobo. from Milton & the remaining 2. hhds were to go or will go immediately by another hand. I am entirely astonished at the stagnation of the price of tobo. in London, before the arrival of this year’s shipments; for in Feb. (the date of our...
I am now to ask your assistance in a matter not exactly in the line of ordinary business, and which I am afraid will give you some trouble. In the early part of my life, percieving that the laws of this state which were no longer in force were vanishing fast I set about making a collection of them, & with considerable success, it was fortunately before the revolution which would otherwise have...
Your favor of [June 3.] came to hand yesterday. I mentioned in a [ recent letter ] that I had [written to] Philadelphia & N. York to enquire the prospect of selling my tobo. from Philadelphia my advice is discouraging. but from N. York [I found] […] [of a much] better price than is to be had at Richmond, but […] to [send] 10. hogsheads at first as an experiment. we have therefore concluded...
Your favor of June 10. came to hand yesterday. at the same time a mr Goode called on me, a young man living in Richmond & in mr Ross’s employ, who told me that the day before he left Richmond tobo. was got up to 56/ cash, and that mr Gallego had given that on that day, say June 9. he was positive but whether quite exact or not if there be a prospect of it’s getting up to 10. D. we had better...
Your two favors of the 17th. came to hand yesterday. the duplicate manifest of No. 10. is recieved & the deficient one of No. 7. shall be inquired for. I am glad the tobo. was shipped to N. York before my request to suspend it was recieved, as the information about the rise of the Richmond price seems more than dubious. at any rate by the time we know the success of this shipment we must...
Yours of the 23d. is duly recieved. the corks & a bottle of lemon juice [arrived yesterday?] I am sorry I gave you a second time the trouble of enquiring the price [of flour]. the [settlement with] my merchant having been delayed a twelvemonth […] failure & arrangement of […] [it had escaped] me that I had […] to you [the] last [June—] […] I have [turned to your] letter—at th[at time] […] your...
This serves to advise you of the following draughts on you July 7. £5. payable to E. Randolph or order. at sight. 200. Doll payable to Wm. Davenport or order. at 10. days sight. 10. 19. D 62½ c. payable to John Priddy or order. at sight. 12. £19.14.11. payable to Anderson Roe or order at sight. your favor of the 8th. is recieved; & the hat by mr Conard, & 20. bundles of nailrod by Faris are...
Your’s of the 14th. is at hand, as are also the 12. bottles of Center. Faris lost the lampblack, which however was not important as I got a supply from mr Higginbotham. on the 18th. inst. I drew on you for 50/6 in favor of John Peyton , & yesterday for £18.16.9 equal to 62. D 79 in favor of Moran or order at 3. days sight. it escaped me at the proper date (July 1) to desire you to pay...
I wrote you last on the 25th. since which I have to acknolege the reciept of yours of July 29. mr Barnes informs me that on the 5th. inst. he shipped for me on board the Schooner Sophia from Philadelphia a box containing 3. pair of glass doors, which be pleased to forward by water , when the condition of the river shall admit the Milton boats to go down. in the mean time be so good as to send...
In my letter of the 16th. I omitted to desire you to send me 200. [℔ ] of the best brown sugar. there is a white Havanna sugar, in powder, a little dearer than common brown which I should prefer; or one half of that, & half of good brown. this may be sent by a waggon either to mr Higginbotham at Milton or Colo. Bell at Charlottesville who will pay the transportation. we are in immediate want...
I am to ask the favor of you to call on mr John Thompson Callender & pay him the sum of 50. Dollars on account of books of which he is advised in the within letter, and you will oblige Dear Sir Your friend & servt PrC ( MHi ); at foot of text: “50. Doll.” and “[Mr]. George Jefferson”; endorsed by TJ in ink on verso. Enclosure: TJ to Callender, 6 Sep. 1799 .
By this post I forward the papers in the dispute between mr Ross & my [self] to Dr. Currie, who [has] agreed to be the [depository] of them. as I made paiments in money for a tobo. debt, I am entitled to have them converted into tobo. at the Cash price at which […] [I had purchased and inspected] tobo. on the 1st. of Jan. […] [and] […] [the prices] stated to me in your letter mr Rutherford...
In the year 1774 (before a shilling of paper money had issued) I sold about […] acres of land in [Cumber]land & Bedford to pay my part of a debt of mr Wayles to Farrel & Jones. I offered the bonds to their agent immediately but he refused to take them. the money was paid to me in 79. 80. &c. I [then carried it] to the treasury as the laws pressed on all to do who owed money to British...
Having occasion to write to the exr or admr of the late Benj. Harrison and ignorant who it is, I take the liberty of inclosing you the letter and asking you to enquire, and to direct & have it delivered to the proper person. Being about to write to mr Short I wish to inform him What is the present price at market of Jas. river Canal shares? when it is expected that the partners will begin to...
As soon as mr Pollard will give a form for the power of attorney [I sh]all be glad to send you one on behalf of mr Short; as I wish his interest to be represented at the meetings. Mr Short owned 1000. as. of green sea land in Norfolk county granted [to] him by patent Dec. 10. 1784. it is but lately I know of this. having [written] to Colo. T. Newton to learn on what footing it stood as to the...
