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Documents filtered by: Correspondent="Jefferson, Thomas" AND Correspondent="Randolph, Thomas Mann"
Results 11-20 of 304 sorted by date (descending)
I certainly had not the most distant thought of bearing on any controverted question, when, in my...
I have just received a letter from M r John Campbell Councillor of State of Virginia inclosing a...
In consequence of the death of the Naval store keeper at the Navy yard of Gosport the situation...
William L. Pogue Esq r of the state of Kentucky having expressed a desire to wait upon you, as he...
Your favor of Jan. 31. is this moment rec d and without loss of time I have filled up the dates...
Your favor of Jan. 26. did not get to hand till yesterday. my memory is so much in default on the...
We have not had a meeting of the Board of the Literary Fund untill today. I have succeeded in...
The House of delegates by resolution of January 19 th called for information concerning “the...
I recieved two hours ago your favor of the 3 d and lose no time in executing the bond and lodging...
M r Pendleton a Director of the Literary Fund has within this hour agreed with me to complete the...