I have to acknolege the reciept of your two [letters of Oct. 28. and] Nov. 4. and I now inclose you [the two] reciepts recieved in […] letter, with a proper authority indorsed on each to [recieve whatever] […] to be given in exchange for them. I presume interest will be […] if it be a certificate which is to be given in exchange for these […]. be so good as to turn it into cash & to pay the...
[…] distrust of [this] post office, induces me to put [these letters] […] to you [but] I desire that they may be delivered to […] on the [moment] of their arrival in Richmond, as their [whole importance is in] their being re[ceived before] the meeting of the house of delegates. will you be so good as to send me by the first b[oats] 3. gross of [bottles] & 6. gross of the best corks I am Dear...
I have this day drawn on you in favor of Dabney Carr for [fifty] dollars. tho’ as far as I am possessed of our account there would [be funds?] in your hands sufficient to cover this, [but?] there are some articles of [expences &c] paid by you for me which probably [may make] this an over draught. [if therefore] you will be so good as to make a statement of our accounts and [paiments] so as to...
I hardly expected to have addressed you again from this place, where I have been detained much beyond my calculation. I am just now on my departure. In my last I desired some bottles (3. gross) & 6 gross of corks to be forwarded when there should be boats coming up. part of my nailrod is still to come also. as I understand that molasses is become cheap, say as low as 2/[6]. I would be glad to...
Mr. John Barnes has recieved from Dr. Bache 3333⅓ Dol. say £1000. V.C. for James Key, to be remitted at Key’s request to mr Brydie . the money is deposited for safe custody in the bank of the US. mr Key’s distress for the money is great, & mr Barnes assures me a draught on Richmond is not to be had here. the purport of this is to ask of you, if you should have occasion for a draught on this...
Your favors of Jan. 26. & 31. came safely to hand. what you decided on the subject of the molasses was according to my wish, and I would only desire my former order on that subject to be complied with in the event of it’s falling to the price then mentioned. I expect by this time you will have recieved 3. tons of half crown rod from Monticello, which I return to mr Roberts as unfit for my use....
I mentioned in a former letter that 3. tons of nail rod, too large for my use, would be brought down from Monticello, & desired you to hold it till I could get mr Roberts’s order to whom it should be delivered in Richmond to his use. he now authorises me to have it delivered to Joseph Anthony, merchant in Richmond. I will ask the favor of you to do this, if the rod is come down, & to send me...
Your’s of the 5th. is this moment come to hand. I learn from home that 69. faggots of rod were sent from thence. I hope they will be safely delivered to you, as it would be very inconvenient to me to advance cash in lieu of them. I have written 4. different letters to mr Eppes & my daughter , by post to Petersburg, and not one has been recieved. I therefore take the liberty of inclosing one...
I wrote you on the 6th. since which I have recieved your’s of the 5th. being indebted to mr Lyon the printer 10. Dollars, and perhaps something more for his magazines, I have desired him to call on you for paiment, which I pray you to make him. I put the letter to him under your cover, lest a letter from me to him might excite the officious notice of the post office. I forwarded to mr Randolph...
Your favor of the 24th. is recieved. I this afternoon recieved a letter from mr Randolph informing me you had been so kind as to step in between him & the agent of Leroy & Bayard, & by advancing the sum necessary, to prevent the sale of his land: and he wishes me to do what I can to prevent inconvenience to you till his tobacco instalments can come in. knowing nothing of the amount of the sum...
I wrote you on the 4th. that I should have a sum of money sent on about the 11th. to cover your advance for mr Randolph: but yesterday I recieved a letter from him mentioning that mr Picket had agreed to recieve the money in New York, and that the whole sum would be 2300. D. I find that about 400. D. for which I had given mr Barnes an order on the James river co. did not remain with you as I...
Mr. Randolph’s second letter of Feb. 27. directing the money you were to advance to be repaid at N. York at 30. days, I had omitted the discounting day, supposing I had time at command. his letter of Mar. 1. informing me that Picket had retracted, & that you had actually paid the cash, arrived yesterday (Saturday) afternoon. it is therefore now impossible to remit till Wednesday morning the...
Agreeably to what I informed you in my letter of the 9th. inst. I now inclose you one thousand dollars in bills of the banks of Pennsylvania & the United States, on account of the advances you have made for mr Randolph to mr Picket. the residue shall follow according to what is mentioned in the same letter. I am Dr. Sir Your friend & servt PrC ( MHi ); at foot of text: “Mr. George Jefferson.”
Agreeable to the arrangement expressed in my letter of the 9th. inst. I did on the 11th. inclose you one thousand dollars, and now inclose 400. Dol. more in notes of the banks of the US. & Pennsylva, to be applied to the credit of mr Randolph for your advances on his behalf. I am Dear Sir Your friend & servt PrC ( MHi ); at foot of text: “Mr. George Jefferson”; endorsed by TJ in ink on verso.
According to former assurances I now inclose you four hundred and seventy dollars in Pennsylvania bank bills, which with the two sums of 1000. and 400. before sent , make up the sum of 1870. D. being as near as we could come to the 1868.79 advanced by your friendship for mr Randolph, and which this is to replace. your favor of the 11th. was recieved yesterday. I am properly sensible of the...
A little before I left home I recieved a letter from mr James Brown with his account against mr Short, of which I now inclose you a copy balance in favr. of mr Short £81—13—11 with interest. I should state it thus however. James Brown in account Dr. with William Short. Cr.  £ s d  £ s d 1793. Oct. 3. To cash for mt. on   certificates  99–5–9 1793. Oct. 3 } By sundry fees paid between these...
An opportunity occurs of immediately disposing of what ready money can be a raised for mr Short, to great advantage. be so good therefore as to settle without delay the balance with mr Brown & remit it to mr Barnes. I repeat that if any future discoveries of just charges can be made I will undertake that they be repaid. I am with great esteem Dear Sir Your friend & servt PrC ( DLC : Short...
I authorised mr Eppes in case he should purchase a horse which he was to get for me, to make me liable for 300. Dollars as the price; and as the seller was not acquainted with me, I gave him leave to draw on you for the sum at three months date, as he might consider your acceptance as more suitable to him. should such a draught be presented, be pleased to accept it, on full assurance that the...
I wrote you last on the 7th. of June, since which your’s of the 9th. 16th. 23d. & 30th. have been recieved—as have all the articles announced in them as forwarded. a half dozen stick chairs should have come with the other articles from Philadelphia, & as I left them in mr Barnes’s wareroom with the other things, perhaps they did come, & have been mis-delivered by the Captain. tho’ were this...
Yours of the 14th. is recieved. I find that mr Barnes has made some mistake about the stick chairs. he recieved and paid for half a dozen for me. they were painted of a very dark colour, & were in this style. perhaps, if you saw those forwarded to Colo. Cabell you will recollect whether they were in this form, and may judge whether they were mine. if not, then mr Barnes has not forwarded mine...
On the 4th. of Aug. I drew on you in favor of Rhodes for 168.82 D. this by my statement would be somewhat over the funds I had in your hands, besides which you have paid articles of freight, drayage &c of which I have no account. I now inclose you a draught on John Barnes at George town for 200. D. tho’ it must be presented to him there, yet it is payable at the bank of the US. in...
Yours of the 8th. came to hand yesterday, and I this day wrote to mr Barnes in consequence. I am sorry to find that Henry Duke has drawn 300. D. from you, as his letter informs me. as he did not draw the money when lodged for him in May, [he was] according to agreement to give me 3. months notice. this makes no other odds than the increasing your advance [and it] would have been convenient for...
By a letter by this day’s post addressed to John Barnes of Georgetown I desire him to remit you in the first week of October six hundred & eighty dollars. this is the mode which appears most convenient to you both. I have also desired him to remit you a sum of not quite 300. D. for mrs Anne Key & Walter Key which place to their own account, subject to their orders. I expect some stoves from...
I recieved a letter from mr Callender dated in the jail on the 11th. inst. informing me he was about to publish a volume but was under some difficulty in getting it effected. I will ask the favor of you to call on him yourself and to furnish him fifty dollars on my account for which I will request him to send me two copies of his work when out, & the rest to remain till convenience. he...
In order to replace the money paid by you to Callender & to carry it into my account with the company, I inclose you an order on the company for the sum paid, 50. D. so that his name will not appear on their books. I wish you could have visited us this summer; however what is only deferred is not lost. I am Dr. Sir Your’s affectionately PrC ( MHi ); with enclosure pressed below signature; at...
Yours of the 3d. are recieved. if 5½ D can be got for my tobo. in Richmond I would have you sell it at once, unless you see that the market is rising. credit to be given to the 1st. day of deposit. I inclose you the Manifests for the 21. hhds from Poplar Forest. whether you have before recieved those for the 9. hhds made here, or whether they have never been taken out, I am unable to say at...
I recieved your favor of the 11th. when too much hurried for my departure to answer it from Monticello. I would wish you to retain awhile the money you recieved from mr Pendleton. it is necessary for me to know from the Secretary of the Treasury whether he chuses to recieve the money or to pass it as a paiment to mr Short. mr Fenwick lately from Bourdeaux does not give me much expectation of a...
I now inclose you a power of attorney respecting mr Short’s canal shares to supply the place of the former one supposed to be mislaid. this will authorise you to recieve the money now paiable, and to act for him in every thing respecting his canal interest. the money is immediately to be transferred to this place to mr Barnes who is instructed to make a peculiar investment of it. I happen at...
I recieved yesterday your’s of the 10th. and immediately wrote to mr Barnes at Georgetown to remit you 3[84.]43 D which with the 535.83 D exchanged with mr Short will make up 920.26 the amount of my draughts on you , and be recieved I am in hopes before more of those draughts are presented than the 535.83 will answer. I am with great esteem Dear Sir Your’s affectionately PrC ( MHi ); blurred;...